If you know the answer to this question, you are an anti-Semite


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Nope! Missed again! God bless you, laddie. You are safely ignorant. Here's that pat on the head you so enjoy.

Male pattern baldness appears to be the answer.

It's pretty obvious.

Why can't you see that?
Good guess. But take another look at the pate of Haim Saban, named the world's most influential Jew by the Jerusalem P--oops! Did I say too much?
i do not understand how knowing they are all jews makes one an anti semite.....
LOL, precisely. Try this test: Wait a week, then mention, when relevant, in another post Jewish media dominance and see what name you are called. The ones who whine the most about bullying are themselves the biggest bullies and they will try to bully you into not noticing. Pretty clever, those bullies.
i do not understand how knowing they are all jews makes one an anti semite.....
LOL, precisely. Try this test: Wait a week, then mention, when relevant, in another post Jewish media dominance and see what name you are called. The ones who whine the most about bullying are themselves the biggest bullies and they will try to bully you into not noticing. Pretty clever, those bullies.

I'm guessing you were bullied a lot. Did the Jewish kids take your milk money?
I'm not sure what the point is but these men may hold high positions but they do not control media. We can debate this issue, but money controls media and money is a multifaceted master. Personally I am always fascinated by the conservative meme that MSM is liberal. It cannot be as if it were it would lose its sponsors, does anyone think Walmart or Toyota would appreciate in-depth reporting. And how about fake news? Point?

An example and see reading below: "By some accounts, the Koch brothers invested approximately $88 million between 1997-2011 into fighting studies on climate change and environmental regulations of the fossil fuel industry. We submit that the CKF’s history of supporting specious anti-science research and organizations, aimed to protect the profit of their own industries, potentially damages Wake Forest’s academic reputation, scholarly credibility, and Pro Humanitate commitment to social justice." Faculty Petition to Review Eudaimonia Institute

A few books for the few who want to know.

'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey
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i do not understand how knowing they are all jews makes one an anti semite.....
LOL, precisely. Try this test: Wait a week, then mention, when relevant, in another post Jewish media dominance and see what name you are called. The ones who whine the most about bullying are themselves the biggest bullies and they will try to bully you into not noticing. Pretty clever, those bullies.

I'm guessing you were bullied a lot. Did the Jewish kids take your milk money?
We were too poor to afford money.

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