If the Sandy Hook incident does not bring on changes due to the NRA NO


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
This will be an atrocity. There are so many things that could be done to assure that this never happens again. But if there is mention of gun laws or anything to do with guns the NRA says NO.

They don't represent the majority of gun owners anymore. They respresent the manufactorers. Sooner or later, the NO, is going to start costing them memberships.
This will be an atrocity. There are so many things that could be done to assure that this never happens again. But if there is mention of gun laws or anything to do with guns the NRA says NO.

They don't represent the majority of gun owners anymore. They respresent the manufactorers. Sooner or later, the NO, is going to start costing them memberships.

There are already plenty of laws on the books. How about figuring out how to enforce them better before asking for new ones?
This will be an atrocity. There are so many things that could be done to assure that this never happens again. But if there is mention of gun laws or anything to do with guns the NRA says NO.

They don't represent the majority of gun owners anymore. They respresent the manufactorers. Sooner or later, the NO, is going to start costing them memberships.

There are already plenty of laws on the books. How about figuring out how to enforce them better before asking for new ones?

Because that doesn't advance Jim's gun grabbing agenda.
This will be an atrocity. There are so many things that could be done to assure that this never happens again. But if there is mention of gun laws or anything to do with guns the NRA says NO.

They don't represent the majority of gun owners anymore. They respresent the manufactorers. Sooner or later, the NO, is going to start costing them memberships.

So restricting LAW ABIDING citizens would have helped in Ct?
How so??

Law abiding citizens are not committing these massacres now are they?

How about we look into the mental health industry and look at banning "gun fee zones"?

Btw, if the NRA doesn't represent me and other LAW ABIDING citizens, why has their membership grown by over 100,000 NEW members?
Something must be done. Even if that means hysterical pussified liberals pretending to do something that matters. And before its too late !
The NRA is nothing but a pork barreled lobbyist group that forces gun manufactures to keep bankrolling them. They are essentially a union on steroids, but the right wingers don't care.
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How is ensuring no law abiding citizen is armed going to prevent a criminal with mental health issues from killing people?
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We have recently witnessed a horrible atrocity committed by a bad Muslim who killed a lot of innocent people. We are all understandably shocked and horrified and so this is the time to start demanding something be done about all Muslims.

Therefore, all Muslims need to be controlled and monitored as much as possible, and we need to prevent as many people as possible from becoming Muslims. Such laws would in no way violate the Constitution. We need to do this for the children.

Oh, wait. Uh...

This is so embarrassing. Um. Would you mind just substituting "gun owners" wherever I accidentally put the word "Muslims" above?

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Because a sizable portion of democratic representatives and senators are gun grabbing pricks.

Right. Hey, I've got an idea, lets play money into politics so we can lose the fight we set out to win.

LOLberals are fucking brainless. It's like someone being surprised or raising awareness to the fact unions donate almost exclusively to democrats. I mean, how mindless must one be to have to point out the glaring obvious?
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Reality-based community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

well how funny we don't hear you whining about 100% OF UNION money goes to DEMOCRATES.,.

we have laws for this already, bitch about them not being enforced by your wonderful government and stop DANCING on these children's graves

all you people who are pro-choice don't come off telling us how YOU CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN
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This will be an atrocity. There are so many things that could be done to assure that this never happens again. But if there is mention of gun laws or anything to do with guns the NRA says NO.

They don't represent the majority of gun owners anymore. They respresent the manufactorers. Sooner or later, the NO, is going to start costing them memberships.

What's an atrocity is when folks like you take a tragedy like this and use it to push a political agenda. FACT: There was an assault weapon ban in CT and this still happened. FACT: There was a national assault weapon ban when Columbine occurred.

FACT: These bans accomplish nothing but preventing law abiding people from owning assault weapons.

So, keeping war weopons out of the hands of the crazies is gun grabbing. And what do you think is going to happen if all this is just passed over, and then we have another Sandy Hook?

Not only that, but the fact that in a short time, there are going to be more deaths from guns than from traffic accidents. This is no cause for concern?

Well, some good ideas have been suggested as to how to prevent the ease at which these guns are aquired by anyone with the cash. But those ideas have been met with the same rejection as suggestions that actually do infringe on your right to own a gun.

Absolutism, meet absolutism. In other words, address this issue with reason, or in the future when we lose another bunch of innocents to a crazy with the type of war weopon you people are so determined to keep in open circulation. And then you will see some draconian gun laws, and blame for that will lay on you.
This will be an atrocity. There are so many things that could be done to assure that this never happens again. But if there is mention of gun laws or anything to do with guns the NRA says NO.

They don't represent the majority of gun owners anymore. They respresent the manufactorers. Sooner or later, the NO, is going to start costing them memberships.

WELLLLLL!!!!!!! God Damn!!!!!!!!! what in the fuck to you propose an assault weapons ban? More gun control? More gun free zones? Please tell me you have a new idea that hasn't already been tried and failed.
The more the rabid gun owners rant, whine and lie, the greater the likelihood rational citizens will demand Congress take some action to control guns. Many of the posts since Sandy Hook on this message board are quite disturbing, so disturbing as to cause a rational reader to wonder if some of you should ever be trusted to own, possess or have in you custody and control any gun.

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