If Obama can't do simple MATH how can he


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
do Obamacare?

I mean he and supporters KEEP LYING about 47 million uninsured!
FACT of the mythical 47 million uninsured...
14 MILLION ARE ALREADY Covered by Medicaid!
17.5 MILLION under 34, earn over $50k refuse employer health insurance!
41.5 MILLION counted as UNINSURED but are either
1) NOT CITIZENS 2) already covered 3) Don't want health insurance..
SO when is OBAMA going to understand that 41.5 million from his bogus 47 million is
ACTUALLY 4.5 MILLION truly uninsured?

AND YOU obamacare supporters WANT this IDIOT and other IDIOTS to run YOUR health care?

I mean what person in their right mind would approve any health insurance claim that knowingly includes a 6,000% MARKUP over cost of services???
Yet medicare does that!
What INDUSTRY would when the experts beg and plead NOT to force them to submit duplicate tests, specialist referrals...ALL that create $600 billion in WASTED DEFENSIVE Medicine costs"?
Yet 90% of physicians surveyed say they do that out of fear of lawsuits!

AND idiots want the Government to continue to destroy health care by stupid actions like above... I mean simple math folks!!!
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I mean what person in their right mind would approve any health insurance claim that knowingly includes a 6,000% MARKUP over cost of services???

Seeing as the prices of simple procedures can vary by as much as 12,000% within a state, quite a few folks it would seem. Private payers, even!

How much does an appendectomy cost? Study says price can range from $1,500 to $180,000 - Tampa Bay Times

I guess some hospitals are like the one that Michelle Obama worked at. You know the one where she got a $200,000 raise after Obama got elected to the IL senate, bringing her salary to over $300,000. Funny how the job, created just for her, disappeared after she quit. It was supposed to be a non-profit hospital, but they made over $100 million a year. One crappy thing they did was charge minorities 350% times more than others and they had a collections department that really went after them. Real benevolent, huh? They were all about money. Some patients were just sent to other hospitals without treatment.

A lot of hospitals pass the cost on to those that do pay. I suspect that if a hospital is in the red, they up the prices of everything. They have to make money or close. I've lost count of the hospitals that have literally gone bankrupt and closed their doors. Even if the people without insurance would make a small payment each month toward their bill, it would make a huge difference. It's shocking how many people don't even try to pay anything.

Before the troll asks for a link regarding Michelle's job, there is one below. The facts presented here have been verified.

The Obamas seem to be greedier than Wallstreet. Aside from her lucrative deal with the hospital, Michelle also was on the board of directors for Treehouse Foods. The CEO there received 2 1/2 times the bonus that the CEO of Walmart received and Treehouse didn't make anywhere near the profit. Of course, ACORN wasn't asked to take people to the homes of Treehouse execs and harass the families.

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This is great. Now wingnuts are just totally making shit up. No more spinning and twisting - just make shit up.

The Census said :
Table C. People Without Health Insurance in 2009 -- Not a citizen 9,936,000
Newsroom: Income & Wealth: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009

That's better. How many of those working legally?

But that still leaves about 40 million US Citizens without any form of health insurance.

But you 'Conservatives' believe that is acceptable, and that having over 750,000 families a year going bankrupt because of medical bills is a good thing. Such nice people you are.
•In 2009, 10.0 percent (7.5 million) of children under 18 were without health insurance. Neither estimate is significantly different from the corresponding 2008 estimate.
•The uninsured rate for children in poverty (15.1 percent) was greater than the rate for all children.
I guess some hospitals are like the one that Michelle Obama worked at.

Yeah, they're called academic medical centers and they're not cheap. And the University of Chicago Medical Center is a pretty good one. Given the University's historical relationship with the South Side communities around them (it's bad, very bad), it's not surprising they'd jump at the chance to get someone like Michelle Obama to work on community relations.

However, if you think hospitals are in the business to be "benevolent" I have a few bridges you might be interested in.
Follow the FACT THAT:
14 million counted as uninsured COVERED BY MEDICAID!!!
Another problem with the CPS was noted in an April 26, 2005 Los Angeles Times article: The survey may count some individuals as uninsured even though they are covered by Medicaid. Experts who have examined Census Bureau figures estimate 10 to 14 million individuals who are counted as uninsured likely qualified for Medicaid or S-CHIP coverage.
Few Americans Lack Access to Health Coverage | Heartlander MagazineFew Americans Lack Access to Health Coverage | Heartlander Magazine
do Obamacare?

I mean he and supporters KEEP LYING about 47 million uninsured!
FACT of the mythical 47 million uninsured...
14 MILLION ARE ALREADY Covered by Medicaid!
17.5 MILLION under 34, earn over $50k refuse employer health insurance!
41.5 MILLION counted as UNINSURED but are either
1) NOT CITIZENS 2) already covered 3) Don't want health insurance..
SO when is OBAMA going to understand that 41.5 million from his bogus 47 million is
ACTUALLY 4.5 MILLION truly uninsured?

AND YOU obamacare supporters WANT this IDIOT and other IDIOTS to run YOUR health care?

I mean what person in their right mind would approve any health insurance claim that knowingly includes a 6,000% MARKUP over cost of services???
Yet medicare does that!
What INDUSTRY would when the experts beg and plead NOT to force them to submit duplicate tests, specialist referrals...ALL that create $600 billion in WASTED DEFENSIVE Medicine costs"?
Yet 90% of physicians surveyed say they do that out of fear of lawsuits!

AND idiots want the Government to continue to destroy health care by stupid actions like above... I mean simple math folks!!!

So there was no health care crisis in this country before Obamacare came along?

... and you want to talk about "simple math??????"

No you don't.
Follow the FACT:

According to 2007 figures from the Census Bureau, 17.5 million uninsured Americans have household incomes of $50,000 or more; an additional 9.1 million have incomes of $75,000 or more; 21 million of them work full time. A stunning 11 million were offered coverage by their employers and declined it, according to a report released recently by the Employment Policies Institute.

Obama Rush to Overhaul Healthcare Shows a Dangerous Deficit of Understanding - US News and World Report

10 million not citizens.. 14 million already covered, 17.5 million DON"T WANT insurance..
So when subtracting from 47 million SUPPOSEDLY UNINSURED 41.5 million wrongly counted as "uninsured"..
5.5 million actually UNINSURED!!!

It's only been linked 100 times.

Lemmings like you don't read links.

Instead you run around in your little cages and convince yourselves that life is the best it can be for you.

My, my, another asshole defending a lie. If you don't supply a credible link, it is just yap-yap from an ananomous poster on the internet.

then there are lots of assholes here from both sides....
Follow the FACT THAT:
14 million counted as uninsured COVERED BY MEDICAID!!!

Eligible for Medicaid is not the same as covered by Medicaid. Particularly in states that have done their best to design as many roadblocks as possible into their systems to ensure that enrollment numbers are significantly less than eligibility numbers.

An important piece of the ACA (and, for children, CHIPRA) involves simplifying and streamlining eligibility and enrollment systems, as well as significantly improving the customer service experience, to ensure that people who are eligible face no artificial barriers to enrollment.

So yes, many of those who are eligible for Medicaid but unenrolled need the ACA.

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