If not newt, who?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
If not Newt Gingrich, who would you vote for. Ron Paul is about the only one doing good enough to catch up incase Newt sinks. We all know none of you want that leftist Mitt Romney!

Is newt Perfect? Hell, no, but kick the hell out of Barack Obama in a debate. We can't honestly win a election with any one to the right of Newt.

Ron Paul? Well, would you give him a chance if Newt fucked up?
I've never seriously considered not voting, and I can't start now because the country can't afford another 4 years of this nonsense...so it doesn't matter who gets the nomination. I will vote for them because they'll suck less...and that stinks, but it is what it is.
Trump. Perhaps a Trump/Palin ticket. That would be perfect.

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