Illegal Drug Use an Open Invitation to Evil


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Illegal Drug Use an Open Invitation to Evil

Written on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 by Tad Cronn

One of our greatest modern weaknesses is an inability to recognize evil or even to acknowledge its existence.

As our society has grown further from the teachings of the Bible, we’ve become progressively blinder toward what civilized people had previously acknowledged as fundamental reality: Evil exists and is active in human life.

I always wince when my liberal, and even some conservative, friends dismiss use of illegal drugs as a harmless pastime — something “everybody” supposedly does.

Sadly, it’s true that the majority of American adults have probably at least tried illegal drugs in their lifetime, and far too many are addicted to one degree or another.

But drugs remain one of the greatest catalysts for evil that exist in our world.

Police in Miami were faced with a horrific example Saturday, when they shot to death a snarling, naked man who was caught eating another man’s face.

The proximal cause for the attacker’s cannibalistic behavior as of this writing seems to be cocaine or some other powerful street drug.
Our society, especially our young people, are ill served by so-called leaders who brag about their drug abuse as if it were a badge of honor.

President Obama, in a soon-to-be-released book, is revealed to have been deep in the drug life during his youth and possibly into his adulthood. Liberals are already making excuses for him and making up stories about Romney as distractions.

But the extent of the drug abuse by the president and his “Choom Gang” is not the sort of thing you can just walk away from unscathed. It changes you.

To my thinking, it explains a lot about this administration.

But in our modern pride and foolishness, we can’t see evil when it’s right in front of us.

Illegal Drug Use an Open Invitation to Evil – Patriot Update

EXCLUSIVE IMAGES: Naked Man Eats Another Man’s Face
WARNNING: EXCLUSIVE IMAGES: Naked Man Eats Another Man’s Face

I happen to like certain drugs. Granted, they had over the years diverted me from more productive persuits. But by and large, they make me happy and carefree.

Good folks that do drugs are just that- good folks on drugs.

Evil folks that do drugs are more evil folks.

This is what really pisses me off. You know how hard it is for me, a good folk, to find evil drugs?

I just want to have fun once in a while.
I happen to like certain drugs. Granted, they had over the years diverted me from more productive persuits. But by and large, they make me happy and carefree.

Good folks that do drugs are just that- good folks on drugs.

Evil folks that do drugs are more evil folks.

This is what really pisses me off. You know how hard it is for me, a good folk, to find evil drugs?

I just want to have fun once in a while.

Go smoke crack or meth for 2 days and let me know how good you were...:death:

The proximal cause for the attacker’s cannibalistic behavior as of this writing seems to be cocaine or some other powerful street drug.

"The proximal cause?" ". . . as of this writing.?"

Really? What is a "proximal cause?" And as of that writing has anyone been foolish enough to identify "cocaine or some other powerful street drug" as the established cause of this bizarre and previously unheard of psychopathic behavior. This face-eating character isn't "evil." He's insane! Millions of people use a variety of "street drugs" every day but this is the first time anyone ever did something like that.

Whoever wrote that article is uninformed and pathetically delusional.
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The proximal cause for the attacker’s cannibalistic behavior as of this writing seems to be cocaine or some other powerful street drug.

"The proximal cause?" ". . . as of this writing.?"

Really? What is a "proximal cause?" And as of that writing has anyone been foolish enough to identify "cocaine or some other powerful street drug" as the established cause of this bizarre and previously unheard of psychopathic behavior. This face-eating character isn't "evil." He's insane! Millions of people use a variety of "street drugs" every day but this is the first time anyone ever did something like that.

Whoever wrote that article is uninformed and pathetically delusional.

Actually, the police has purported that it was probably due to cocaine or some form of synthetic meth.

Coke, LSD, Meth Heroin--you can illegalize them. Those are the "Bring the Crazy" drugs and anyway. Warps perception, Warps personality, Warps the life.

Since we are including a religious motif here--Warps the soul!

