If not for free agency the Oakland A's could have won 10 world series in a row

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Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Not saying they would have for sure,the key word there is COULD. Had fucking free agency never happened there is an excellent chance they could have pulled it off though.We'll never know if they would have won that many in a row but I guarantee they would have gone to the world series a lot more often after 1974 and would have won a lot more world series games than they did had that fucking free agency never came along.

Fucking free agency is what broke up the dynasty.They Lost Reggie Jackson,Catfish Hunter,Gene Tennace,Joe Rudi,pretty much everybody in the entire starting line up starting in 1975 when they won their last division title in the 70's after dominating everybody in the american league west and winning three world series titles from 1972 to 1974, A;s fans really got robbed back then.

as i have said so many times,fucking free agency is what has ruined this game. as long as we have it,the A's will never have a shot at greatness again as they had back then. they will never have the chance to achiever greatness like the teams from the late 80's at LEAST were given the chance back then since it wasnt until the mid 90's when free agency started being such a disadvantage for small market teams like the A'S.:mad:

Those Oakland A's before free agency took away all their players,were one of the very most talented group of teams ever in the history of the game.
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Not saying they would have for sure,the key word there is COULD. Had fucking free agency never happened there is an excellent chance they could have pulled it off though.We'll never know if they would have won that many in a row but I guarantee they would have gone to the world series a lot more often after 1974 and would have won a lot more world series games than they did had that fucking free agency never came along.

Fucking free agency is what broke up the dynasty.They Lost Reggie Jackson,Catfish Hunter,Gene Tennace,Joe Rudi,pretty much everybody in the entire starting line up starting in 1975 when they won their last division title in the 70's after dominating everybody in the american league west and winning three world series titles from 1972 to 1974, A;s fans really got robbed back then.

as i have said so many times,fucking free agency is what has ruined this game. as long as we have it,the A's will never have a shot at greatness again as they had back then. they will never have the chance to achiever greatness like the teams from the late 80's at LEAST were given the chance back then since it wasnt until the mid 90's when free agency started being such a disadvantage for small market teams like the A'S.:mad:

Those Oakland A's before free agency took away all their players,were one of the very most talented group of teams ever in the history of the game.

So free agency ruined baseball? One team was winning and the rest had to live with it, but free agency ruined baseball? The players, who were the ones actually creating the winning, had little or no control over their careers. The bulk of the money went to the owners of the teams. But free agency ruined baseball?

It might have ruined things for Oakland. But that is it.
Not saying they would have for sure,the key word there is COULD. Had fucking free agency never happened there is an excellent chance they could have pulled it off though.We'll never know if they would have won that many in a row but I guarantee they would have gone to the world series a lot more often after 1974 and would have won a lot more world series games than they did had that fucking free agency never came along.

Fucking free agency is what broke up the dynasty.They Lost Reggie Jackson,Catfish Hunter,Gene Tennace,Joe Rudi,pretty much everybody in the entire starting line up starting in 1975 when they won their last division title in the 70's after dominating everybody in the american league west and winning three world series titles from 1972 to 1974, A;s fans really got robbed back then.

as i have said so many times,fucking free agency is what has ruined this game. as long as we have it,the A's will never have a shot at greatness again as they had back then. they will never have the chance to achiever greatness like the teams from the late 80's at LEAST were given the chance back then since it wasnt until the mid 90's when free agency started being such a disadvantage for small market teams like the A'S.:mad:

Those Oakland A's before free agency took away all their players,were one of the very most talented group of teams ever in the history of the game.

So free agency ruined baseball? One team was winning and the rest had to live with it, but free agency ruined baseball? The players, who were the ones actually creating the winning, had little or no control over their careers. The bulk of the money went to the owners of the teams. But free agency ruined baseball?

It might have ruined things for Oakland. But that is it.

damned right it ruined it. strange that you would thiink this is the only time i have talked about it.:cuckoo: this was the thread where i explained in detail how it destroyed the game,the logic and common sense people agreed with me as you can see by the likes given to me.:rolleyes:

you want to discuss it more.pm THEM,dont expect me to go any further with you since my experience is people that can hide behind the net cant ever admit when they have been proven wrong.

Free Agency destroyed MLB baseball.
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Not saying they would have for sure,the key word there is COULD. Had fucking free agency never happened there is an excellent chance they could have pulled it off though.We'll never know if they would have won that many in a row but I guarantee they would have gone to the world series a lot more often after 1974 and would have won a lot more world series games than they did had that fucking free agency never came along.

Fucking free agency is what broke up the dynasty.They Lost Reggie Jackson,Catfish Hunter,Gene Tennace,Joe Rudi,pretty much everybody in the entire starting line up starting in 1975 when they won their last division title in the 70's after dominating everybody in the american league west and winning three world series titles from 1972 to 1974, A;s fans really got robbed back then.

as i have said so many times,fucking free agency is what has ruined this game. as long as we have it,the A's will never have a shot at greatness again as they had back then. they will never have the chance to achiever greatness like the teams from the late 80's at LEAST were given the chance back then since it wasnt until the mid 90's when free agency started being such a disadvantage for small market teams like the A'S.:mad:

Those Oakland A's before free agency took away all their players,were one of the very most talented group of teams ever in the history of the game.

