If you believe in limited government and states rights


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Most Americans SHOULD believe in limited govt and states rights Matthew because that's LITERALLY how our National Constitution is written. You've just hijacked those phrases to mean "something else".. .

Federal govt SHOULD restrain itself from a LOT of state issues -- but it's YOUR side that seems to be the most inconsistent on that count..

You want CONSISTENCY in "states' rights" ?? Vote Libertarian..
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Smaller, limited and less intrusive government and reasonable laws which affect our personal lives are not mutually exclusive. It's not an either or world. It's far more complicated than that.

Therefore, it is neither hypocritical nor contradictory for someone to hold the view that we are generally better off with smaller, less intrusive, limited government. . . while at the same time recognizing the fact that the government has a legitimate role to play in protection human rights and lives - resulting in some laws that affect our private lives as a matter of sheer Constitutional necessity.

It IS the role of government to secure and to protect the rights of all the people EQUALLY, after all.
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Well, only if the Portland voters only count for 1/2 a vote, they've ruined Oregon and they belong back in California .. Then let real Oregonians call the shots , limited government and states rights is the way to go..
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Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Most Americans SHOULD believe in limited govt and states rights Matthew because that's LITERALLY how our National Constitution is written. You've just hijacked those phrases to mean "something else".. .

Federal govt SHOULD restrain itself from a LOT of state issues -- but it's YOUR side that seems to be the most inconsistent on that count..

You want CONSISTENCY in "states' rights" ?? Vote Libertarian..

Then we do not need a congress or President. Save us taxpayers lots of money. We will all be individual states and individual people, we will be called "A Collection of Individual States"

Sound good?
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.
We, the rest of the world, believe in limited US government. We have our own, thats enough of a problem. Thanks for your attention.
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Most Americans SHOULD believe in limited govt and states rights Matthew because that's LITERALLY how our National Constitution is written. You've just hijacked those phrases to mean "something else".. .

Federal govt SHOULD restrain itself from a LOT of state issues -- but it's YOUR side that seems to be the most inconsistent on that count..

You want CONSISTENCY in "states' rights" ?? Vote Libertarian..

Then we do not need a congress or President. Save us taxpayers lots of money. We will all be individual states and individual people, we will be called "A Collection of Individual States"

Sound good?

The confederacy failed because that was exactly what it was - a loose collection of individual states. What the constitution drafted was a much stronger government than simply a collection of the states and outlined specific powers that were granted to it. The federal government should be restrained by those powers though it continually tries to expand its own influence.

It is a false dichotomy to demand that a limited government must be so limited that it cannot exist or we do not need a congress or president (you seem to have forgotten the judiciary though) and is the same tripe that many people like to throw out there to ignore how the current trend of the government has bastardized our federal system of checks and balances. It is a fact that our constitution was written to limit the powers of the federal government by outlining exactly what it was responsible for accomplishing. Everything else was left to the states and the people as clearly stated in the tenth amendment.
Look everyone, the global warmer cultist ass face is all of a sudden against the EPA regulations on small businesses and is against the IRS targeting conservatives.

He is right? Right?
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Most Americans SHOULD believe in limited govt and states rights Matthew because that's LITERALLY how our National Constitution is written. You've just hijacked those phrases to mean "something else".. .

Federal govt SHOULD restrain itself from a LOT of state issues -- but it's YOUR side that seems to be the most inconsistent on that count..

You want CONSISTENCY in "states' rights" ?? Vote Libertarian..

Then we do not need a congress or President. Save us taxpayers lots of money. We will all be individual states and individual people, we will be called "A Collection of Individual States"

Sound good?

The confederacy failed because that was exactly what it was - a loose collection of individual states. What the constitution drafted was a much stronger government than simply a collection of the states and outlined specific powers that were granted to it. The federal government should be restrained by those powers though it continually tries to expand its own influence.

It is a false dichotomy to demand that a limited government must be so limited that it cannot exist or we do not need a congress or president (you seem to have forgotten the judiciary though) and is the same tripe that many people like to throw out there to ignore how the current trend of the government has bastardized our federal system of checks and balances. It is a fact that our constitution was written to limit the powers of the federal government by outlining exactly what it was responsible for accomplishing. Everything else was left to the states and the people as clearly stated in the tenth amendment.

I am all for a Federal Government, but not a Gop control of both senate and house. They are ruining America. If they cut taxes on the elites, which they plan, release companies to pollute at will, take away healthcare for all, then screw them, after all its us taxpayers who pay them and give them their health insurance and bennies.

