If you wanted to avoid being called a communist.....


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Wouldn't you avoid appointing a bunch of unelected czars? Isn't that just f'ing common sense?

More of an associative definition than literal....

It was the czar that the communists overthrown..... But either way it was totalitarian for totalitarian.
More of an associative definition than literal....

It was the czar that the communists overthrown..... But either way it was totalitarian for totalitarian.

The term "czar" in reference to an appointed low-level cabinet position goes back to Nixon's administration.

So, again.

How does appointing "czars" make Obama a Communist?
I find it interesting that Joshua Dubois faith based czar (what happened to Dems hardcore separation of church and state?) was Obama's Senate Aide. I think he's just making up phony bologna jobs for him to suck on gravy. Meanwhile we have to pay for him to have such political minions at his disposal.
I'm going to present private sector employment, because republicans hate government employee's

Romney said of Obama, “he wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government
workers. He says we need more fireman, more policeman, more teachers. Did he not
get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It’s time for us to cut back
on government and help the American people.”

private sector jobs

Eight years of supply side vulture capitalism.
Jan 2001 --111,631
Jan 2009 --110,985
---------------646 thousand jobs lost.

11 years,8 months of supply side vulture capitalism.
Jan 2001 --111,631
Jul 2012 --111,317
---------------314 thousand jobs lost.

Three trillion dollars in tax cuts in 11 and 1/2 years, and we wind up with
314 thousand jobs lost.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.

---- bluecoller -- the grumpy old kraut-------:mad:
More of an associative definition than literal....

It was the czar that the communists overthrown..... But either way it was totalitarian for totalitarian.

The term "czar" in reference to an appointed low-level cabinet position goes back to Nixon's administration.

So, again.

How does appointing "czars" make Obama a Communist?

Check the dialogue. Did I call Obama a communist?
What do "czars" have to do with Communism?

I think he means putting unelected, unvetted, and unconfirmed people in charge of our country. There is no check and balance for these people

None of the "czar" positions hold any real power. They're advisory positions.

And most of "czars" are Senate-confirmed.
Wow, are you seriously fucking getting hung up on a media created term?

Find another fucking thing to complain about.

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