If you could pick any country on earth in which to be born right now, which one would it be?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?
I would say the USA. But not in the Deep South or any of those racist Nazi states. Where ever Republicans are in charge, ruin follows.
America, Hell Yeah!

I’d say USA.

Best balance of freedom and security on earth.

There are safer places, less freedom.

There are more dangerous places......much less freedom.

Freedom to be left the fuck alone as long as I am not bothering you is important to me....not to everyone. Plenty of people are willing to give up personal freedom to have government control their lives.

So, what country would you want to be born in today, and why?

The U.S. of A. all day long, in modern times.

Switzerland say from about the 1300's to the 1600's.
Best balance of freedom and security on earth.
Unless one owns a home while black. In which case one doesn't even have the freedom to enter it without being arrested. Though I suppose the police being so assiduous could give one a feeling of security.
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I would say the USA. But not in the Deep South or any of those racist Nazi states. Where ever Republicans are in charge, ruin follows.

this time, I'd suggest you be born in a state that enforces minimum education standards.
Best balance of freedom and security on earth.
So what countries have you lived in to compare with?

Does one need to live to somewhere to understand the nature of living there?

There is plenty of research one can do on any nation.

Why defensive?

I have traveled extensively in Asia and th Caribbean, not much in Europe.

The USA has the best overall for what is important to me.

Most other nations lack diversity, and that seems to be important to many Americans.
Lots of racist nations out there with no diversity.

Look at most African nations. All Africans, barely any white Europeans...racist AF.

Norway? Like 95% Norwegian....racist AF.

Japan? Full of Japanese.....racist AF.

If you want to live somewhere that lacks diversity, does it make you inherently racist?

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