Illegal Immigrants, The Flu and other Contagious Diseases

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
America is being invaded. Not just by illegal immigrants and foreign cultures who have no love for America.

No we are being invaded by people who do not practice good hygiene, who carry diseases long ago eradicated in the US, and who are bringing Polio, The Measels, Tuberculosis, & new strains of Avian and Swine Flu.

If you or someone you know caught the flu this season you may very well have an illegal immigrant to thank for it.

Death is coming across the border in many forms. Heroin, Meth, Terrorism, and Disease. Take care of yourselves and those you love.

Flu-related deaths reach 142 in San Diego County

This 2018 flu map from the CDC shows the insane spread of the virus in every state

Illegal Immigration And The Spread Of Swine Flu

Diseased illegal immigrants spreading flu at record rates | Grant J. Kidney
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America is being invaded. Not just by illegal immigrants and foreign cultures who have no love for America.

No we are being invaded by people who do not practice good hygiene, who carry diseases long ago eradicated in the US, and who are bringing Polio, The Measels, Tuberculosis, & new strains of Avian and Swine Flu.

If you or someone you know caught the flu this season you may very well have an illegal immigrant to thank for it.

Death is coming across the border in many forms. Heroin, Meth, Terrorism, and Disease. Take care of yourselves and those you love.

Flu-related deaths reach 142 in San Diego County

This 2018 flu map from the CDC shows the insane spread of the virus in every state

Illegal Immigration And The Spread Of Swine Flu

Diseased illegal immigrants spreading flu at record rates | Grant J. Kidney

Thank you for exposing this..its something we often forget.
Just another huge reason that first world nations that border disgusting thirdworlders need a Wall.
They should get free health care you fucking racist

Said every leftist ever
I have to ask:

Are The Democrats Weaponizing Immigration like they weaponized The IRS, FBI, DOJ, EPA and CIA against The American People?

America is being invaded. Not just by illegal immigrants and foreign cultures who have no love for America.

No we are being invaded by people who do not practice good hygiene, who carry diseases long ago eradicated in the US, and who are bringing Polio, The Measels, Tuberculosis, & new strains of Avian and Swine Flu.

If you or someone you know caught the flu this season you may very well have an illegal immigrant to thank for it.

Death is coming across the border in many forms. Heroin, Meth, Terrorism, and Disease. Take care of yourselves and those you love.

Flu-related deaths reach 142 in San Diego County

This 2018 flu map from the CDC shows the insane spread of the virus in every state

Illegal Immigration And The Spread Of Swine Flu

Diseased illegal immigrants spreading flu at record rates | Grant J. Kidney

Thank you for exposing this..its something we often forget.
Just another huge reason that first world nations that border disgusting thirdworlders need a Wall.
I have to ask:

Are The Democrats Weaponizing Immigration like they weaponized The IRS, FBI, DOJ, EPA and CIA against The American People?

America is being invaded. Not just by illegal immigrants and foreign cultures who have no love for America.

No we are being invaded by people who do not practice good hygiene, who carry diseases long ago eradicated in the US, and who are bringing Polio, The Measels, Tuberculosis, & new strains of Avian and Swine Flu.

If you or someone you know caught the flu this season you may very well have an illegal immigrant to thank for it.

Death is coming across the border in many forms. Heroin, Meth, Terrorism, and Disease. Take care of yourselves and those you love.

Flu-related deaths reach 142 in San Diego County

This 2018 flu map from the CDC shows the insane spread of the virus in every state

Illegal Immigration And The Spread Of Swine Flu

Diseased illegal immigrants spreading flu at record rates | Grant J. Kidney

Thank you for exposing this..its something we often forget.
Just another huge reason that first world nations that border disgusting thirdworlders need a Wall.
Nasty fuckers.
It’s actually illegal immigrants that are the problem and it doesn’t matter where they are from.

Legal Immigrants have higher education levels, better hygiene, better job prospects, and usually have their immunizations up to date.
Illegals have KILLED more American citizens than terrorists killed on 9/11 and we bombed Afghanistan into the stone age for that. Its sickening that our own elected representatives defend and give sanctuary to illegals, who's side are they on anyway? I think we all know.

If you want to know what can happen with this, watch the movie:

Yah that is pretty disgusting that they’d burn Children by taking CHIPS away like that just to stop an executive order from expiring.

Do you know how I know The Democrats don’t give a fuck about immigration or DACA?

Chuck Schumer’s fake tears. He wants this as a campaign issue.

They were offered a deal which included DACA Amnesty and they sabotaged it!

We are being invaded, culturally and politically, and The Dems are complicit in undermining America and plotting its downfall!

And let me remind everyone DACA is not Law. It is nothing but an EO delaying enforcement of the law.

Illegal Immigration has consequences and Americans are paying with their lives because of it and our Democracy is being undermined because of the weaponization of Immigration, and things like Sanctuary Cities.

Good thing Congress passed CHIP for any poor kids who may get sick.

Oh wait!
Not long ago I remember there was a hepatitis-A outbreak in San Diego. Being a border town, it's pretty obvious where it came from. Since Mexico's tap water is undrinkable that says it all about their sanitation and sewage disposal. Other than cooking, has anything good ever come from that degenerate, backwards, savage, piece of shit, utterly failed parasite-nation Mexico? I'm drawing a blank.

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