The proximal cause for the attacker’s cannibalistic behavior as of this writing seems to be cocaine or some other powerful street drug.

"The proximal cause?" ". . . as of this writing.?"

Really? What is a "proximal cause?" And as of that writing has anyone been foolish enough to identify "cocaine or some other powerful street drug" as the established cause of this bizarre and previously unheard of psychopathic behavior. This face-eating character isn't "evil." He's insane! Millions of people use a variety of "street drugs" every day but this is the first time anyone ever did something like that.

Whoever wrote that article is uninformed and pathetically delusional.

No. Just cautious and patient until more facts surfaced.

You know? Like the opposite of your post??

Peru takes the gold medal in cocaine production, edging out Columbia...
White House: Peru displaces Colombia as top cocaine producer
July 30, 2012 | Peru has regained its former distinction as the world’s top cocaine producer, according to an annual White House report, issued Monday, that says Colombia’s output fell sharply last year, putting the former leader in third place behind Bolivia.
The report by the Office of National Drug Control Policy diverged from a U.N. monitor’s report last week that estimated Colombian cocaine production at a much higher level. No reason was given for the disparity in the reports, which usually track each other closely. The White House report estimates Peruvian cocaine production last year at 358 U.S. tons, followed by Bolivia with 292 tons and Colombia at 215 tons. It’s the first year since 1997 that Colombia has not led in global cocaine output in the report. The recent figures represent a 25% drop from White House estimates that Colombia produced 286 tons of cocaine in 2010, topping all producers.

Peru was the world's leading producer of the drug through most of the 1980s and 1990s, before Colombian drug traffickers introduced crops here in a bid to form vertically integrated cocaine cartels. Both the White House and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime use satellite imagery, on-the-ground monitoring, seizures and other indicators to come up with their estimates of cocaine production. The U.N. survey on July 25 pegged potential Colombian cocaine output last year at 380 tons and said output had declined only about 1% from the year before. It did not release Peruvian and Bolivian output estimates, which are due out next month.

In prepared remarks to a Washington think tank Monday, Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House drug policy office, described Colombia’s reduction as “historic” and credited “strategic pressure across more than one administration in both the United States and Colombia” for the decline. Kerlikowske was referring to Plan Colombia, a U.S. taxpayer-funded program to combat drugs and terrorism that has funneled $8 billion to Colombia since 2000, the largest U.S. foreign aid program outside the Middle East and Afghanistan. “The security threat that the United States and Colombia faced in 1999 is gone,” Kerlikowske said. “We don’t just have a safe Colombia, we have a vibrant Colombia that is an active partner in helping with the drug and criminal issue in the region.”

Colombia is helping train anti-narcotics police and pilots in Mexico and Central America. Speaking in the city of Rio Negro on Monday, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos hailed the report as confirmation of his strategy of “cutting terrorists’ financing sources.” Authorities say the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia uses drug trafficking profits to finance its war against government forces. According to the White House document, Colombian cocaine production has fallen 72% since 2001, when the country produced an estimated 771 tons. The U.N. estimates show a similar percentage decline in Colombian cocaine production over the decade: down 65% from 1,070 tons in 2001.

Drugs have been the down fall of many people - some famous and others just ordinary everyday kind of people. Same thing goes with alcohol. Alcohol, used in excess, has also ruined many people. There will always be people who through their conversation will justify drugs and alcohol but either if used long term has a marked presence in the lives of the users and people who know the abusers can easily see the difference in personalities.
Actually, the police has purported that it was probably due to cocaine or some form of synthetic meth.
The police have purported?

I've known many police officers and I doubt any of them would make such an ignorant declaration. They above all should know that without some underlying psychopathy there is no drug or combination of drugs known to induce such maniacal behavior.

