If I had a son, he'd look like George Zimmerman


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
'I Could Look Like George Zimmerman'

by Robert Wenzel

Economic Policy Journal

President Obama's comment, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," is one curious statement for a President of the United States, who is a supposed Constitutional scholar. It borders on inciting angry man justice and panders to the lowest unthinking masses in America. Instead of using the incident as a "teaching moment", to teach that facts are gathered around a possible crime and, if determined necessary, decided in court before an impartial jury as to guilt or innocence, the President says nothing close. He panders to the angry crowd.

I have no idea what went on between Zimmerman and Trayvon. Let the facts come out. But the facts, to date, suggest there is more than one side to this story. Far from being a racist, Zimmerman's lawyer says Zimmerman mentored black youth. On CNN, Zimmerman's lawyer said that Zimmerman had a broken nose and a huge gash on the back of his head, suggesting a pretty violent struggle."


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