If there was a "Gay" gene.. why are we here?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Simple question because the "I gotta be me" crowd insist they were born that way .. yet if the "Gay" gene was dominant there would never be any species as reproduction is the method of species' propagation.

SO.. it would appear that the "Gay" gene definitely was NOT a dominant gene.

As a result, either through acceptance or accident "gay" genes (if they exist!) continued.

So why are "gays" then so insistent that sexual orientation is genetic since clearly the "gay" gene could never have been dominate ..(face it even a hard core gay wanting genetic immortality must have a female egg!!!) !

Therefore why the massive education process if EVERYONE knows the only way a gay could exist is by ACCEPTANCE of the life style.

I mean in the past most gays were NOT as readily accepted in society, so
what changed if NOT behavior modification on the part of the NON-Gay segment of society?

So again... why are gays so insistent on playing the as of today
"I gotta be me" meme if there as of today a non-existent "gay" gene?

Tell me again then why do most uninformed people especially in the gay community reject "behavior modification" i.e. " gay reparative therapy"?

"My therapist asked me, 'Why are you here?' I told him, 'I wanted to be heterosexual and I wanted my God given heterosexuality back," says Richard Campbell. He is part of quiet movement of people who say they don't want to continue living as homosexuals.

"I kept having relationship after relationship, trying to make things work, all the while feeling an emptiness inside," says Campbell. Three years ago he looked into gay conversion therapy which is also called gay reparative therapy.
Going straight: Controversial therapy 'treats' homosexuality | kvue.com Austin

AND please don't go calling me names, etc... as Seinfeld said in that now FAMOUS DISCLAIMER:

I'm just curious why the anger at "gay reparative therapy"

Why in the heck did you post this in politics? Moved to health and lifestyle.
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.
Simple question because the "I gotta be me" crowd insist they were born that way .. yet if the "Gay" gene was dominant there would never be any species as reproduction is the method of species' propagation.

SO.. it would appear that the "Gay" gene definitely was NOT a dominant gene.

As a result, either through acceptance or accident "gay" genes (if they exist!) continued.

So why are "gays" then so insistent that sexual orientation is genetic since clearly the "gay" gene could never have been dominate ..(face it even a hard core gay wanting genetic immortality must have a female egg!!!) !

Therefore why the massive education process if EVERYONE knows the only way a gay could exist is by ACCEPTANCE of the life style.

I mean in the past most gays were NOT as readily accepted in society, so
what changed if NOT behavior modification on the part of the NON-Gay segment of society?

So again... why are gays so insistent on playing the as of today
"I gotta be me" meme if there as of today a non-existent "gay" gene?

Tell me again then why do most uninformed people especially in the gay community reject "behavior modification" i.e. " gay reparative therapy"?

"My therapist asked me, 'Why are you here?' I told him, 'I wanted to be heterosexual and I wanted my God given heterosexuality back," says Richard Campbell. He is part of quiet movement of people who say they don't want to continue living as homosexuals.

"I kept having relationship after relationship, trying to make things work, all the while feeling an emptiness inside," says Campbell. Three years ago he looked into gay conversion therapy which is also called gay reparative therapy.
Going straight: Controversial therapy 'treats' homosexuality | kvue.com Austin

AND please don't go calling me names, etc... as Seinfeld said in that now FAMOUS DISCLAIMER:

I'm just curious why the anger at "gay reparative therapy"

Therapy can't stop someone from being gay, just like it can't make someone stop being straight. It is genetic, and something that is not a choice. You ask why it hasn't "bred" out of humans if homosexuals don't propagate the species? Because it's a minor defect, not an abnormality passed from parent to child. Your question is the same as asking why infertility hasn't been bred out if they can't propagate?
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

Cuz the gays will settle for a woman in they're drunk and desperate.
Simple question because the "I gotta be me" crowd insist they were born that way .. yet if the "Gay" gene was dominant there would never be any species as reproduction is the method of species' propagation.

SO.. it would appear that the "Gay" gene definitely was NOT a dominant gene.

As a result, either through acceptance or accident "gay" genes (if they exist!) continued.

So why are "gays" then so insistent that sexual orientation is genetic since clearly the "gay" gene could never have been dominate ..(face it even a hard core gay wanting genetic immortality must have a female egg!!!) !

