

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
If Romney wins how many liberal heads on this forum will admit they were wrong about polls in September meaning anything?

And won't it be fun to log on here if he wins and watch the crying.
If Romney wins how many liberal heads on this forum will admit they were wrong about polls in September meaning anything?

And won't it be fun to log on here if he wins and watch the crying.

when you look out in your back yard, do you see unicorns grazing?

I remember how Carter and Ducockass were head this time in their races. The only poll that matters is the election.
If Romney wins how many liberal heads on this forum will admit they were wrong about polls in September meaning anything?

And won't it be fun to log on here if he wins and watch the crying.

when you look out in your back yard, do you see unicorns grazing?

I remember how Carter and Ducockass were head this time in their races. The only poll that matters is the election.

i don't know how to break this to you, but reagan isn't running
If Romney wins how many liberal heads on this forum will admit they were wrong about polls in September meaning anything?

And won't it be fun to log on here if he wins and watch the crying.

I won't be on here. I made a bet. But I'm be here since Obama will win with ease.
Polls this far out are merely a snapshot in time to see how voters are trending, and shouldn't be used to predict who will win.

Name the candidate who switched the poll of polls at this late date.


have a nice day.
If Romney wins how many liberal heads on this forum will admit they were wrong about polls in September meaning anything?

And won't it be fun to log on here if he wins and watch the crying.

when you look out in your back yard, do you see unicorns grazing?

i dont know about RGS, but i usually dont see "unicorns" outside of a zoo, though i suppose if i went to where they lived in the wild i would.
If Romney wins how many liberal heads on this forum will admit they were wrong about polls in September meaning anything?

And won't it be fun to log on here if he wins and watch the crying.

Well, at midnight 11/6/12; I'll be gone in that case but I'll admit the polls were wrong. If Obama wins, will you admit that the polls were right?
If Romney wins how many liberal heads on this forum will admit they were wrong about polls in September meaning anything?

And won't it be fun to log on here if he wins and watch the crying.

when you look out in your back yard, do you see unicorns grazing?

I remember how Carter and Ducockass were head this time in their races. The only poll that matters is the election.

Yes...that is why campaigns and parties run polling every day. Please tell me you're not this aloof:confused:
And if Obama wins?

It'll be fun to see the meltdown, when really it won't matter. Polls at this point don't indicate with 100% accuracy who's winning, but it does indicate Mitt has a problem when even Rasmussen has him losing the electoral college. He needs to kick things into gear if he plans on actually making a pass at winning.
Actually, Romney losing brings up a very good question:

How did he lose?

Romney out raised Obama for multiple months. Thanks to Citizen's Romney is expected to have an enormous advantage in PAC's, money, and ads. Obama's facing a fairly high unemployment rate and an economy in shambles and a foreign policy disaster.

So how the hell is Romney not up by 5+% points everywhere? How is he not up double digits in the national polls at this point? Why is it even Rasmussen is showing him as toast in the electoral college?

The arguing over this one is going to be epic. I do think should Romney lose Citizen's should get some blame here as it let Romney coast into wins in the Primary he flat out shouldn't have been able to win.
Actually, Romney losing brings up a very good question:

How did he lose?

Romney out raised Obama for multiple months. Thanks to Citizen's Romney is expected to have an enormous advantage in PAC's, money, and ads. Obama's facing a fairly high unemployment rate and an economy in shambles and a foreign policy disaster.

So how the hell is Romney not up by 5+% points everywhere? How is he not up double digits in the national polls at this point? Why is it even Rasmussen is showing him as toast in the electoral college?

The arguing over this one is going to be epic. I do think should Romney lose Citizen's should get some blame here as it let Romney coast into wins in the Primary he flat out shouldn't have been able to win.

He's listened to bad advice and has executed poorly.

Bad Advice:
He let Obama define him before he could define himself. His reputation was one as an aloof aristocrat. So what does the Obama campaign do? Ask about his tax returns knowing full well that it would EITHER embarass the crud out of the Governor or cause him to turn his nose up and say that he's not going to release them. He should have released them. There is no "other side" of the discussion there. We all know he's rich. Releasing the tax returns would have done nothing except show that he's got nothing to hide--it would likely have shown just what a kind man he is with his enormous wealth.

Poor Execution:
Not only did he not release them, his wife said something to the effect that "We've told you all you need to know." Obama could not have scripted a better line for her.

Bad Advice:
In an apparent move to shore up the Governor's foreign policy chops, he is sent to England, Israel, and Poland. Whether he got any sort of shoring up is debateable. What isn't debateable is that the two most important issues we have in the foreign policy sector are China and Saudi Arabia.

Poor Execution:
Not only did England and Poland turn into gaffe fests; Romney was shadowed to Israel by his benefactor Sheldon Adelson who flew in a separate jet to the event where Romney spoke. Never did he look more "paid for" than this over seas fiasco.

