If Romney airs this as an ad, is Obama finished?

Should Roney air this as an ad?

  • YES

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
Banana Republic
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbzpuqWo6yU&feature=player_embedded]Erskine Bowles: Ryan budget is "sensible...honest, serious" - YouTube[/ame]

This video seems to show that Obama is being deceptive. Could this video by a top Democrat be Obama's undoing?
Nah. I don't think he's done. Bowles was just pissed at Obama for not using his ideas. Its already airing on the news...I don't think it will make much of a difference.
And yet Bowles is probably one of the most respected Democrats on budget issues. Seems his opinion would have the same effect as that of a whistle blower.
It would be a very effective ad! It should be used! But Bowles has probably had his "conference" with the DNC by now and won't be giving permission to use it.

By now though, he may be an independent or a republican, lol.
Democrats, not listening to their own economists? Has the world come to an end?
Erskine Bowles: Ryan budget is "sensible...honest, serious" - YouTube

This video seems to show that Obama is being deceptive. Could this video by a top Democrat be Obama's undoing?

Sure; run it. No effect either way because people do not vote for the bottom of the ticket. The problem with the ad is that it shows Obama wants to cut the budget deficit as well; it doesn't play into the narrative that the Governor is trying so lamely to sell.

I do not see why you think this ad is some sort of silver bullet.
Rassmussen just reported Ohio as a tie: 45/45% - for the first time, I believe.

And of course, the remaining undecideds break hard to the challenger when a POTUS is unpopular like this pathetic asshole.
The R's need to do one thing to win - keep the focus on the economy. It is going to be awfully hard for Obama to distract us with superfluous bullshit with Ryan as the VP candidate.

I'd run a variety of ads that hammer Obama's inability to lead- he has not garnered even one vote for his POS budget (Ryan's passed the House and got 40 votes in the Senate) - the national debt increased by 50% in 3.5 short years, Obamacare, and his myriad economic blunders. Obama is weak, but he's crafty and fights filthy, filthy dirty....

Fortunately in 83 days it will be over....

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