Any of the cops I've known, most of whom are seasoned New York City patrolmen and detectives, will tell you the drug most notoriously capable of inducing violent behavior is alcohol. Marijuana and heroin produce an opposite effect. The presently illegal drugs most capable of inducing violence have been in use for years but have never provoked cannibalism.

This bizarre incident has occurred as an opportunity for anti-drug fanatics to blow their horns.
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BigBlackDog wrote: Same thing goes with alcohol. Alcohol, used in excess, has also ruined many people.
Granny won't argue with dat...
Colombia: Massive heroin shipment seized
July 31`12 (UPI) -- Colombian police say they seized 10,600 grams of heroin worth $80 million at a bus terminal in Medellin, preventing it from being shipped to the United States.
Police told Colombia Reports the shipment, discovered Monday, was believed to have originated in Uraba area of Colombia.

Gen. Jose Roberto Leon Riano, director of the National Police, pegged the value of the approximately 23 1/2 pounds of narcotics at about $80 million. It was the equivalent of 21,200 doses of heroin, making it the largest shipment of heroin seized in Medellin this year, El Colombiano reported.

Police had prior information regarding the shipment and tracked it down with the help of canine units.

Drugs have been the down fall of many people - some famous and others just ordinary everyday kind of people. Same thing goes with alcohol. Alcohol, used in excess, has also ruined many people. There will always be people who through their conversation will justify drugs and alcohol but either if used long term has a marked presence in the lives of the users and people who know the abusers can easily see the difference in personalities.
A percentage of those who eat food get fat. Some get fatter than others. Some, such as NJ Governor Christie, become morbidly obese. In fact it may be said that America's fat problem is far more destructive than its so-called drug problem.

One way to address that problem is to ban all junk foods and make such things as soft drinks, cake, candy, sugar and any food containing trans-fats illegal! But that would be un-American. The preferable approach is public education. And the same thing should apply to drugs -- mainly because drug laws do not work!
This thread reminds me of a image I saw on Facebook. LOL
Illegal drugs can lead to evil, just like many things can, but most of the time it doesn't.
Lots of religiously motivated murderers that never touched following the same logic religion is an open invitation to evil

Too bad no one was discussing religion, hunh?

I think you better read the op again then...

Written on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 by Tad Cronn

One of our greatest modern weaknesses is an inability to recognize evil or even to acknowledge its existence.

As our society has grown further from the teachings of the Bible
, we’ve become progressively blinder toward what civilized people had previously acknowledged as fundamental reality: Evil exists and is active in human life.
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Cocaine granny gets taste of her own medicine...
Colombian 'Godmother of Cocaine' gunned down in Medellin
Sep 04, 2012 - Griselda Blanco, the 69-year-old Colombian drug boss who pioneered the use of motorcyle-riding assassins among warring gangs, has been gunned down herself in Medellin, TheMiami Herald reports.
Blanco -- dubbed the "Godmother of Cocaine" --spent 18 years in prison in the United States for drug trafficking and three murders, including the death in Miami in 1982 of the 2-year-old son of one of her former "enforcers," the Herald reports. She was deported to Colombia in 2004. The Medellin newspaper El Colombiano says Blanco was shot to death Monday by a gunman who pulled up to her on his motorcycle as she stepped out of a butcher shop.

The newspaper says she was with her pregnant daughter-in-law, who was not injured. The woman told police that Blanco was no longer involved in organized crime and planned to live off the sale of several of her properties. El Colombiano reports that Blanco, who was born into poverty, got her start in crime after marrying into a family known for stealing wallets at fairs and carnivals.

At the height of her criminal activity, the Herald reports, Blanco was smuggling 3,400 pounds of cocaine a month to the United States by boat and plane. She has also been linked to at least 40 murders, many in violent ambushes that were a trademark of the "cocaine cowboy" drug rivalries. El Colombiano says Blanco was obsessed with the Sicilian mafia and even named her youngest son after Michael Corleone, the Mob-boss role portrayed by Al Pacino in The Godfather films.