Trump, made in the USA as he gets his trademark in China for Valentines day, is he going to continue buying steel from China?? Who knows, but I think so. He is "special".
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Most Americans SHOULD believe in limited govt and states rights Matthew because that's LITERALLY how our National Constitution is written. You've just hijacked those phrases to mean "something else".. .

Federal govt SHOULD restrain itself from a LOT of state issues -- but it's YOUR side that seems to be the most inconsistent on that count..

You want CONSISTENCY in "states' rights" ?? Vote Libertarian..

Then we do not need a congress or President. Save us taxpayers lots of money. We will all be individual states and individual people, we will be called "A Collection of Individual States"

Sound good?

Nawww.. I prefer the US Constitution and the enumeration of Federal Powers. BUT -- I'll tell TELL you who "can go home".. Out of the 535 in Congress --- LATELY only four matter. That's the Majority/Minority leaders of both houses. THEY decide who wins and loses, how big a voice all the others have and what work ---- IF ANY --- gets done.. So with the two brand name parties HIJACKING that arm of Govt with their "party leadership" and dynasties -- the other 531 SHOULD just "go home"....
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.
But it IS the function of limited (Federal) government to bitch-slap States that refuse to enforce or whom conspire to circumvent Federal law...

There is no inconsistency there...
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.
Yes they can have it both ways. For example remember they care about debt and how much the Obama spent? They no longer care about these things
take away healthcare for all, then screw them, after all its us taxpayers who pay them and give them their health insurance and bennies.

correction: we pay to give them Gold Plated health care and free everything else (few $100K barbers on site).

the health "insurance" they give to you *(laughing uncontrollably) is $10,000 per year with $5K dedcutibles.
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Can you be any more vague on what you are reamblong about?
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

Most Americans SHOULD believe in limited govt and states rights Matthew because that's LITERALLY how our National Constitution is written. You've just hijacked those phrases to mean "something else".. .

Federal govt SHOULD restrain itself from a LOT of state issues -- but it's YOUR side that seems to be the most inconsistent on that count..

You want CONSISTENCY in "states' rights" ?? Vote Libertarian..

Then we do not need a congress or President. Save us taxpayers lots of money. We will all be individual states and individual people, we will be called "A Collection of Individual States"

Sound good?

The confederacy failed because that was exactly what it was - a loose collection of individual states. What the constitution drafted was a much stronger government than simply a collection of the states and outlined specific powers that were granted to it. The federal government should be restrained by those powers though it continually tries to expand its own influence.

It is a false dichotomy to demand that a limited government must be so limited that it cannot exist or we do not need a congress or president (you seem to have forgotten the judiciary though) and is the same tripe that many people like to throw out there to ignore how the current trend of the government has bastardized our federal system of checks and balances. It is a fact that our constitution was written to limit the powers of the federal government by outlining exactly what it was responsible for accomplishing. Everything else was left to the states and the people as clearly stated in the tenth amendment.

People don't bother learning that though
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.
Yes they can have it both ways. For example remember they care about debt and how much the Obama spent? They no longer care about these things

We don't? Is that why trump is planning spending cuts?
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.
Yes they can have it both ways. For example remember they care about debt and how much the Obama spent? They no longer care about these things

We don't? Is that why trump is planning spending cuts?

He announced today that he was going to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure. He said he'd be building bridges, roads, dams. Just like Roosevelt in the Great Depression. And modernize and re-equip the army. That doesn't sound like spending cuts at all. Oh and he's cutting taxes too.

And companies can only use American made steel and pipe, which will increase the cost.
Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.
Yes they can have it both ways. For example remember they care about debt and how much the Obama spent? They no longer care about these things

We don't? Is that why trump is planning spending cuts?

He announced today that he was going to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure. He said he'd be building bridges, roads, dams. Just like Roosevelt in the Great Depression. And modernize and re-equip the army. That doesn't sound like spending cuts at all. Oh and he's cutting taxes too.

And companies can only use American made steel and pipe, which will increase the cost.

Sounds great to me.. get the economy growing, get the working middle class back to work with good paying lasting jobs and improve living conditions for everyone plus a military well re-equipped with the best or continue to decay under Democrat socialist slavery and poor me and wait in line despair.

(Mathew would hate it though, R& D, infrastructure and Americans living the American dream is his greatest fear)...:wink_2:
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Well, accept Oregons rights and stay out of our business. I am talking to you Jeff sessions!!!

You're either limited government or a group just like us liberals that want to push your belief on everyone. Can't have it both ways.

What ?

You only believe in them when they suite your purpose ?

You moron.

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