If only they all had guns

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
San Antonio Man Allegedly Pulls Gun On Line-Cutting Black Friday Shopper

The evening was particularly intense for one shopper who allegedly pulled a gun on a man who punched him in the face while in line at a Sears store at the South Park Mall in San Antonio, TX, police told San Antonio Express-News.

Sgt. Rob Carey said that a man was trying to cut his way to the front of the line, which didn't sit well with his fellow shoppers, according to San Antonio Express-News. Arguments escalated to name calling before the alleged line-cutter punched another shopper in the face.
The guy with the gun didn't do anything until he was attacked. I don't know, maybe the guy doin' the punchin' was 6'5" and the guy getting punched was 5'5"?

If the guy knew ahead of time everyone in line was armed would he have cut in front of them? I think not.

From the article:
Witnesses told San Antonio News that the man who was punched then pulled out a gun and a pointed it at the line-cutter, but police say the man actually pointed the gun at the ground. The crowd of waiting shoppers scattered when he pulled the gun, and the man who was trying to cut the line ran and hid behind a refrigerator before he ran out of the store, according to witnesses
Looks like the gun worked! Looks like no one was injured either except the guy who got punched.
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San Antonio Man Allegedly Pulls Gun On Line-Cutting Black Friday Shopper

The evening was particularly intense for one shopper who allegedly pulled a gun on a man who punched him in the face while in line at a Sears store at the South Park Mall in San Antonio, TX, police told San Antonio Express-News.

Sgt. Rob Carey said that a man was trying to cut his way to the front of the line, which didn't sit well with his fellow shoppers, according to San Antonio Express-News. Arguments escalated to name calling before the alleged line-cutter punched another shopper in the face.

Worked out great, the line cutter ran away. I see no problem.
The guy with the gun didn't do anything until he was attacked. I don't know, maybe the guy doin' the punchin' was 6'5" and the guy getting punched was 5'5"?

If the guy knew ahead of time everyone in line was armed would he have cut in front of them? I think not.

From the article:
Witnesses told San Antonio News that the man who was punched then pulled out a gun and a pointed it at the line-cutter, but police say the man actually pointed the gun at the ground. The crowd of waiting shoppers scattered when he pulled the gun, and the man who was trying to cut the line ran and hid behind a refrigerator before he ran out of the store, according to witnesses
Looks like the gun worked! Looks like no one was injured either except the guy who got punched.

And the guy who got punched was the guy with the gun. The line cutter is lucky he wasn't shot. Maybe he'll think twice next time before trying to bully his way to the front of the line.
Challenge for Luddite:

I will present a scenario for you and you must chose the action you'd take.

You are a common thief who is looking for a victim to rob. You come across three likely victims:

Old Woman
Young Boy
Middle Aged Man

One of them is armed, the other two are not. Obviously you don't know which one is so you must decide. If you choose the unarmed one you will escape unharmed but if you choose the armed one you will be shot dead.

Which one do you chose?

1. Old Woman
2. Young Boy
3. Middle Aged Man
4. None of the Above, You'd Walk Away.
In this case I'd have to agree that this incident is an example of a person having a gun worked to chase away a bully.

However, what if the bully had a gun? Things may not have worked out as well and multiple innocent people may have been shot.

I'd be all for everyone owning and carrying a gun if:

1. It could be accurately guaranteed that psychologically ill people could not own guns AND if it could be determined that they were unfit to own a gun BEFORE they did something horrible.

2. Guns could not be owned by people who would use them to commit crimes.

3. All guns were designed and all guns owners handled their weapons in a way that would absolutely prevented accidents.

4. Any disagreements between people would not escalate into gun fights.

I am basically (or at least theoretically) for gun ownership. However, the only way the 4 conditions above could be satisfied would be for a substantial increase in gun control laws and the enforcement of those laws (which would mean an increase in taxes and in the authority of the ATF) - and the NRA would fight against those laws tooth and nail.

