If you must lie do it in print


Sep 23, 2010
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” ― Mark Twain

Twain was partially correct. A good memory is not required when you lie in print. You can always refresh your memory when you are challenged decades later.

Let me say that most liars don’t bother me in my personal life. Salesmen lie all of the time, but one can simply walk away. Lawyers, doctors, auto mechanics, contractors lie for profit, but they, too, can be avoided. Working people are notorious liars trying to increase their incomes by doing less. People lie to make themselves look important when they feel inferior. People lie to avoid hurting another person’s feeling. Lying is part of human nature; trying to change it is a waste of time. It is the institutional lie and the liars who tell them that should be shunned because their lies are conceived to hurt their enemies but end up hurting everybody.

Back when Watergate was the story to end all stories, I knew that the people at the Washington Post were a pack of liars. It wasn’t because I was on President Nixon’s side, it was because the story never rang true. Even the New York Times initially told the WaPo to let it go. Had I not had such a low opinion of the Washington Post, and the press in general, I still saw that Nixon did nothing more than engage in political dirty tricks. Now, almost four decades later, I ask myself why I saw the truth so clearly while so many others were suckered by liberal liars?

Does anyone else remember the Left’s indignation when they lamented “Nixon lied”? That always made me laugh. The only people protected by a license to lie accusing a politician of lying. The media monopoly on disseminating news and information might be gone, but the press’ monopoly on lying is as strong as ever.

According to the Left, not only did Nixon lie he threatened to uproot the foundations of all that was decent and good. George “Cherry Tree” Washington was heard weeping in heaven because President Nixon told a lie. Never mind that FDR was the biggest goddamned liar to ever sit in the White House until Clinton and Hussein moved in, liberals swore that Nixon’s coverup of a third rate break in would bring down the civilized world if he wasn’t stopped. In case you missed it, Democrats/Socialists have been lying through their teeth since FDR and the civilized world is truly on the verge of collapsing thanks to their lies.

NOTE: Bill Clinton lied under oath; a thing no other president ever did. Also note that nobody at the Washington Post ever swore to tell the truth about anything. Everybody was supposed to believe them because they were journalists and journalists never lie.

Parenthetically, propaganda television runs on lawyer shows, cop shows, and doctor shows. There was a time when teacher shows and newspaper shows were mainstays in the propaganda mix. It is telling that teacher and journalist shows have all but disappeared along with respect for those professions in real life.

The only thing that keeps the press alive is a small number of individuals who report and analyze truthfully. Without their contribution there would be no justification for the press’ First Amendment protection. The institution itself is corrupt to the core.

Finally, not one liberal journalist makes it onto any list of journalists and commentators who can be trusted ethically and intellectually. I won’t list the small handful who do qualify because I will surely forget to include one or two good ones. Instead, I give you just one:

The Unraveling Myth of Watergate
Pat Buchanan
May 25, 2012

The Unraveling Myth of Watergate - Pat Buchanan - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1

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