Therefore why the massive education process if EVERYONE knows the only way a gay could exist is by ACCEPTANCE of the life style.

I mean in the past most gays were NOT as readily accepted in society, so
what changed if NOT behavior modification on the part of the NON-Gay segment of society?

So again... why are gays so insistent on playing the as of today
"I gotta be me" meme if there as of today a non-existent "gay" gene?

Tell me again then why do most uninformed people especially in the gay community reject "behavior modification" i.e. " gay reparative therapy"?

"My therapist asked me, 'Why are you here?' I told him, 'I wanted to be heterosexual and I wanted my God given heterosexuality back," says Richard Campbell. He is part of quiet movement of people who say they don't want to continue living as homosexuals.

"I kept having relationship after relationship, trying to make things work, all the while feeling an emptiness inside," says Campbell. Three years ago he looked into gay conversion therapy which is also called gay reparative therapy.
Going straight: Controversial therapy 'treats' homosexuality | kvue.com Austin

AND please don't go calling me names, etc... as Seinfeld said in that now FAMOUS DISCLAIMER:

I'm just curious why the anger at "gay reparative therapy"

You realize that genetic expression isn't limited to autosomal dominance, right?
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Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

So if it's genetic, what basis does anyone have to discriminate?
Simple question because the "I gotta be me" crowd insist they were born that way .. yet if the "Gay" gene was dominant there would never be any species as reproduction is the method of species' propagation.
Who cares.

It’s legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

And this is in "POLITICS" why?

Because you and others on the right seek to deny a class of American citizens equal access to the laws.

It has become, unfortunately, needlessly, inappropriately, a political issue accordingly.
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

So if it's genetic, what basis does anyone have to discriminate?

Against homosexuality, religion and a fear of the new and unknown (I say new meaning new in the spotlight, not new in occurrence).

Pedophilia is discriminated against because it involves coercing a child, who isn't mature enough emotionally to understand any better, into engaging into an act that could severely scar them emotionally once they are old enough and mature enough to understand.

If the cannibal killed a person to eat them, than that's wrong as murder is wrong. But if the person dies of natural causes, then while it may be disturbing to me, it seems more up to debate than any other topic in this thread so far.
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

So if it's genetic, what basis does anyone have to discriminate?

Against homosexuality, religion and a fear of the new and unknown (I say new meaning new in the spotlight, not new in occurrence).

Pedophilia is discriminated against because it involves coercing a child, who isn't mature enough emotionally to understand any better, into engaging into an act that could severely scar them emotionally once they are old enough and mature enough to understand.

If the cannibal killed a person to eat them, than that's wrong as murder is wrong. But if the person dies of natural causes, then while it may be disturbing to me, it seems more up to debate than any other topic in this thread so far.

This has nothing to do with pedophilia or cannibalism.

Saying what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own rooms is somehow on the the same logical plane as murder and assault is absurd.

It's a complete non-sequitur.
So if it's genetic, what basis does anyone have to discriminate?

Against homosexuality, religion and a fear of the new and unknown (I say new meaning new in the spotlight, not new in occurrence).

Pedophilia is discriminated against because it involves coercing a child, who isn't mature enough emotionally to understand any better, into engaging into an act that could severely scar them emotionally once they are old enough and mature enough to understand.

If the cannibal killed a person to eat them, than that's wrong as murder is wrong. But if the person dies of natural causes, then while it may be disturbing to me, it seems more up to debate than any other topic in this thread so far.

This has nothing to do with pedophilia or cannibalism.

Saying what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own rooms is somehow on the the same logical plane as murder and assault is absurd.

It's a complete non-sequitur.

I misinterpreted your post then, sorry. I thought you were asking katzndogz why cannibalism and pedophilia were discriminated against if they were genetic just like homosexuality.
Against homosexuality, religion and a fear of the new and unknown (I say new meaning new in the spotlight, not new in occurrence).

Pedophilia is discriminated against because it involves coercing a child, who isn't mature enough emotionally to understand any better, into engaging into an act that could severely scar them emotionally once they are old enough and mature enough to understand.

If the cannibal killed a person to eat them, than that's wrong as murder is wrong. But if the person dies of natural causes, then while it may be disturbing to me, it seems more up to debate than any other topic in this thread so far.