See also:

Miami Vice: 'Godmother of Cocaine' who built Florida drug empire shot dead in her Colombian hometown by assassin on motorbike
4 September 2012 | Gangland matriarch Griselda Blanco shot in head as she left butcher's; Colombian jailed in U.S. for three murders, including a two-year-old boy; Mother-of-four credited with inventing idea of a 'motorcycle assassin'; Symbolised notorious 'cocaine cowboys' era of 1970s and 80s Miami; At its height, her empire shipped around 3,400lbs of cocaine a month; Ex-detective: 'It’s surprising to all of us she had not been killed sooner'
A ruthless drug smuggler known as the 'Godmother of Cocaine' who was jailed in the U.S. for three chilling murders has been gunned down by a motorcycle-riding hitman. Griselda Blanco, 69, was believed to have ordered dozens of executions during the notorious 'cocaine cowboys' era of the 1970s and 80s in Miami. In a grim irony, the mode of her killing was eerily similar to the brutal drive-by killings she herself introduced to slaughter her enemies.

Although she was suspected of murdering many more, the Colombian was eventually convicted of three killings in 1985, including that of a two-year-old boy, for which she served nearly 20 years behind bars. In 2004, she was deported to her native country and maintained a low profile in her hometown of Medellin. According to Columbian press reports, she was walking out of a butcher's shop yesterday when two gunmen on motorbikes pulled up before one pumped two bullets into her head. For a woman who had been credited with inventing the notion of a 'motorcycle assassin', the manner of her death came as no surprise to many, it was reported in The Miami Herald.

Nelson Andreu, a former Miami homicide detective who had investigated her, said: 'It’s surprising to all of us that she had not been killed sooner because she made a lot of enemies. 'When you kill so many and hurt so many people like she did, it’s only a matter of time before they find you and try to even the score.' Brought up in the slums of Medellin, Blanco went from a simple pickpocket to command an empire that shipped an estimated 3,400lbs of cocaine a month. She also symbolised the blood-soaked era of the 1970s and 80s when gangs would ambush their rivals in public, leading to her cartel being dubbed the 'Cocaine Cowboys'. She ran the empire with three of her sons, two of whom were later assassinated in Columbia, while three of her husbands have also been killed in drug-related violence.

Known for her flamboyant lifestyle, she named one of her sons Michael Corleone in tribute to The Godfather movies. Blanco's exploits were also popularised in the 2006 documentary Cocaine Cowboys, which explored the rise of the drug in Miami during the 1970s and 80s which inspired the films Scarface and Miami Vice. Interviewees argue that Blanco played a major role in the history of the drug trade in the city and other areas across America. Detectives believe she was behind at least 40 murders and maybe even as many as 240, but could only link her to three. Two of them, drug dealers Alfredo and Grizel Lorenzo, were shot at their South Miami house after failing to pay $250,000 for 5kg of cocaine.

Blanco was also convicted of ordering a shooting that led to the death of two-year-old Johnny Castro, who was shot twice in the head as he drove in the car with his father, Jesus 'Chucho' Castro. She was fully expected to end up on Florida's Death Row. But she was able to cut a plea deal after the prosecution's case suffered a major setback when a chief witness was caught engaging in phone sex with secretaries from the attorney's office. Blanco later entered into a bargain with new prosecutors and was given three 20-year sentences in 1985. She only served a third of that time.

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I happen to like certain drugs. Granted, they had over the years diverted me from more productive persuits. But by and large, they make me happy and carefree.

Good folks that do drugs are just that- good folks on drugs.

Evil folks that do drugs are more evil folks.

This is what really pisses me off. You know how hard it is for me, a good folk, to find evil drugs?

I just want to have fun once in a while.

Go smoke crack or meth for 2 days and let me know how good you were...:death:

I've not experienced crack. But the meth days... oof I'm glad they're behind me. Meth was a hoot, but it interfered with my routines as a responsible adult.

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