If you're a Republican should you be allowed to vote?

Should Republicans be allowed to vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Quit being a retard

    Votes: 24 75.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.


makes more sense than the original brain fart.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.


makes more sense than the original brain fart.
Thank you, I thought so.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.


makes more sense than the original brain fart.
Thank you, I thought so.
Actually, you didn't think at all my dear, as I agree that GoPers are douche bags.

But it is a valiant effort nonetheless!
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.

Sorry Rav, the only prerequesite to vote is to be an American; No civics tests, IQ test, or even speaking English are required. The Cons have the same right to manipulate the weak-minded that everyone else does.

Kudos on the last sentence though. Kudos indeed.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.

Most conservatives don't "hate" the government ravi, in fact they love our governmental system as outlined by our founding fathers in the constitution. However, over the last 100 years we have slowly and steadily moved away from that structure to something different and this is what causes conservatives, independants, and republicans angst. The very angst you are here responding to with this thread.

Indeed, as you say, the founders ARE flipping in their graves at how we have perverted their idea over the years and especially over the last 10 years.

You are confusing standing up and speaking out against the wrongdoing of the government for hate.....very reminicent of how the bush-bots used to call people protesting the wars/patriot act unamerican and unpatriotic. I hope you can learn from this mistake of yours and begin to have a better mindset in the future, your my fellow american and I pray for you that you can.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?
The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.

So when you file your taxes are you saying that you take no deductions? Because my guess is if you are an American Paying Taxes, you take deductions to reduce your overall tax burden which still stays around 30% to the Federal Gov't alone.

"Abuses by the corporations they support" ? Didn't a story just come out about Barry taking nearly $1 milliion dollars from a large corporation? Its equal on both sides.

Your smarter than this thread, don't be a moron:cuckoo:
No one who doesn't share the same viewpoint as you should be allowed to do anything. After all, that's the American way, isn't it?
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.

Boy this reveals more about liberal thinking than liberals would like to admit.

Thank you for admitting you are all fascists that would like to start an apartheid here in the United States.

FUNNY but when South Africa didn't have a one man, one vote country, you guys had a fit and wanted sanctions until South Africa did have one man one vote (Which Ronald Reagan led).

But IF those people are going to vote DIFFERENT FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well that's different!!!!

Then apartheid is just fine isn't it?

Thank you for letting that part of your despotism slip.

(Good Lord, if you guys had brains . . . . )

Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that hate government and spend most of their waking moments trying to avoid paying taxes are allowed to vote?

The GOP has been pandering to what they call "real" Americans instead of addressing the problems that led the country to its current state, i.e. abuses by the corporations they support.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to elect officials that hate government?

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.

Boy this reveals more about liberal thinking than liberals would like to admit.

Thank you for admitting you are all fascists that would like to start an apartheid here in the United States.

FUNNY but when South Africa didn't have a one man, one vote country, you guys had a fit and wanted sanctions until South Africa did have one man one vote (Which Ronald Reagan led).

But IF those people are going to vote DIFFERENT FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well that's different!!!!

Then apartheid is just fine isn't it?

Thank you for letting that part of your despotism slip.

(Good Lord, if you guys had brains . . . . )

:lol: Says the only jackass who didn't pick up on the sarcasm. Holy shit.
No body "allows" anybody to vote. So, unless Barry really is the Messiah, you can take your "allow" and shove it where the sun don't shine.
Hating the government and hating your country are two completely different things. Now I certainly would have no objection to revoking the voting rights of the Chavez loving America bashers. Hmmm Maybe I'll start a thread...

PS The word "hate" has been as overused as "racist". It diminishes its meaning. But I guess for moral relativists it really has as little meaning as good and evil. After all, terrorists are simply misunderstood freedom fighters to some on the left.
Hating the government and hating your country are two completely different things. Now I certainly would have no objection to revoking the voting rights of the Chavez loving America bashers. Hmmm Maybe I'll start a thread...

PS The word "hate" has been as overused as "racist". It diminishes its meaning. But I guess for moral relativists it really has as little meaning as good and evil. After all, terrorists are simply misunderstood freedom fighters to some on the left.

So, in other words you'd limit their free speech to having a consequence, of losing your vote as a result of that free speech. Hmm, maybe you fit your own criteria and your voting rights should be revoked :eusa_eh:

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