This has nothing to do with pedophilia or cannibalism.

Saying what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own rooms is somehow on the the same logical plane as murder and assault is absurd.

It's a complete non-sequitur.

I misinterpreted your post then, sorry. I thought you were asking katzndogz why cannibalism and pedophilia were discriminated against if they were genetic just like homosexuality.

I am not sure their is a genetic basis for pedophilia or cannibalism.

At any rate, a better analogy would be race.

The excuse to discriminate against homosexuals in the past has been that they deserve discrimination since they their orientation is a lifestyle choice. As if it's a "fair trade" to deprive people of certain things based on their decisions.

If homosexuality is genetic, it clearly isn't a choice. And I am curious as to what basis their is to discriminate.
Simple question because the "I gotta be me" crowd insist they were born that way .. yet if the "Gay" gene was dominant there would never be any species as reproduction is the method of species' propagation.

SO.. it would appear that the "Gay" gene definitely was NOT a dominant gene.

As a result, either through acceptance or accident "gay" genes (if they exist!) continued.

So why are "gays" then so insistent that sexual orientation is genetic since clearly the "gay" gene could never have been dominate ..(face it even a hard core gay wanting genetic immortality must have a female egg!!!) !

Therefore why the massive education process if EVERYONE knows the only way a gay could exist is by ACCEPTANCE of the life style.

I mean in the past most gays were NOT as readily accepted in society, so
what changed if NOT behavior modification on the part of the NON-Gay segment of society?

So again... why are gays so insistent on playing the as of today
"I gotta be me" meme if there as of today a non-existent "gay" gene?

Tell me again then why do most uninformed people especially in the gay community reject "behavior modification" i.e. " gay reparative therapy"?

"My therapist asked me, 'Why are you here?' I told him, 'I wanted to be heterosexual and I wanted my God given heterosexuality back," says Richard Campbell. He is part of quiet movement of people who say they don't want to continue living as homosexuals.

"I kept having relationship after relationship, trying to make things work, all the while feeling an emptiness inside," says Campbell. Three years ago he looked into gay conversion therapy which is also called gay reparative therapy.
Going straight: Controversial therapy 'treats' homosexuality | kvue.com Austin

AND please don't go calling me names, etc... as Seinfeld said in that now FAMOUS DISCLAIMER:

I'm just curious why the anger at "gay reparative therapy"

Why wouldn't we be here?
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

Point 1.. YOUR ANECDOTAL experience "no gay going straight" is just that
Point 2.. WHAT?? "gay becoming straight" CAN'T BE TRUE?? Come on dogmatic responses make you appear stupid!
Point 3.. YOUR observation "convinced by peer pressure" I would agree with!
THAT's my point of "Nature VS Nurture"!
YES there MAY BE (again not proven to be a "GAY" GENE..YET...) Gay gene
but definitely DEFINITELY by shear fact there are MORE hetro then homo beings... HAS to be or else there wouldn't be reproduction.. UNDERSTAND?

My point again which you also made was "peer pressure" to be gay!
I've had as ALL MALES have had at some time at the minimum either some gay contact, or some gay leanings.. and would consider myself 98% hetrosexual!
So I think there is some gayness in all of us.. but in a few of us the promiscuity drives that to experimentation which leads to a life style!

BUT it is NOT the driving "I gotta be me" mentality but more like ease of access for a male to other easy access by males to immediate gratification!

I mean how could ANY man not have squirmed in the movie "Full Metal Jacket" on hearing: Gunnery Sargeant Hartman say:
"I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around."

When I heard this real former Marine say this I was at first shocked but then realized the military has historically even back to the "Greek" (no pun) armies had gay units!

So again.. I would say most "I gotta be me" are using that as an excuse for mutual masturbation!
i have blue eyes

why am i here?

mendel wept

Why are lethal genetic conditions still here?

Why is sickle cell anemia still in the gene pool?

The genetic selective scenario in which a heterozygote for two alleles of a gene has an advantage over either of the homozyous states is called "balanced polymorphism". A key concept to keep in mind is that the selection is for sickle cell trait. A common misstatement is that malaria selects for sickle cell disease. This is not true. A person with sickle cell disease is at an extreme survival disadvantage because of the ravages of the disease process. This means that a negative selection exists for sickle cell disease. Sickle cell trait is the genetic condition selected for in regions of endemic malaria. Sickle cell disease is a necessary consequence of the existence of the trait condition because of the genetics of reproduction.

