If I had had a tape recorder running ...


Feb 14, 2011
... I would be able to play the words back and learn how to say "It's you!" in cat talk.

We have a friend who one of our cats has taken to. Usually Kedo will already be at the door when he hears hubbers coming home so he'll be winding around our friend's leg before I realize we have company.

But this time Kedo was asleep on the bed. So I woke him up to go say hi. He was bleary eyed and made some confused noises as he slowly walked toward the living room. Then he saw our guest and emitted two clear syllables and ran to him.

It was very cute. And I'm sure it was gratifying for our friend, who recently lost a cat to a sudden illness.
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Cluck? Clucking cats?

Kedo can be very chatty!

Brother knows a few curses.

Joe doesn't talk much. He mostly uses body language. ( :

And that's all our boys.
Cluck? Clucking cats?

Kedo can be very chatty!

Brother knows a few curses.

Joe doesn't talk much. He mostly uses body language. ( :

And that's all our boys.

I have 5. And they all talk! I just wish i knew what they were saying.
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Oh ... clucking like a hen party. ( :

Our three have all been known to sing for their supper .... One is a bass, one is an alto and one is a soprano. They harmonize quite well!
My wife's 9 outdoor cats sing all the time. Sometimes at night, they form a choir and sing all night long. They seem to like the old 40's and 50's stuff except at Christmas. Then they sing The 12 Days of Christmas.
My two grey cats make a lot of noise and respond with all sorts of sounds when spoken too. They verbally call me when they want something. They can respond with yes and no sounds when they understand a question (food? outside? play?). Cats use a lot of body language and eye contact when they communicate among themselves. Some breeds and individual personalities are more verbal and outgoing than others. I have a preference for the Korat breed and those with green reflective eyes (as opposed to red).
I trust Democrats more than I trust cats... Cats are small lions and if they had the bigger size like a lion does, they would use us all for a play toy and then lunch. Never, ever, give a cat steroids.
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I had a recorder running on my little female Korat cat the day I brought home a second female cat: Angry Nikki (MP3 3,269,888 bytes). I never thought a cat could be so jealous and make so many sounds (may need headphones to hear when she whispers, LOL).
My cat utters two sounds like sound amazing like the "words"

"Now" when it is waiting for food.

"Out" when it wants out.

Other than that my cat is a cat of few words.
Are the ways our cats try to communicate with us shaped by how we talk to them? Do cats from Louisiana sound different from cats from Japan or cats from one of the places where language is composed of clicks?
I wish I had that tape recorder running 9 years ago and this year. Kedo was actually our roommate's cat. She was soft spoken, had a melodic voice and used to trill to him.

It could just be my imagination but I think his voice used to be more melodic than it is. He used to sing at the door to the basement after she left. (She couldn't take him where she was going and it took him a long time to stop hoping she would come upstairs from the "studio". :( And the basement really wasn't the best place for us to let cats roam.) He finally gave up singing at her door. His voice is still pleasant enough. Without a recorder I can't say for sure anything has really changed with his tone. But ... I think maybe.
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I record all sorts of things now. I bought one of those Zoom H4n recorders, love it. I have hours of recording of rain/thunder storms, birds at dawn, neighborhood domestic quarrels, shit people say behind my back (LOL, just kidding), crowds at the mall, trains going by, police pursuit, storm sirens, cats fighting, hundreds of frogs singing, stadium crowd, weirdos on the street, etc. Did you know people will actually pay money for a good high quality recording of a thunderstorm? Other stuff too. No kidding, I put the recorder in the window during a good storm last summer for an hour, sold 47 copies at $5 each so far. Not big bucks, but heck, why not make some $$$ with ones hobbies. I recorded another cool storm a couple days ago.

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