If OWS protestors do something like 9/11 or "We Stand s One..".


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
i.e. Molotov a bank. Or blow up a building. I.e. something of the magnitude of 9/11.. what will you OWS supporters on this forum do?

Are you going to say "oh it's just a radical segment of an otherwise moral movement"... kind of like the radical muslims that flew planes into WTC?

Are you going to decry this violence? Remember there are elements that want to actually see the "filthy wealthy pigs"

A new sympathetic song by singer-songwriter Joseph Arthur called, “We Stand as One,” is intended to be a rallying cry for the Occupiers.
For example some lyrics from the OWS anthem...
Our canvas is freedom
Your blood is our paint [...]

Like a pig you consumed
And like a pig you will roast [...]

And what you won’t share
Will be ripped from your hands
Your body destroyed
The way fire lands
Burning your homes
The privilege you snake
The payback beyond
Anything you could take
Naked you’ll be
And full of regret
And the way they were treated
You’ll long to forget

So those of you on this forum that support the OWS you want this as your anthem???

You want those filthy wealth 1% to receive the above?

Never heard a Tea Partier sing lyrics like the above!
I think the question can be turned around. If they DON'T fulfill your paranoid fantasies, on what basis will you next try to demonize them?

We all wait impatiently. :tongue:
i.e. Molotov a bank. Or blow up a building. I.e. something of the magnitude of 9/11.. what will you OWS supporters on this forum do?

Are you going to say "oh it's just a radical segment of an otherwise moral movement"... kind of like the radical muslims that flew planes into WTC?

Are you going to decry this violence? Remember there are elements that want to actually see the "filthy wealthy pigs"

A new sympathetic song by singer-songwriter Joseph Arthur called, “We Stand as One,” is intended to be a rallying cry for the Occupiers.
For example some lyrics from the OWS anthem...
Our canvas is freedom
Your blood is our paint [...]

Like a pig you consumed
And like a pig you will roast [...]

And what you won’t share
Will be ripped from your hands
Your body destroyed
The way fire lands
Burning your homes
The privilege you snake
The payback beyond
Anything you could take
Naked you’ll be
And full of regret
And the way they were treated
You’ll long to forget

So those of you on this forum that support the OWS you want this as your anthem???

You want those filthy wealth 1% to receive the above?

Never heard a Tea Partier sing lyrics like the above!

Sick and twisted.. doesn't surprise me at all.
i.e. Molotov a bank. Or blow up a building. I.e. something of the magnitude of 9/11.. what will you OWS supporters on this forum do?

Are you going to say "oh it's just a radical segment of an otherwise moral movement"... kind of like the radical muslims that flew planes into WTC?

Are you going to decry this violence? Remember there are elements that want to actually see the "filthy wealthy pigs"

A new sympathetic song by singer-songwriter Joseph Arthur called, “We Stand as One,” is intended to be a rallying cry for the Occupiers.
For example some lyrics from the OWS anthem...
Our canvas is freedom
Your blood is our paint [...]

Like a pig you consumed
And like a pig you will roast [...]

And what you won’t share
Will be ripped from your hands
Your body destroyed
The way fire lands
Burning your homes
The privilege you snake
The payback beyond
Anything you could take
Naked you’ll be
And full of regret
And the way they were treated
You’ll long to forget

So those of you on this forum that support the OWS you want this as your anthem???

You want those filthy wealth 1% to receive the above?

Never heard a Tea Partier sing lyrics like the above!

How bout these...

They will blame Bush.
Say the reports are not true.
Say the reports were exaggerated..
They were done by tea party plants.
Say they had no choice since no one was listening to them...
Say it's their constitutional rights and will have the ACLU back them up.
Have Princess Nancy step up on their behalf....

They will have the full support of the liberal media to downplay the damages. :eusa_eh:
I condemn those with hate speech.... no matter the political affiliation... whether it be militia groups or OWS stench carriers

And those who do not condemn such wants of violence or pure hatred are just as bad
I condemn those with hate speech.... no matter the political affiliation... whether it be militia groups or OWS stench carriers

And those who do not condemn such wants of violence or pure hatred are just as bad

So do you think the real instigator of our social unrest, i.e. the mainstream media will disavow this type of rhetoric?

I KNOW they won't because I KNOW the mentality of the MSM!

See I graduated from a Big Ten college and had some journalism courses in the turbulent 60s when my fellow students heavy in SDS/Weathermen were journalism majors.
These graduates are as Evan Thomas of Newsweek said:

This is the SAME NewsWeek editor who said:
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-
Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas

Thomas' point was these editors with SDS/Weathermen agenda from the 60s ,"give it to the man" mentality bias what most people read/see !

And that's why these mid-level editors/producers are still sympathetic to the OWS! They are loathed to write about their filth,their violence and just note most MSM don't pick up on those stories and so MUCH less even to pick up this song's violent lyrics!!!

THE MSM bias has been so impactful on so many issues in our country for the last 12 years in biasing the news that this is why we are in the mess we are in!
So what position does the MSM on the OWS person

NOT one word from CBS as to Ortega being an OWS
WH suspect charged with assassination attempt - CBS News

It appears that he has no actual affiliation with them, yet he was apparently mingling with them. What makes Ortega’s connection with OWS so interesting is that the mainstream press is completely ignoring it.
That is in stark contrast to Jared Loughner, the savage who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Loughner had no political affiliations yet the mainstream press spent the better part of a week decrying “violent” right-wing rhetoric. The mainstream press spent a week attacking the Tea Party as violent, Sarah Palin in particular. In fact just this week Diane Sawyer continued link Palin to the shooting by pointing out the fact that Palin “targeted” Giffords for defeat during the 2010 election.

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