CDZ Illegal immigrants have no respect for American citizens?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
I was walking along yesterday and came across a group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.

Happy to see it happen , not happy about it happening to YOU personally but if its happening to you I figure that its happening to other wishy washy open borders gringos and their kids. The liberal wishy washy gringos deserve that animosity as they have brought it on themselves HUnit .
I was walking along yesterday and came across a group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.

Oh my lands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never seen some little smartass white kid. Thoughts? You're a fuggin' snowflake.
NO , BHunit brings up a good subject imo . I don't think that he is scared or cowed . I just think that he brings up the matter of disrespect installed in little third worlders and this disrespect was taught by third world people / parents imported into the USA . These young third worlder will soon show this disrespect to American kids in schoolrooms , playgrounds and the rest of USA society Fenton .
NO , BHunit brings up a good subject imo . I don't think that he is scared or cowed . I just think that he brings up the matter of disrespect installed in little third worlders and this disrespect was taught by third world people / parents imported into the USA . These young third worlder will soon show this disrespect to American kids in schoolrooms , playgrounds and the rest of USA society Fenton .
Be thankful that they're not murdering you out of existence like those little capitalist euro kids did when they made landfall son. No one will ever disrespect humanity more.
well , they are making progress in 'new york' state with 'ms13' killing quite a few Americans . And their murderous drunken driving is legendary and is a sight to see . 'dui' and their murderous driving is quite common amongst these Hispanic , latino , Aztec , maya or whatever they are Fenton .
a bit more info for you --- Desperate Parents Pull Children Out of School Over Fears of MS-13 Gang --- and its similar in 'los angeles' and other areas of the USA Fenton .

Kinda like desperate parents pulling their kids out of schools 'cause there's too many darkies in the class room, we got a long history of your shit.

Pretty easy to figure out where you're coming from pard. Look at it this way. America is a really petty, shitty society where people hate each other, where the masses are purposely divided by the power structure and alas eagerly participate in the disease process, and where the citizenry spends much time and energy on unhealthy things like soaking up all the programming of the corporate state media machine they claim they don't like or believe in , and then incorporating that into their perceptual reality. These kids are assimilating into american society and absorbing our values. They are on their way to becoming like you, like americans.
parents are pulling kids out of schools because of 'ms13' who are muderers and rapists , gang recruiters and savages Fenton . And most likely these parents are other so called [by YOU] Darkies from third world countries and they don't want to see their kids entering that lifestyle of gangs or being introduced to drugs , whoredom and other deviant behaviour . -------------------- and even if the parent are WHITE , its a good call on their part to take little WHITE kids out of harms way Fenton !!
I was walking along yesterday and came across a group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.

Most of them hang around the Home Depot
I was walking along yesterday and came across a

So group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.


Are you saying that you're surprised that its not just whites who teach their kids to hate?

They're just copying what whites do.

I lived in and west of Tucson for more than 25 years, used to help migrant workers from Mexico, knew a lot of bilingual Mexicans. Adorable little kids, skipping back and forth between English and Spanish - better educated than US kids. Interestingly, Mexico's record for educating and vaccinating their kids is much better than ours.

They're good decent people who will do what they must in order to feed their families. We need them as much as they need us.

The racist idiots need to understand that the problem is not migrant workers (many of whom are white Americans, btw). The problem is that the US buys drugs from Mexico.

Supply and demand is very basic. Stop the demand and POOF! No more drug traffickers.

Now have Mexican friends where I am now. Recent conversation, I asked if the mother and other family members were planning to come here and could we help. Nope. They're not coming here anymore, haven't been coming here for several years and do better in Mexico.
so YOU say , course YOU are a dem lefty , obama and hilary supporter Luddley !!
I was walking along yesterday and came across a group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.

That hand gesture is also an Italian thing.

But anyways... they are just kids. Illegals show their respect for America by working crap jobs and paying millions in taxes that they are not able to benefit from.
I was walking along yesterday and came across a group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.

That hand gesture is also an Italian thing.

But anyways... they are just kids. Illegals show their respect for America by working crap jobs and paying millions in taxes that they are not able to benefit from.
------------------------------------- they are young gang members being taught by their parents to disrespect young Americans on the public American streets and in public school Aries .
I was walking along yesterday and came across a group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.

Most of them hang around the Home Depot

Why do you think that is?

Tha'ts where employer's go to look for day labor.

First time I ever hired an illegal, man knocked on my door and when I answered, he waved his hand at my yard and said "fi dol our" ($5. an hour)

At that time, it really didn't occur to me that he was illegal and if it had, I would not have cared. I said sure and a ratty old car at the curb exploded with people.

They did really good work and in record time. My Spanish wasn't very good at that time but we worked out a schedule. They would come, I'd pay them in cash and that was that.

I told my neighbor who, being a good christian, demanded to see their Green Card and next thing I know, he's telling me he can't come back. Every single Mexican I've known was hard working, much more family oriented than whites, really really good decent people. He broke my heart. I knew we would never use an electric mower we had so, along with a long orange extension cord, I gave it to them and wished them well. Never saw them again.
I was walking along yesterday and came across a group of people who "appeared" to be immigrants. Where I live, that is a common sight, in fact, spanish is the predominant language here and is inside the contiguous USA. While I can't say for 100% certain, it's likely I'm correct since I deal with so many illegal immigrants all the time. You get to know. I was walking past, I noticed two of the small children (perhaps 4 or 5), doing something I was unfamiliar with...

They put their hands under their chins and flicked their hands under their chins towards me...looking directly at me. I had a suspicion of what it meant but wasn't certain.... so I Googled it later. That's when I discovered that yep, Mexico and latin basically means "Fuck You".

If I had given them nasty looks maybe I could understand but I have many hispanic friends and even dated a hispanic lady for years. So this was simply the kids, reflecting their parents apparent disdain for Americans.
Perhaps the whole Trump thing? I don't know. But it doesn't feel right to treat others with respect, potentially PAY for their welfare and have them act like this.

It's not so much the children, but you pretty much have to know the parents condone it or they wouldn't do I'm wondering if we're in for trouble with the millions and millions of illegals the Democrats have invited in over the last 25 - 30 years down the road?

Democrats believe they are building Utopia when in fact...the mounting racial divisions and cross race hatred seems to be on the rise.

Most of them hang around the Home Depot

Why do you think that is?

Tha'ts where employer's go to look for day labor.

First time I ever hired an illegal, man knocked on my door and when I answered, he waved his hand at my yard and said "fi dol our" ($5. an hour)

At that time, it really didn't occur to me that he was illegal and if it had, I would not have cared. I said sure and a ratty old car at the curb exploded with people.

They did really good work and in record time. My Spanish wasn't very good at that time but we worked out a schedule. They would come, I'd pay them in cash and that was that.

I told my neighbor who, being a good christian, demanded to see their Green Card and next thing I know, he's telling me he can't come back. Every single Mexican I've known was hard working, much more family oriented than whites, really really good decent people. He broke my heart. I knew we would never use an electric mower we had so, along with a long orange extension cord, I gave it to them and wished them well. Never saw them again.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUUUUUUUUUUURE , uh huh !!
illegal aliens are also good at rape , murders and DUI plus more and a buncha them reside at tax payer expense in American prisons Luddley !!
illegal aliens are also good at rape , murders and DUI plus more and a buncha them reside at tax payer expense in American prisons Luddley !!
And mosquitoes and ticks will give you diseases.. It's like the whole world is against us..

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