If the Election was Held Today, Trump would Win Again


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Just as they did before the last election, Lefties are deluding themselves into thinking that a large majority of voters agree with them. Other than in the Welfare States of California, New York and Illinois, rational voters are taking note of the fanatical hysteria and will express their disgust at the next opportunity. Keep it up, Lefties.
I keep reminding folks that the 'Silent Majority' supports Trump. In fact, i think the support has grown since all the Democrat violence and hissy-fits. They don't make noise, but the 'Silent Majority' decides Elections.
He would win bigger. These "protests" are becoming tiresome and expensive.

The Standing Rock idiots polluted the whole site they claimed to be saving.
He would win bigger. These "protests" are becoming tiresome and expensive.

The Standing Rock idiots polluted the whole site they claimed to be saving.

I've said the Democrats have over-played their hand. They went too extreme too fast. Most see them as sore loser crybabies. It's 'Trump-Hate Fatigue' now. Most are already over the daily Democrat temper tantrums. All they've done is strengthen Trump supporter resolve.
They will pay a price in the next election. People will reject the extreme level of hate displayed by the left.
They will pay a price in the next election. People will reject the extreme level of hate displayed by the left.

I agree. Democrats over-played their hand. The violence especially, has turned off reasonable logical Americans.
The cry babies know better: if the election was held today after the silliness since Nov, Trump would lose bigly.

Real buyers' remorse in America right now.

But then we would have to impeach Hillary.
What's really bad for the Democrats is they have all but purged any moderate voices in the party. I mean... you got Manchin and that's about it. So the whole entire party has gone far left and they seem content with doubling-down and going even further left moving forward. They have no message... it's all the same vitriol and contempt for anything moderate or right.

The unhinged and outrageous screaming can't be sustained. It's going to burn itself out eventually, but the damage is being done daily and I see no one in their party who can pull this together before 2020.

They talk boldly about 2018, like they are going to sweep the House and Senate... not gonna happen. If you follow the cycles and understand the logistics, you know that 2016 was the year for Democrats to make gains in Congress and they didn't pick up many seats. In 2018, they have 20-something seats up to the Republicans 8 seats in the Senate. All 8 seats for the Republicans are rock solid, they won't flip any of them. They only stand to lose seats in 2018. They are way behind in the House as well, it would take a monumental revolution to flip the House.... not gonna happen. Especially if they have no message and it's simply Hate Trump!
Real buyers' remorse in America right now.

You can get on here and crow this all you want to Jakey, it's just not so.

I hear more and more people tell me, "I didn't vote for Trump but I like what he's doing so far." I'm in that same category... I didn't vote for him then, I'd vote for him now.
Thank you, Boss and welcome aboard the Make America Great Again train.
None of you far righties know anything different than Trump's popularity is sinking, just like a rolling stone.

You are not the heart of America. Fact. Neither was Clinton. Fact.
Explain his piss poor poll numbers then.

Polls were totally wrong about the election. We were told Hillary was going to win in a landslide. The polls indicated she had like a 10 pt. lead and the media was saying it was over for Trump, he had no chance of winning.

We're seeing a curious thing happening... With Obama, people liked him personally, his poll numbers were high but they hated his policies. With Trump it's the opposite... people don't like him personally but they love his policies.

Personally, I think what the polls are reflecting are many people out there who simply aren't willing to admit they support Trump. I mean, I find this to be the case everywhere I go these days... I feel like I can't speak openly about my political views because the level of outrage is so intense... I don't want to start a fight so I just keep my mouth shut. I think a LOT of Trump supporters are that way... they're just not going to say who they support for fear of being attacked. Ergo; you get these skewed poll numbers.
I keep reminding folks that the 'Silent Majority' supports Trump. In fact, i think the support has grown since all the Democrat violence and hissy-fits. They don't make noise, but the 'Silent Majority' decides Elections.

When did the silent majority become idiots?
" We were told Hillary was going to win in a landslide. "

She won the PV easily.

Trump just barely slid in with 77000 votes in three upper midwest states.

He has been failing ever since.

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