If you are a college student, you must be an idiot

Seriously, it's the right who think that if you are a college student you're stupid. They don't believe in education. It's why less than 6% are scientists. Science is "hard". Easier to believe that things were "beamed" into existence.
Well, the government must think you are an idiot, that's why they put out stuff like this,
College students with flu advised to avoid others - Yahoo! News
College students with flu advised to avoid others
And their willing ally, the AP, thinks you are too damn stupid to have any common sense also, so they published it.

Have a think about this for a minute or two.

In what social situations do most college students tend to live?

Do they (a) live alone in a 72 room mansion in the Hamptons (b) live in a shack in northern Idaho and fly to classes in their private helicopter (c) live in shared accommodation (d) live in communal accommodation?

Given that influenza is a virus contracted as a result of close (inside 1 metre) social contact with infected individuals it make sense to advise those who are living in social situations where close (but not necessarily intimate) social contact is unavoidable.

It's called risk management by the university.

They can't assume anyone knows these facts. I mean medical science itself believed in miasma theory until the early 20th Century.

Where I'm studying as a post-grad student (part-time) the university puts out notices about H1N1 all the time. No-one thinks it's anything other than prudent.

Anyway some of the undergrads haven't got enough sense to wipe their noses so the advice is probably needed :lol:

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