If the sane people in this country don't get a grip on our education system we're gonna see endless

Bill Maher said it best about a fake university that is just a Jesusy endoctination center, "Liberty University, where you flunk science if you get the answers right."

Cons go ride your dinosaurs at the Creation 'Museum'. Where reality is fake and magic is reality. Leave real reality to science. Conservatives don't mix well with education. It has books, the wooden stake in the heart to a conservative.
And at most universities today students are being taught that biological sex determination is a social construct. Throwing out science is a problem in the extreme right. It is mainstream in the left dominated public education system.

No links re 'most university students...', but what do you think will happen even if it were partially true? People are going to start marrying footballs?
I suggest you do a little investigating into what is being taught in "gender studies" departments around the country. I think you will be stunned. The utter insanity is incredible. I have 7 nieces and nephews in college at this moment. All are subjected to what I can only describe as an attempt at social indoctrination. From the moment they walk into a dorm they are pressured, assaulted, insulted and overwhelmed with left wing ideologies. All are white, all are taught from day one that they are evil, all others are superior to them. 3 of the seven are male, they are taught from day one that they are evil predators that must be beaten down. These are not my words, these are the words of 19 to 21 year olds going through this crap.

I have made a point of looking into the requirements of a "gender studies" degree at universities. I have found one thing that all have in common, zero biology, zero.

And any evidence this is causing, what, people to not have children? Or not marry? What exactly is the ominous thing here? In college you are exposed to a mountain of things you have never seen and may not believe in. So what. All it does is give you a diverse knowledge of the big world, rather than what the 12 members of your clan believe.
Bill Maher said it best about a fake university that is just a Jesusy endoctination center, "Liberty University, where you flunk science if you get the answers right."

Cons go ride your dinosaurs at the Creation 'Museum'. Where reality is fake and magic is reality. Leave real reality to science. Conservatives don't mix well with education. It has books, the wooden stake in the heart to a conservative.
And at most universities today students are being taught that biological sex determination is a social construct. Throwing out science is a problem in the extreme right. It is mainstream in the left dominated public education system.

No links re 'most university students...', but what do you think will happen even if it were partially true? People are going to start marrying footballs?
I suggest you do a little investigating into what is being taught in "gender studies" departments around the country. I think you will be stunned. The utter insanity is incredible. I have 7 nieces and nephews in college at this moment. All are subjected to what I can only describe as an attempt at social indoctrination. From the moment they walk into a dorm they are pressured, assaulted, insulted and overwhelmed with left wing ideologies. All are white, all are taught from day one that they are evil, all others are superior to them. 3 of the seven are male, they are taught from day one that they are evil predators that must be beaten down. These are not my words, these are the words of 19 to 21 year olds going through this crap.

I have made a point of looking into the requirements of a "gender studies" degree at universities. I have found one thing that all have in common, zero biology, zero.

And any evidence this is causing, what, people to not have children? Or not marry? What exactly is the ominous thing here? In college you are exposed to a mountain of things you have never seen and may not believe in. So what. All it does is give you a diverse knowledge of the big world, rather than what the 12 members of your clan believe.
Forget college. Such indoctrination begins in preschool. Haven't you heard? There are no such things as boys and girls. Everything is a "cultural creation". As far as college or any other government controlled entity these kids will never hear any opposing point of view, ever. Any person with a differing point of view will be "no platformed" and/or called a racist, the preferred way for leftist's to end any discussion.
The youth of our nation have been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda machine and unless put in check soon WE will become the minority irregardless of our skin color or nationality.

Everyone gets a trophy
Social advancement in school despite bad grades
Participation ribbons
Safe spaces
Convincing kids America is racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, mexiphobic, transphobic, and any other OBIC I forgot
Teaching them to hate rather than negotiate
Telling them that enforcing laws is cruel

All of that and more is going to bite us in the ass within a decade or two.

In 30+ States, the GOP is in charge of the schools; top to bottom.
The youth of our nation have been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda machine and unless put in check soon WE will become the minority irregardless of our skin color or nationality.

Everyone gets a trophy
Social advancement in school despite bad grades
Participation ribbons
Safe spaces
Convincing kids America is racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, mexiphobic, transphobic, and any other OBIC I forgot
Teaching them to hate rather than negotiate
Telling them that enforcing laws is cruel

All of that and more is going to bite us in the ass within a decade or two.

In 30+ States, the GOP is in charge of the schools; top to bottom.
What horse crap. Any school system that bucks the wishes of the federal government risks having federal funds withheld. The latest example of this is letting a boy who identifies as female shower with your daughter. The feds will come down on you like a ton of bricks and threaten to withhold Title IX funds.
Bill Maher said it best about a fake university that is just a Jesusy endoctination center, "Liberty University, where you flunk science if you get the answers right."