Bad Advice:
Paul Ryan's pick was a disaster. Ryan, who didn't run for President, obviously thought that he either wasn't ready or didn't want the job. Picking him was apparently Romney's decision and his alone. What Ryan could have brought to the table was his budget and his plan to voucher-ize Medicare. Both of the large pillars of Ryan's supposed strength were cast aside by the Romney Campaign shortly after his announcement as the VP. So the Romney Camp is left with a 6 term representative from Nowheresville, WI whom isn't even going to deliver his home state.

Poor Execution:
Not only was the announcement botched as to how it was rolled out; Ryan and Romney cannot coordinate their messages.

Bad Advice:
Having a mystery guest at the convention

Poor Execution:
Having the mystery guest debate an empty chair, go 15 minutes over, and steal the stage

Bad Advice:
Jumping the gun on the criticism last week when protestors stormed our installations in Egypt and Libya

Poor Execution:
Not walking that jumping of the gun back 10 hours later in a presser.

The Governor had a glass jaw from day one. None of the GOP contenders could land a punch because he was favored by the power center and the Governor had more money than anyone else. He can't trounce Obama in spending--beat him yes but not trounce him and as a result, the Governor's glaring deficiencies as a candidate (NOT as a person) are being highlighted, exploited, and driven home by Obama.
The Ryan pick was especially puzzling to me. He trotted him out at a time in the news cycle where it was pretty much a guarantee Ryan would be ignored. He picked a candidate from a low Electoral Count state, and worse, it's appearing that Ryan may not deliver even Wisconsin. And he's had to run away from Ryan's policies, which was the freaking reason to pick Ryan in the first place.

He should have picked Rubio. You'd probably have Florida in the bad, you could have offset YEARS of GOP attempts to alienate Latinos, and you wouldn't have to be forced to run from one of the most divisive budget suggestions in US history.

The rest of it is just ineptitude followed by ineptitude.

The thing for the Conservatives though, is that when Romney goes down in flames, and at this point I'm fairly certain he will, the Tea Party will gain real prominence in the GOP. The old guard in the GOP has viewed the Tea Party as kind of "useful idiots" for a while now, and a Romney win would have pushed them to the back of the bus and locked up the driver's seat for the old guard. Now? Totally different ball game.
The Ryan pick was especially puzzling to me. He trotted him out at a time in the news cycle where it was pretty much a guarantee Ryan would be ignored. He picked a candidate from a low Electoral Count state, and worse, it's appearing that Ryan may not deliver even Wisconsin. And he's had to run away from Ryan's policies, which was the freaking reason to pick Ryan in the first place.

He should have picked Rubio. You'd probably have Florida in the bad, you could have offset YEARS of GOP attempts to alienate Latinos, and you wouldn't have to be forced to run from one of the most divisive budget suggestions in US history.

The rest of it is just ineptitude followed by ineptitude.

The thing for the Conservatives though, is that when Romney goes down in flames, and at this point I'm fairly certain he will, the Tea Party will gain real prominence in the GOP. The old guard in the GOP has viewed the Tea Party as kind of "useful idiots" for a while now, and a Romney win would have pushed them to the back of the bus and locked up the driver's seat for the old guard. Now? Totally different ball game.

I'm not totally sure that he didn't pick Rubio. It seems like a no-brainer really.
I wouldn't be surprised if Rubio sent a strong, clear, unambiguous signal to the Romney Camp that he would turn him down if asked.

I like your post.

The only reason you pick Ryan is because you want to embody what he stands for. It would be a lot like a soccer team getting Hope Solo and putting her at striker instead of in the box. He's a walking weapon.

I honestly feel that Ryan was Romney's pick because the two had a chemistry; not that it was the smart thing to do. It got him nothing and may well cost him Florida. It's not helping him in Arizona either.
The Ryan pick was especially puzzling to me. He trotted him out at a time in the news cycle where it was pretty much a guarantee Ryan would be ignored. He picked a candidate from a low Electoral Count state, and worse, it's appearing that Ryan may not deliver even Wisconsin. And he's had to run away from Ryan's policies, which was the freaking reason to pick Ryan in the first place.

He should have picked Rubio. You'd probably have Florida in the bad, you could have offset YEARS of GOP attempts to alienate Latinos, and you wouldn't have to be forced to run from one of the most divisive budget suggestions in US history.

The rest of it is just ineptitude followed by ineptitude.

The thing for the Conservatives though, is that when Romney goes down in flames, and at this point I'm fairly certain he will, the Tea Party will gain real prominence in the GOP. The old guard in the GOP has viewed the Tea Party as kind of "useful idiots" for a while now, and a Romney win would have pushed them to the back of the bus and locked up the driver's seat for the old guard. Now? Totally different ball game.

As for the TEA party; I think it will break off into it's own incarnation either at the behest of the GOP or because of the GOP. At some point, governing is all about compromise and the TEA party is about no compromise. It's unsustainable as a legitimate force.

The GOP had better think long and hard about hitching it's wagon to that diseased horse.

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