Illegal alien dies in desert, widow (also illegal) to sue Border Patrol


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is why americans hate mexicans so. Can you imagine the nerve of these people? They sue us because they fail at invading our country!!! America is the laughingstock of the world for allowing such crap in our courts


Illegal alien dies in desert, widow (also illegal) to sue Border Patrol - National Immigration Reform |

Juana Garcia, the widow of Idelfonso Martinez Sanchez, who died crossing the Arizona desert in April after being deported, claims the U.S. Border Patrol is responsible for her husband’s death and now wants “justice to be done.”

Sanchez was reported to federal authorities on March 1 by local police and deported back to Mexico, after living in Vista, just outside of San Diego for 20 years, according to Garcia.

After a failed attempt at crossing back into the country from Tijuana, Sanchez employed the help of a ‘coyote’ (human smuggler) and began the arduous trek through the Arizona desert on April 20, Garcia recently told EFE.

However, after only one day in the desert Sanchez became ill and the coyote along with the rest of the party left him behind.

On April 26, Border Patrol agents discovered the man’s badly decomposed body on the Tohono O'odham Indian reservation, a commonly used smuggling route for both drugs and human cargo.

Garcia said: “They could have saved him. They let him die worse than an animal - because we're Mexicans and we have no documents they treat us the worst way.”

Garcia, who admitted to EFE that she is also in the country illegally, has five children between the ages of five and 19.

She continued: “We'll see what happens with the lawsuit. What they did is not right. I don't work and they left me and my kids without our source of income. What we want is for justice to be done.”
Oh how pathetic can you get. So who left who behind and how is it the responsibility of the US as it concerns a decaying body of a person who died in an attempt to illegally enter the country. yep right!
This is why americans hate mexicans so. Can you imagine the nerve of these people? They sue us because they fail at invading our country!!! America is the laughingstock of the world for allowing such crap in our courts


Illegal alien dies in desert, widow (also illegal) to sue Border Patrol - National Immigration Reform |

Juana Garcia, the widow of Idelfonso Martinez Sanchez, who died crossing the Arizona desert in April after being deported, claims the U.S. Border Patrol is responsible for her husband’s death and now wants “justice to be done.”

Sanchez was reported to federal authorities on March 1 by local police and deported back to Mexico, after living in Vista, just outside of San Diego for 20 years, according to Garcia.

After a failed attempt at crossing back into the country from Tijuana, Sanchez employed the help of a ‘coyote’ (human smuggler) and began the arduous trek through the Arizona desert on April 20, Garcia recently told EFE.

However, after only one day in the desert Sanchez became ill and the coyote along with the rest of the party left him behind.

On April 26, Border Patrol agents discovered the man’s badly decomposed body on the Tohono O'odham Indian reservation, a commonly used smuggling route for both drugs and human cargo.

Garcia said: “They could have saved him. They let him die worse than an animal - because we're Mexicans and we have no documents they treat us the worst way.”

Garcia, who admitted to EFE that she is also in the country illegally, has five children between the ages of five and 19.

She continued: “We'll see what happens with the lawsuit. What they did is not right. I don't work and they left me and my kids without our source of income. What we want is for justice to be done.”

No reason to hate Mexicans (that's a pretty unproductive emotion). But obviously this is a ridiculous suit that should be thrown out on day one. Obviously, the woman should also be arrested and deported.
Hate Mexicans? No, they are good human beings, should she be allowed to sue, we wil find out, however, I think it is a silly lawsuit.
Anyone in this country illegally, should have no rights to civil suits, for any reason. If anything, we should be sueing Mexico for costing tax payers tens of billions of dollars every year in the the US.
I don't hate Mexicans you can't blame ppl for running from that hell hole. I hate liberals in DC wanting illegals to vote its infuriating firing squad type shit it should be. But we have regressed as a society with decades of liberal influence so this is the retardation we get an actual percentage of people supporting the invasion don't take it out on the Mexicans its the liberals encouraging it. They seem to encourage ALL destructive behaviors
What she's suing for is that he wasn't found. The BP has no duty to find anyone so this lawsuit is going noplace.
Registered User NAACP = Negro Affirmative Action, Caucasian Persecution

It never cease to amaze me how stupid white people are.

Houston NAACP has 60% white people as members.

In fact, at its founding, the NAACP had only one African American on its executive board, Du Bois himself. It did not elect a black president until 1975.

The Jewish community contributed greatly to the NAACP's founding and continued financing
Registered User NAACP = Negro Affirmative Action, Caucasian Persecution

It never cease to amaze me how stupid white people are.

Houston NAACP has 60% white people as members.

In fact, at its founding, the NAACP had only one African American on its executive board, Du Bois himself. It did not elect a black president until 1975.

The Jewish community contributed greatly to the NAACP's founding and continued financing

Thanks for adding absolutely nothing to the conversation.
No reason to hate Mexicans (that's a pretty unproductive emotion). But obviously this is a ridiculous suit that should be thrown out on day one. Obviously, the woman should also be arrested and deported.

Oh - hell with all that love everybody crap. I hate illegal mexicans. They're worse than child molesters. Hell - most of them are child molesters anyway. In mexico the age of consent is 12.!!!
Anyone in this country illegally, should have no rights to civil suits, for any reason. If anything, we should be sueing Mexico for costing tax payers tens of billions of dollars every year in the the US.

Absolutely. The first seven words of constitution makes it clear that it applies only to citizens. Illegals have no rights and should be shot on sight.
Our country is so busy kissing the asses of Jews, Afros, and Illegals that shit silly lawsuits like this are common and many of these parasites make big money in the process.
Our country is so busy kissing the asses of Jews, Afros, and Illegals that shit silly lawsuits like this are common and many of these parasites make big money in the process.

Yup - the article i linked to talks about how our legal system allows people who aren't even allowed to be here to press lawsuits!!! Happens a lot. Now you know why america is the laughingstock of the world.
This is why americans hate mexicans so.

Americans do NOT hate Mexicans. YOU are no American, you hateful little turd. A serious problem like illegal immigration requires serious consideration, not the hysterical shrieking of idiots like you.
This is why americans hate mexicans so. Can you imagine the nerve of these people? They sue us because they fail at invading our country!!! America is the laughingstock of the world for allowing such crap in our courts


Illegal alien dies in desert, widow (also illegal) to sue Border Patrol - National Immigration Reform |

Juana Garcia, the widow of Idelfonso Martinez Sanchez, who died crossing the Arizona desert in April after being deported, claims the U.S. Border Patrol is responsible for her husband’s death and now wants “justice to be done.”

Sanchez was reported to federal authorities on March 1 by local police and deported back to Mexico, after living in Vista, just outside of San Diego for 20 years, according to Garcia.

After a failed attempt at crossing back into the country from Tijuana, Sanchez employed the help of a ‘coyote’ (human smuggler) and began the arduous trek through the Arizona desert on April 20, Garcia recently told EFE.

However, after only one day in the desert Sanchez became ill and the coyote along with the rest of the party left him behind.

On April 26, Border Patrol agents discovered the man’s badly decomposed body on the Tohono O'odham Indian reservation, a commonly used smuggling route for both drugs and human cargo.

Garcia said: “They could have saved him. They let him die worse than an animal - because we're Mexicans and we have no documents they treat us the worst way.”

Garcia, who admitted to EFE that she is also in the country illegally, has five children between the ages of five and 19.

She continued: “We'll see what happens with the lawsuit. What they did is not right. I don't work and they left me and my kids without our source of income. What we want is for justice to be done.”

It's not about hating anybody - it's about respect for our laws. Something that those who enter our country illegally know nothing about.

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