Illegal aliens leech and kill hospitals


Against "Change"
Mar 9, 2009
Portland, OR
Illegal aliens leech and kill hospitals
Like many American cities, Minneapolis has seen a tremendous influx of Hispanics, many of them here illegally from Ecuador and Mexico. Hispanics, both legal and illegal, make up the biggest immigrant group in the state, as well as in the nation.

The New York Times
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Hi John:

Illegal aliens leech and kill hospitals
Like many American cities, Minneapolis has seen a tremendous influx of Hispanics, many of them here illegally from Ecuador and Mexico. Hispanics, both legal and illegal, make up the biggest immigrant group in the state, as well as in the nation.

The New York Times

You have not seen anything yet. Just wait until Senor Obama starts pushing his Comprehensive Amnesty Bill through Congress, so the next 20 million Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals can start flooding across the border to 'displace' the current batch from our JOBS. We are looking at "Four More Years" of Senor Bushie whether you guys realize that fact or not . . .

[ame=""]Listen To Bull Whip![/ame]

The masons and tenders I know here in Florida have lost their homes already, or they are heading into foreclosure, because we have FAR too many contractors 'hiring' too many Illegal Aliens rather than American workers . . .

Nobody is 'enforcing' the 'Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986' (Wiki). Lawlessness is everywhere and now America is seeing what happens when nobody enforces the Rule of Law. Thank you George Bush and Barack Obama . . .


Oh no you don't see ANYTHING negative about illegal aliens. And furthermore, they are NOT illegal aliens, that is demeaning and pejorative term ,call them IMMIGRANTS. And, if you don't like that, you MUST be racist. Why? because, we say so. The supreme overlords of political correctness have spoken, mortals. Quiver in fear. And if you don't don't like this message , you are evil and must be eradicated. Have a nice day.
Hi SW:

Oh no you don't see ANYTHING negative about illegal aliens.

Focusing too much attention on the Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals removes the stigma of GUILT that belongs upon every U.S. citizen HIRING THEM.

[ame=""]YouTube - 101707 - America Wants Police to Enforce Immigration Laws[/ame]

Start 'enforcing' the Rule Of Law and put the U.S. citizens into jail for HIRING THEM in the first place and the Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals will find their own way back home.

And furthermore, they are NOT illegal aliens, that is demeaning and pejorative term ,call them IMMIGRANTS.

No. The 'immigrants' come through the 'front door' LEGALLY, but the Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals come here in the middle of the night through the back door to steal U.S. identities and JOBS. Senor Obama is using Illegal Aliens to destroy this once-great nation, just like Senor Bush and Senor Clinton before him; no change. Obama could create 12 million JOBS for American workers by simply doing his job of 'enforcing' the perfectly good Immigration/Employment Laws (Wiki) already on the books . . .

[ame=""]YouTube - GAT - WTO - Immigration Laws Not Enforced[/ame]

And, if you don't like that, you MUST be racist. Why? because, we say so.

The unlawful 'hiring' of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals has nothing to do with racism, because the Immigration/Employment laws pertain to everyone coming here in the middle of the night to steal U.S. identities and JOBS. That goes for everyone if they are white, black, brown, yellow or green . . .

The supreme overlords of political correctness have spoken, mortals. Quiver in fear.

Yeah. Right! America is overrun by Illegal Aliens killing 25 U.S. citizens EVERY DAY (12 by murder) and you are making jokes. Not funny. That boils down to about 10,000 U.S. citizens killed by Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals every year . . .

And if you don't don't like this message , you are evil and must be eradicated. Have a nice day.

I do believe your sarcasm is better displayed elsewhere. This is a serious topic about a serious problem that is destroying this once-great nation right before our very eyes . . .



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The thing we need to ask ourselves is this:

Why isn't either party willing to take this illegal immigrant problem on and really deal with it?

You don't suppose the NEW WORLD ORDER might have something to do with this, do you?

You have not seen anything yet. Just wait until Senor Obama starts pushing his Comprehensive Amnesty Bill through Congress, so the next 20 million Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals can start flooding across the border to 'displace' the current batch from our JOBS. We are looking at "Four More Years" of Senor Bushie whether you guys realize that fact or not . . .


Heck that's nothin'. Just wait until those 20 million illegal aliens getting amnesty then invite their whole stinking family to come live with them. America has this thing called "chain migration," and the newly amnestied illegal will be able to use it.

obama's amnesty is just one more MASSIVE mistake. He will no doubt go down as the worst President in American history.
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I can't believe that those Spanish-speaking Mexicans, invaded by Spain so long ago, are invading OUR land, that we invaded so long ago and fairly stole from the Native Americans who walked across the land bridge, stealing it from the Saber tooth tiger and mammoth.

Talk about rude.

We white Americans were the to have this land. So it's ours!
Hi Editec:

The thing we need to ask ourselves is this:

Why isn't either party willing to take this illegal immigrant problem on and really deal with it?

You don't suppose the NEW WORLD ORDER might have something to do with this, do you?

Our elected officials are bought-and-paid-for by the Open Borders Lobby stuffing their pockets with millions and millions and millions of dollars every year. This is what We The People deserve for allowing 41,000 Washington Lobbyists to bribe our elected officials to keep them looking the other way. The joining of Corporate Elites with Washington Politicians is what we all commonly know as Fascism (Obama Fascism) and having millions and millions and millions of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals running around lose EVERYWHERE (whites need not apply) is part of their Fascism Game (Obama Love Illegals - like him) . . .


I have a theory, that all our politicians have been replaced by invertebrate alien mutant scazwags. Or, a huge percentage of Americans don't vote anymore because they are disgusted. Or lazy. But one thing is for sure, something is rotten in the United States of America. America is STILL a REPUBLIC, last time I checked, and our leaders are not a shinning example of a Representative government. They seem to a trap door in their long johns for easy access for well heeled special interests parading around as the "AMERICAN " people.

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