Malaria and the Sickle Hemoglobin Gene

Yet another threat that demonstrates that HM knows dick about, well, anything.
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Point 1.. YOUR ANECDOTAL experience "no gay going straight" is just that

The failure rate of "conversion therapy" is well documented and is not endorsed by psychologists or psychiatrists.

So, it's hardly "anecdotal".

Point 2.. WHAT?? "gay becoming straight" CAN'T BE TRUE?? Come on dogmatic responses make you appear stupid!
Point 3.. YOUR observation "convinced by peer pressure" I would agree with!
THAT's my point of "Nature VS Nurture"!
YES there MAY BE (again not proven to be a "GAY" GENE..YET...) Gay gene
but definitely DEFINITELY by shear fact there are MORE hetro then homo beings... HAS to be or else there wouldn't be reproduction.. UNDERSTAND?

There are more right handed people then left handed people.

Handedness is a genetic characteristic.

What is your point?

My point again which you also made was "peer pressure" to be gay!
I've had as ALL MALES have had at some time at the minimum either some gay contact, or some gay leanings.. and would consider myself 98% hetrosexual!
So I think there is some gayness in all of us.. but in a few of us the promiscuity drives that to experimentation which leads to a life style!

"Eventually, if the patient keeps talking", you will uncover the root of their cognitive dissonance."
Simple question because the "I gotta be me" crowd insist they were born that way .. yet if the "Gay" gene was dominant there would never be any species as reproduction is the method of species' propagation.

SO.. it would appear that the "Gay" gene definitely was NOT a dominant gene.

As a result, either through acceptance or accident "gay" genes (if they exist!) continued.

So why are "gays" then so insistent that sexual orientation is genetic since clearly the "gay" gene could never have been dominate ..(face it even a hard core gay wanting genetic immortality must have a female egg!!!) !

Therefore why the massive education process if EVERYONE knows the only way a gay could exist is by ACCEPTANCE of the life style.

I mean in the past most gays were NOT as readily accepted in society, so
what changed if NOT behavior modification on the part of the NON-Gay segment of society?

So again... why are gays so insistent on playing the as of today
"I gotta be me" meme if there as of today a non-existent "gay" gene?

Tell me again then why do most uninformed people especially in the gay community reject "behavior modification" i.e. " gay reparative therapy"?

"My therapist asked me, 'Why are you here?' I told him, 'I wanted to be heterosexual and I wanted my God given heterosexuality back," says Richard Campbell. He is part of quiet movement of people who say they don't want to continue living as homosexuals.

"I kept having relationship after relationship, trying to make things work, all the while feeling an emptiness inside," says Campbell. Three years ago he looked into gay conversion therapy which is also called gay reparative therapy.
Going straight: Controversial therapy 'treats' homosexuality | kvue.com Austin

AND please don't go calling me names, etc... as Seinfeld said in that now FAMOUS DISCLAIMER:

I'm just curious why the anger at "gay reparative therapy"

Reparative therapy is based on cultural pressure to conform to an arbitrary standard of acceptable sexuality.

Whether a person is born gay or not is irrelevant to the issue of one's rights. No one is born a particular religion, but religious rights are protected. No one is born with a gun in their hands, but we protect the right to bear arms.

Both sides are foolish to try to make anything out of whether or not gays are born that way.
Homosexuality is likely a genetic anomaly that periodically crops up, The number of homosexuals in any given culture is pretty much constant and has not changed over at least hundreds, if not millions of years.

From my observation, there is no such thing as a homosexual becoming heterosexual. The instances of reported gay men overcoming being gay and becoming heterosexual males cannot be true. In such cases, these men were never gay to begin with. Likely they were convinced by peer pressure over the years into believing they were gay, when in fact they were not.

Child predators are also born that way. Jeffrey Dahmer was born the way he was too. We don't (so far) accept pedophila or cannibalisim as normal behavior. That's the difference.

In a free society you are allowed to do as you please as long as you don't cause undue harm to society.

If we are, or want to be, a free society then that is the principle we need to adhere to.

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