If stimulus didn’t work……..


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If the stimulus money that went out to states did not create jobs or save jobs, what did the states do with all that money? Time to fess up. Did the stimulus work or didn’t it? If it didn’t, where is the people’s money?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 distributes the $787 billion as follows:


Recovery Funded Jobs Reported by Recipients

January 1 - March 31, 2010


Job calculations are based on the number of hours worked in a quarter and funded under the Recovery Act.


If the stimulus money that went out to states did not create jobs or save jobs, what did the states do with all that money? Time to fess up. Did the stimulus work or didn’t it? If it didn’t, where is the people’s money?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 distributes the $787 billion as follows:


Recovery Funded Jobs Reported by Recipients

January 1 - March 31, 2010


Job calculations are based on the number of hours worked in a quarter and funded under the Recovery Act.

Of course it worked. That's why unemployment is no longer rising.

If the stimulus money that went out to states did not create jobs or save jobs, what did the states do with all that money? Time to fess up. Did the stimulus work or didn’t it? If it didn’t, where is the people’s money?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 distributes the $787 billion as follows:


Recovery Funded Jobs Reported by Recipients

January 1 - March 31, 2010


Job calculations are based on the number of hours worked in a quarter and funded under the Recovery Act.


You need to quantify "stimulus". The last time I looked the stimulas mostly went to the corrupt bank institutions that caused the problem to begin with.
If the stimulus were marketed as a plan to strictly save the jobs of municipal civil servants, I would agree.
But 787 billion dollars of borrowed money was marketed as a "stimulus" for the economy, not a "job saver".
The term "job saver" was used to rationalize the lack of econoic stimulus from the "stimulus". It was a term used AFTER the fact.
And if it were market strictly as a "job saver", most economists would have agreed that borrowing 787 billion to simply save municipal jobs will create a deficit and debt that would make things worse for us in the long run and it never would have passed.
Instead, there would have been a "public servant" job saver bill for a heck of a lot less borrowed money.
Sure it worked...

The taxpayers got screwed out of at least 787,000,000,000.00 dollars...

Consider the added bonus... Democrats smiling with glee
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If the stimulus money that went out to states did not create jobs or save jobs, what did the states do with all that money? Time to fess up. Did the stimulus work or didn’t it? If it didn’t, where is the people’s money?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 distributes the $787 billion as follows:


Recovery Funded Jobs Reported by Recipients

January 1 - March 31, 2010


Job calculations are based on the number of hours worked in a quarter and funded under the Recovery Act.

Of course it worked. That's why unemployment is no longer rising.

BS, I laugh when I hear that, unemployment is not rising because maybe there are very few people to lay off now., many have given up even looking for a job.

This morning’s news that U.S. unemployment has hit 13.7 million, pushing the rate to 8.9 percent, tells only half the story of this recession.

The total number of Americans who are not working full-time but ought to be is actually about 22 million, or 15.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Who are those other 8.3 million Americans? Call them the unofficially unemployed.

Actual U.S. Unemployment: 15.8% [Voltaire]

The stimulus money paid for projects already on the books and Stupid Shit like the "Turtle Tunnel in Florida"

So many of the saved jobs or created jobs are just BS

The Washington Examiner 'Bogus Stimulus Map' | Washington Examiner

It did work, temporarily and then the $ ran out. Typical gummint program.
You can try very hard but it is difficult or impossible to polish a TURD.
The best stimulus $ anyone could get would have been:
Long term.................................. permanent.
I guess that depends on what you think the purpose of the stimulus was.

If you think that it was meant to jumpstart our economy, then no, the stimulus clearly didn't work.

If you thought it was going to go to all of President Obama's campaign contributors for helping him get elected, then it was a smashing success.
Well...795 million of it is going toward getting internet to rural areas.....

several billion spent on temporary job creation with the better roads campaign.

it's making small things happen...but they are short lived and not effective. So I guess the answer to your question is that money is simply being wasted or thrown at bad projects.
Sure it worked...

The taxpayers got screwed out of at least 787,000,000,000.00 dollars...

Consider the added bonus... Democrats smiling with glee

why would democrats be smiling with glee?

what is this crap all about lumpy? any logic to it? I think NOT!
Sure it worked...

The taxpayers got screwed out of at least 787,000,000,000.00 dollars...

Consider the added bonus... Democrats smiling with glee

why would democrats be smiling with glee?

what is this crap all about lumpy? any logic to it? I think NOT!



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There wasnt a question about whether it would fail or not. It was obvious from the beginning. You dont spend money you dont have to put yourself in a financially solvent position. it's an incredibly stupid idea.

It was designed to pay back contributors. That's it.

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