BTW - I have to compliment the 'Red-necks' that I've known - when they get into fights (and they often do), they do not escalate those fights into gun fights. Too bad I can't say the same for other segments of society.
In this case I'd have to agree that this incident is an example of a person having a gun worked to chase away a bully.

However, what if the bully had a gun? Things may not have worked out as well and multiple innocent people may have been shot.

I'd be all for everyone owning and carrying a gun if:

1. It could be accurately guaranteed that psychologically ill people could not own guns AND if it could be determined that they were unfit to own a gun BEFORE they did something horrible.

2. Guns could not be owned by people who would use them to commit crimes.

3. All guns were designed and all guns owners handled their weapons in a way that would absolutely prevented accidents.

4. Any disagreements between people would not escalate into gun fights.

I am basically (or at least theoretically) for gun ownership. However, the only way the 4 conditions above could be satisfied would be for a substantial increase in gun control laws and the enforcement of those laws (which would mean an increase in taxes and in the authority of the ATF) - and the NRA would fight against those laws tooth and nail.

BTW - I have to compliment the 'Red-necks' that I've known - when they get into fights (and they often do), they do not escalate those fights into gun fights. Too bad I can't say the same for other segments of society.

Great imaginary world. True, that would be wonderful.
Unfortuneately most of us must live in the real world and would kinda like to protect our children and wives from those who rape and murder them.
San Antonio Man Allegedly Pulls Gun On Line-Cutting Black Friday Shopper

The evening was particularly intense for one shopper who allegedly pulled a gun on a man who punched him in the face while in line at a Sears store at the South Park Mall in San Antonio, TX, police told San Antonio Express-News.

Sgt. Rob Carey said that a man was trying to cut his way to the front of the line, which didn't sit well with his fellow shoppers, according to San Antonio Express-News. Arguments escalated to name calling before the alleged line-cutter punched another shopper in the face.

Worked out great, the line cutter ran away. I see no problem.

Nah, Luddy likes a world where the biggest and the strongest can push anyone smaller than them around.

I dont even think he read the story, he just saw "gun" "shopping" and "cut line" and posted it assuming the line cutter was the guy with the gun.
If everyone carried a gun, the man who drew his to scare others would never do that. He'd assume that he was outgunned by everyone else and conduct himself accordingly.

Nah, Luddy likes a world where the biggest and the strongest can push anyone smaller than them around.

I dont even think he read the story, he just saw "gun" "shopping" and "cut line" and posted it assuming the line cutter was the guy with the gun.

Nah, Luddy likes a world where the biggest and the strongest can push anyone smaller than them around.

Dudley is the guy who was always last to be picked and im sure he was Pants a few times..... this is why he is a Whiny little fucker today............
Everyone with guns isn't such a good idea. If he was any kind of a man, he would have punched him back instead of drawing his weapon.
Everyone with guns isn't such a good idea. If he was any kind of a man, he would have punched him back instead of drawing his weapon.

So basically it requires you to be either bigger or a much better fighter to get your way?

The one thing I never get about progressives and thier hatred of guns is that a firearm is one of the greatest equalizing forces that exists. Shooting is entirely a learned skill that crosses racial, gender, size and strength lines. Anyone can be trained to shoot, and therefore anyone can be trained to defend themselves.
The guy with the gun had a permit. He went to the trouble to acquire it so he could legally carry a concealed weapon to protect himself and, presumably, others. And it worked, even though he was provoked into brandishing it. The tough guy suddenly wasn't so tough and fled, but he wouldn't have if the gun wasn't present. Score one for the good guy.
Gun possession makes me more cautious, not more reckless in my interactions.

For example, I don't give the finger to the guy who cut me off, or to the guy who flicks me off for some inferred driving transgression.

In my minds eye, I can foresee a possible scenario where I am forced to draw my weapon.

Better to allow him to go on his way than to take that risk, however remote.

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