If we secured the border


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Since we are not going to do anything about the 20 million that is here. Not go after businesses that hire illegal aliens, securing the border will stop illegal immigration, stop drug and human smuggling and stop re-entry of criminal illegal aliens that have been deported. We can secure the border if we wanted to but who wants to and who will is the problem. All candidates pledge to secure the border but when in office they do nothing. Obama say the border is secure than ever and deportation are at a historical high but is not enough. The border has to be secured if it has to be closed temporary to get the full effect. We are spending billions trying to secure Afghanistan and Iraq and our own country is not secure and being terrorized. Something is serious wrong with this picture.

MS-13 is growing because most of them deported just return because our border is not secure.

Present plan of securing the border is not working because although crossing is down, there is still a steady flow north. If one get passed border patrols that is one too many.
Ilegal immigration has seen a “sharp decline” over the last two years, the Pew Hispanic Center said in a new report Wednesday — the first significant drop in the last 20 years.

Improved security at the boarder and less jobs are a major factor.
In my opinion, We Americans need to force the government to uphold the immigration laws and deport all the illegal aliens and secure our ports and borders. We hold the strings to the purse which mean we control the money. We have to figure out a way to withhold the money from the politicians. That will make them sit up and listen real fast to our demands. We need to close off the money spigot and see how far they get without their Goose Who Laid the Golden Egg! (The taxpayers)

By not securing the border is making criminals out of American citizens. Those who harbor and hire the illegal aliens are breaking the laws. The government can and will legally go after American citizens for breaking the laws eventually in a big way. We all know the government is guilty of entrapment by letting the illegal aliens come and go as they please. The illegals don’t believe they’re doing anything wrong because the government does not punish them for any wrong doing. The illegals murder someone and they give them 15 years then release them in 7 years and the illegal alien is back over the border in the same month he’s released to commit more crimes on Americans.

The previous administrations did absolutely nothing but keep the taxpayers off their backs they purposely let in 20 million or more illegal aliens. Now that Obama has deport a handful that doesn’t make him a hero he’s simply keeping taxpayers off his back.
By the Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano saying, “The borders have never been so secure” is like giving a starving man 1,000 calories worth of food. Zero calories were bad but now the 1,000 isn’t half enough.

Supposedly we have intelligent men and women in political power how can they be making such dirty rotten, low down, unintelligent decisions??? Why, because they’re all crooked as a dogs hind leg and it’s worth it to them to destroy their own country for the pay offs, perks, favors and bribes! We’d be better off with average American citizens with higher education and have love of country in their hearts in those political offices. All politicians local, state and federal have to go!

All the current politicians (the incumbents) need to be voted out of office and pronto! VOTE THE BUMS OUT all of them because the longer they stay in office the more corrupt they become. Never let any politician have more than one term in office and vote out all Latino Elected Officials.

When the opposition takes control of the media and political power the sheep will happily go to slaughter and everyone else can put their heads between their legs and kiss their arses goodbye!
The Occupy Wall Street crowd should go down to the border and set up shop. They will get more attention from the government that way because they will be costing the government money. They will be halting the Cheap Labor and Drug hauls into America and that's a couple of our politicians main stay.
possum got his sombrero on so's he can get one o' dem free balogna sammiches...
Border Patrol to toughen policy
17 Jan.`12 – The U.S. Border Patrol is moving to halt a revolving-door policy of sending migrants back to Mexico without any punishment.
The agency this month is overhauling its approach on migrants caught illegally crossing the 1,954-mile border that the United States shares with Mexico. Years of enormous growth at the federal agency in terms of staff and technology have helped drive down apprehensions of migrants to 40-year lows. The number of agents since 2004 has more than doubled to 21,000. The Border Patrol has blanketed one-third of the border with fences and other physical barriers, and spent heavily on cameras, sensors and other gizmos. Major advances in fingerprinting technology have vastly improved intelligence on border-crossers. In the 2011 fiscal year, border agents made 327,577 apprehensions on the Mexican border, down 80 percent from more than 1.6 million in 2000. It was the Border Patrol's slowest year since 1971.

It's a far cry from just a few years ago. Older agents remember being so overmatched that they powerlessly watched migrants cross illegally, minutes after catching them and dropping them off at the nearest border crossing. Border Patrol Chief Mike Fisher, who joined the Border Patrol in 1987, recalls apprehending the same migrant 10 times in his eight-hour shift as a young agent. The Border Patrol now feels it has enough of a handle to begin imposing more serious consequences on almost everyone it catches, from areas including Texas' Rio Grande Valley to San Diego. The "Consequence Delivery System" — a key part of the Border Patrol's new national strategy to be announced within weeks — relies largely on tools that have been rolled out over the last decade on parts of the border and expanded. It divides border crossers into seven categories, ranging from first-time offenders to people with criminal records.

Punishments vary by region but there is a common thread: Simply turning people around after taking their fingerprints is the choice of last resort. Some, including children and the medically ill, will still get a free pass by being turned around at the nearest border crossing, but they will be few and far between. "What we want to be able to do is make that the exception and not necessarily the norm," Fisher told The Associated Press. Consequences can be severe for detained migrants and expensive to American taxpayers, including felony prosecution or being taken to an unfamiliar border city hundreds of miles away to be sent back to Mexico. One tool used during summers in Arizona involves flying migrants to Mexico City, where they get one-way bus tickets to their hometowns. Another releases them to Mexican authorities for prosecution south of the border. One puts them on buses to return to Mexico in another border city that may be hundreds of miles away.

