Illegal Aliens Cost L.A. County $100 Million in June/July


Keyboard Warrior
Aug 23, 2012
California is America’s Sanctuary State – and Mexico’s outsourced welfare state.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services reported that more than $100 million in welfare benefits were issued to illegal alien parents for their native-born children in June and July alone, announced Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

The $100 million consists of nearly $40 million in CalWORKs (welfare) and $70 million in food stamps — representing 22% of all CalWORKs and food stamp issuances in the County. At this rate, the projected annual cost is more than $625 million.

“With the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” said Antonovich. “These costs do not include the hundreds of millions of dollars for education.”

This is one county, in one state, for one month...

Illegal Aliens Cost L.A. County $100 Million in June/July – 22% of TOTAL Welfare Expenditures | Stand With Arizona
I just watched the Mexican President on CSPAN last week during the U.N. speeches and he said that Mexico has a welfare system for their poor and the poor receive welfare checks, housing and job training and other benefits like, medical, schools for their kids and food assistance. So what the Hell are they doing here! They should all go home to their countries of origin and jump on the gravy train there!

From the Article: :mad:

Meanwhile Mexico is the 10th richest nation on Earth, with a state-owned oil and minerals monopoly, state-owned tourist beaches, the world’s richest man, Carlos Slim Helú, and is receiving $25 billion annually in “remittances” – cash sent back from its illegals who work (and collect welfare) in the U.S. It is a prosperous nation with only a 5% unemployment rate (vs. 8.2% for the U.S.). And its racist government exports its poorest (and brownest) citizens here, mostly to California, to mooch off of U.S. taxpayers.

And yet California continues to elect politicians who cater to illegal aliens, and continue burning billions every year to take care of Mexico’s unwanted working poor – costing California an estimated $21.8 billion a year, according to our friends at FAIR. (Federation for American Immigration Reform)

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They need to raise taxes to pay for it - if they raise them enough they will even have a surplus :lol:
The sad thing is we’re borrowing money from Mexico then we're giving Mexico Foreign Aid and Military assistance. WTF! The politicians have to go all of them before they destroy us! Somebody should look into how much money we're borrowing from Mexico and how much foreign aid we’re giving them and how the politicians are juggling the books.


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