Cons go ride your dinosaurs at the Creation 'Museum'. Where reality is fake and magic is reality. Leave real reality to science. Conservatives don't mix well with education. It has books, the wooden stake in the heart to a conservative.
And at most universities today students are being taught that biological sex determination is a social construct. Throwing out science is a problem in the extreme right. It is mainstream in the left dominated public education system.

No links re 'most university students...', but what do you think will happen even if it were partially true? People are going to start marrying footballs?
I suggest you do a little investigating into what is being taught in "gender studies" departments around the country. I think you will be stunned. The utter insanity is incredible. I have 7 nieces and nephews in college at this moment. All are subjected to what I can only describe as an attempt at social indoctrination. From the moment they walk into a dorm they are pressured, assaulted, insulted and overwhelmed with left wing ideologies. All are white, all are taught from day one that they are evil, all others are superior to them. 3 of the seven are male, they are taught from day one that they are evil predators that must be beaten down. These are not my words, these are the words of 19 to 21 year olds going through this crap.

I have made a point of looking into the requirements of a "gender studies" degree at universities. I have found one thing that all have in common, zero biology, zero.

And any evidence this is causing, what, people to not have children? Or not marry? What exactly is the ominous thing here? In college you are exposed to a mountain of things you have never seen and may not believe in. So what. All it does is give you a diverse knowledge of the big world, rather than what the 12 members of your clan believe.
Forget college. Such indoctrination begins in preschool. Haven't you heard? There are no such things as boys and girls. Everything is a "cultural creation". As far as college or any other government controlled entity these kids will never hear any opposing point of view, ever. Any person with a differing point of view will be "no platformed" and/or called a racist, the preferred way for leftist's to end any discussion.

And you seem to assume their parents won't shape their lives. Come on now.
The youth of our nation have been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda machine and unless put in check soon WE will become the minority irregardless of our skin color or nationality.

Everyone gets a trophy
Social advancement in school despite bad grades
Participation ribbons
Safe spaces
Convincing kids America is racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, mexiphobic, transphobic, and any other OBIC I forgot
Teaching them to hate rather than negotiate
Telling them that enforcing laws is cruel

All of that and more is going to bite us in the ass within a decade or two.

In 30+ States, the GOP is in charge of the schools; top to bottom.

We have to save them from right wing indoctrination if one were to believe their parents don't have anything to do with bringing them up.
Conservatives have to create a hyperbolic, apocalyptic vision of all of America's schools failing in order to scare people into buying into the conservative nightmares of how education should be run in this country.
The cons are freaking out that their agenda is not taught in public schools is the issue here.

They are right.

The youth of our nation have been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda machine and unless put in check soon WE will become the minority irregardless of our skin color or nationality.

Everyone gets a trophy
Social advancement in school despite bad grades
Participation ribbons
Safe spaces
Convincing kids America is racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, mexiphobic, transphobic, and any other OBIC I forgot
Teaching them to hate rather than negotiate
Telling them that enforcing laws is cruel

All of that and more is going to bite us in the ass within a decade or two.

In 30+ States, the GOP is in charge of the schools; top to bottom.

Some folks sure love the word "indoctrination." I wonder how many of those who can't help throwing the word around have spent any time in an actual school since the last time they personally graduated or dropped out of one?
The youth of our nation have been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda machine and unless put in check soon WE will become the minority irregardless of our skin color or nationality.

Everyone gets a trophy
Social advancement in school despite bad grades
Participation ribbons
Safe spaces
Convincing kids America is racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, mexiphobic, transphobic, and any other OBIC I forgot
Teaching them to hate rather than negotiate
Telling them that enforcing laws is cruel

All of that and more is going to bite us in the ass within a decade or two.

In 30+ States, the GOP is in charge of the schools; top to bottom.
What horse crap. Any school system that bucks the wishes of the federal government risks having federal funds withheld. The latest example of this is letting a boy who identifies as female shower with your daughter. The feds will come down on you like a ton of bricks and threaten to withhold Title IX funds.

The governors run the state boards of education. End of story.
christian sharia schools may not be far off, hang on hon.
Don't knock it, Catholic schools are awesome. I went to one as did my children. I'm not even remotely religious and neither are my children.

I was in catholic schools in the late 60s & early 70s and even then they were not even remotely dogmatic. Day in and day out we were not bombarded with religion, the over riding message was respect and tolerance. That's something the leftist school establishment could learn from. That and discipline. I and my children went to Catholic schools until 8th grade then went to public high school. Upon reaching high school I and all 3 of my children were immediately placed in AP courses. Of course the Catholics only deserve part of the credit for that, the majority of that credit goes to my parents.

Yup, Catholic schools are quite a different thing than fundamentalist indoctrinational institutions, agreed. Same for what I've see of the Lutheran schools.

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