In the past, migrants caught in Douglas, Ariz., were given a bologna sandwich and orange juice before being taken back to Mexico at the same location on the same afternoon, Fisher said. Now, they may spend the night at an immigration detention facility near Phoenix and eventually return to Mexico through Del Rio, Texas, more than 800 miles away. Those migrants are effectively cut off from the smugglers who helped them cross the border, whose typical fees have skyrocketed to between $3,200 and $3,500 and are increasingly demanding payment upfront instead of after crossing, Fisher said. At minimum, they will have to wait longer to try again as they raise money to pay another smuggler. "What used to be hours and days is now being translated into days and weeks," said Fisher.


Since we are not going to do anything about the 20 million that is here. Not go after businesses that hire illegal aliens, securing the border will stop illegal immigration, stop drug and human smuggling and stop re-entry of criminal illegal aliens that have been deported. We can secure the border if we wanted to but who wants to and who will is the problem. All candidates pledge to secure the border but when in office they do nothing. Obama say the border is secure than ever and deportation are at a historical high but is not enough. The border has to be secured if it has to be closed temporary to get the full effect. We are spending billions trying to secure Afghanistan and Iraq and our own country is not secure and being terrorized. Something is serious wrong with this picture.

MS-13 is growing because most of them deported just return because our border is not secure.

Present plan of securing the border is not working because although crossing is down, there is still a steady flow north. If one get passed border patrols that is one too many.

Learn the language or get out of my country, you illiterate whore.
Unkotare wrote: Learn the language or get out of my country, you illiterate whore.
Don't think there aren't many MS-13 who already know the language well enough to get by...
... that's a big part of the problem.
Fixing the broken windows is part of solving the larger problem.
I am afraid that a large part of our younger American populace has come to accept illegal aliens. Much the same way they have come to accept global warming or Homosexual marriage. I have been told that illegal aliens are a fact of life and that I “HAVE TO GET USED TO THE NEW REALITY”. I am of the age that see this blind acceptance much the same as I saw the French accepting Nazis invading France, and that is rather disturbing. The next generation seems to redefine national identity to fit their lack of moral strength or national identity or even personal scruples.
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Im surprised the Perry was endorsed by sheriff joe arpaio. I checked his background and he is pretty moderate by GOP standards.
MaryL wrote: I am afraid that a large part of our younger American populace has come to accept illegal aliens. Much the same way they have come to accept global warming or Homosexual marriage. I have been told that illegal aliens are a fact of life and that I “HAVE TO GET USED TO THE NEW REALITY”. I am of the age that see this blind acceptance much the same as I saw the French accepting Nazis invading France, and that is rather disturbing. The next generation seems to redefine national identity to fit their lack of moral strength or national identity or even personal scruples.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... Bible says it be like dat inna end times...

... dat means Jesus comin' back soon."
That's a pretty good advice but one problem illegal immigrants can come over and there would be no way of discerning between the protestors and the immigrants.
The Occupy Wall Street crowd should go down to the border and set up shop. They will get more attention from the government that way because they will be costing the government money. They will be halting the Cheap Labor and Drug hauls into America and that's a couple of our politicians main stay.

That's a pretty good advice but one problem illegal immigrants can come over and there would be no way of discerning between the protestors and the immigrants.
Do you really think a person who wants to come over here illegally is going to show up to a closed border and say " oh dude its closed lets go back!" ? No! Hes gonna come over anyway.
Ilegal immigration has seen a “sharp decline” over the last two years, the Pew Hispanic Center said in a new report Wednesday — the first significant drop in the last 20 years.

Improved security at the boarder and less jobs are a major factor.

Bulcrap....bad economy and loss of jobs is the leading cause of fewer illegals coming this way. In fact, they are going home, but of course, when things improve, they will come back and wreck our economy again.
Do you really think a person who wants to come over here illegally is going to show up to a closed border and say " oh dude its closed lets go back!" ? No! Hes gonna come over anyway.

Not if we have a wall and protect it.

Well than somebody needs to get a petition going. If enough people sign it might just make a difference.

yeah, right, you don't remember Bush making a big deal about that fence and signing that bill in front of the whole country, then congress refused to fund it.

The people have already spoken to our leaders and been kicked in the face. Our leaders care bupkiss about us as long as they get their bribe money from the corporations. Tyson is one of the biggest violators, bringing in illegals and it's cheaper for them to pay the $10,000 fine everytime they're caught than to hire Americans.
Not if we have a wall and protect it.

Well than somebody needs to get a petition going. If enough people sign it might just make a difference.

yeah, right, you don't remember Bush making a big deal about that fence and signing that bill in front of the whole country, then congress refused to fund it.

The people have already spoken to our leaders and been kicked in the face. Our leaders care bupkiss about us as long as they get their bribe money from the corporations. Tyson is one of the biggest violators, bringing in illegals and it's cheaper for them to pay the $10,000 fine everytime they're caught than to hire Americans.

Please refrain from telling me what I do and do not remember. I, contrary to your belief, do remember that. I see nothing wrong with trying over and over again. How do you know that it will never work? You dont.
Well than somebody needs to get a petition going. If enough people sign it might just make a difference.

yeah, right, you don't remember Bush making a big deal about that fence and signing that bill in front of the whole country, then congress refused to fund it.

The people have already spoken to our leaders and been kicked in the face. Our leaders care bupkiss about us as long as they get their bribe money from the corporations. Tyson is one of the biggest violators, bringing in illegals and it's cheaper for them to pay the $10,000 fine everytime they're caught than to hire Americans.

Please refrain from telling me what I do and do not remember. I, contrary to your belief, do remember that. I see nothing wrong with trying over and over again. How do you know that it will never work? You dont.

Sorry, that period should have been a question mark, and I know that it will never work because I've fought city hall before and lost, many times. Maybe I'm just sick of fighting for a losing cause.

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