So free agency ruined baseball? One team was winning and the rest had to live with it, but free agency ruined baseball? The players, who were the ones actually creating the winning, had little or no control over their careers. The bulk of the money went to the owners of the teams. But free agency ruined baseball?

It might have ruined things for Oakland. But that is it.

damned right it ruined it. strange that you would thiink this is the only time i have talked about it.:cuckoo: this was the thread where i explained in detail how it destroyed the game,the logic and common sense people agreed with me as you can see by the likes given to me.:rolleyes:

you want to discuss it more.pm THEM,dont expect me to go any further with you since my experience is people that can hide behind the net cant ever admit when they have been proven wrong.

Free Agency destroyed MLB baseball.

I am not much of a baseball fan. I may go to a Braves game every year or two, so I rarely read baseball threads.

The OP in this thread was about how free agency ruined your favorite team by allowing the players more freedom to decide where they play. I addressed your comments here, not in another thread.
two farts in a row in my thread now.:9:just when i thought the farting had stopped.another idiot troll who talks to himself^.:9:everytime when the trolls are proven wrong,they just fart and derail the thread.:rolleyes:

wow this was an old dead buried thread where the discussion ended a long time ago back with post# 3 of mine yet some moron troll decided to bring it back?:rolleyes:
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Not saying they would have for sure,the key word there is COULD. Had fucking free agency never happened there is an excellent chance they could have pulled it off though.We'll never know if they would have won that many in a row but I guarantee they would have gone to the world series a lot more often after 1974 and would have won a lot more world series games than they did had that fucking free agency never came along.

Fucking free agency is what broke up the dynasty.They Lost Reggie Jackson,Catfish Hunter,Gene Tennace,Joe Rudi,pretty much everybody in the entire starting line up starting in 1975 when they won their last division title in the 70's after dominating everybody in the american league west and winning three world series titles from 1972 to 1974, A;s fans really got robbed back then.

as i have said so many times,fucking free agency is what has ruined this game. as long as we have it,the A's will never have a shot at greatness again as they had back then. they will never have the chance to achiever greatness like the teams from the late 80's at LEAST were given the chance back then since it wasnt until the mid 90's when free agency started being such a disadvantage for small market teams like the A'S.:mad:

Those Oakland A's before free agency took away all their players,were one of the very most talented group of teams ever in the history of the game.

So free agency ruined baseball? One team was winning and the rest had to live with it, but free agency ruined baseball? The players, who were the ones actually creating the winning, had little or no control over their careers. The bulk of the money went to the owners of the teams. But free agency ruined baseball?

It might have ruined things for Oakland. But that is it.

somehow a certain moron here who talks to himself doesnt get it it that free agency has ruined the game TODAY,that small market teams cannot compete with these big market teams.That where in the past,EVERY team had as good a shot at going to the world series as the other team,bu those days are over with for small market teams,that a small market team like the A's could ever have the chance to win multiple world series title now as they did back then before free agency existed and blatantly like the troll he is,ignores EVERYTHING mentioned in the OP.someone with obvious reading comprehension problems.:rolleyes:

Think the yankees would have won those four world series in a row in the 90's if they were not the highest paid team in the league back then and they were restricted to the same rules the small market clubs are not not able to buy their talent as they did back then? uh no,go a brain idiot who talks to himself .:rolleyes:
I became a Yankee in the 60's, right after they lost Mantle and Maris. Had many bad years until George Steinbrenner and Free Agency Made The Yankees Great Again
I became a Yankee in the 60's, right after they lost Mantle and Maris. Had many bad years until George Steinbrenner and Free Agency Made The Yankees Great Again

still ANOTHER fart from troll who talks to himself, jarlaxie.:abgg2q.jpg:.:5_1_12024:In the post after my last post,:banana::banana::banana::banana:,the moron cheatriots fan who cant accept reality free agency ruined the game of baseball and the cheatrtios have tainted the sport of the NFL..:biggrin:

Your point on the yankees Crusader frank
just proves my point FOR ME that WITHOUT that BS free agency,it never would have happened.:clap:they were incapable of doing it like the A's did and in the 70's and yankee teams from yesteryear who did NOT have free agency,those past yankee teams you mentioned from yesteryear i can respect because they did it the old fashioned way,built the team through trades and the drat the way it SHOULD be.
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since this thread is about how free agency truthfully ruined the game,I sure am happy to see the low market A'S are competing with the big market astros,standing toe to toe with them.:5_1_12024: Its also cool to see the Brewers are competing with the bigmarket cubs in in NL Central. That would be a dream match up world series,the A's against the brewers,two low market teams squaring off in the world series.

dont see that happening though,will be the two big market teams of course the red sox and cubs more than likely or the dodgers.

Back before the red sox finally won their first world pennant of course that would have been a dream match up for the world to see the red sox and the cubs in the world series. NOW though,it means zilch,people dont care like they used to since the game is ruined now of course.
wow you are even more of a sad pathetic excuse for a human being that I ever imagined the fact this discussion ended a long LONG time ago bringing back a long dead thread that died down over a month ago. how pathetic.:abgg2q.jpg:
oh and since all you are capable of doing is trolling bringing back this old dead long buried thread shitting in this thread everytime you open your mouth,i am going to piss you off so you cant troll here anymore and get it closed.LOL
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