If Gary Johnson ends up on the ballot, he's a plant

Any alternative could not be worse than those offered by the two-party conspiracy.
I wonder how the "concience" of Johnson voters will feel when they realize they've helped Barack Obama be able to choose a couple more Supreme Court justices ?

Most Johnson supporters hate willard more than Obama. He's a right wing corporatist hack that hates the constitution and wants to start even more wars,..
That would be wrong, yet again.

Jonson supporters want someone that they can be for, instead of someone whom they hate less.

Now go eat your Hater Tots and wash them down with a big glass of Haterade.

Get fucked no-balls, Johnson supporters will vote for him because they support him and his stances, not as a protest vote.
Most Johnson supporters hate willard more than Obama. He's a right wing corporatist hack that hates the constitution and wants to start even more wars,..
That would be wrong, yet again.

Jonson supporters want someone that they can be for, instead of someone whom they hate less.

Now go eat your Hater Tots and wash them down with a big glass of Haterade.

Get fucked no-balls, Johnson supporters will vote for him because they support him and his stances, not as a protest vote.
Isn't that what I just said?

I'm sure you can find a nice inexpensive ESL class at your local community college. :lol:
I wonder how the "concience" of Johnson voters will feel when they realize they've helped Barack Obama be able to choose a couple more Supreme Court justices ?

I'll feel good in knowing I've advanced the cause of liberty rather than facilitated yet another authoritarian regime. Bush picked Roberts, so don't try to scare me with irrelevant crap. The Court no longer protects our liberties. It's up to us now, and that starts by refusing to vote for leaders who don't represent our values.
Of course Gary Johnson will be on the ballot! The candidates for all the parties are always on the ballot.

I wouldn't vote for Johnson. Let the democrats vote for Johnson.
Of course Gary Johnson will be on the ballot! The candidates for all the parties are always on the ballot.

That's not true. Ballot access can be very difficult to achieve, depending on the state. Libertarians spend a good chunk of their energy and resources just overcoming this hurdle. It's only one of the ways the Republocrats ensure their continued dominance. They sure has hell can't do it with competent governance.
Gary Johnson is the new Ron Paul. He just might not get as many supporters as Ron Paul.
That would be wrong, yet again.

Jonson supporters want someone that they can be for, instead of someone whom they hate less.

Now go eat your Hater Tots and wash them down with a big glass of Haterade.

Get fucked no-balls, Johnson supporters will vote for him because they support him and his stances, not as a protest vote.
Isn't that what I just said?

I'm sure you can find a nice inexpensive ESL class at your local community college. :lol:

He's not too bright.
i believe 100% that Romney has no chance of winning this election, but that doesn't mean everyone thinks the same way i do.
a lot of people may believe the media when they say Romney is ahead. (he is not)

we just had a brilliant libertarian candidate run for president.
Ron Paul had an answer for everything and the media was unable to make him look bad.

according to the political rhythm, the Republicans over-whelmingly dismissed the idea of a libertarian President.
(what REALLY happened was they supported who was selected for them)

now that they look at that stats, and the illusion of the benefits of the first black president have faded, it looks as if people
might vote for Romney simply because of disgust in Obama. also, no president has ever been re-elected with such terrible
unemployment numbers.

now, all of the sudden, this guy Gary Johnson appears out of nowhere.
i heard a rumor he is suing everyone to get on the ballot of all 50 states.

New Mexico is the most left-wing wacko state in the union.
there is no such thing as a "conservative" from New Mexico

the whole thing is fishy...this is your vote splitter right here.

now here comes the beauty part,
it sounds terribly hypocritical, but unless i heard he did something i don't agree with, i would have to vote for him due to Obama and Romney's passage of the health care bill...

I don't know what to make of this. I think you PaulBots need to realize that you are a fringe and the rest of us are laughing at you.
*smiles* Feel free. Unlike some others I don't need security of others to agree with me to go my own way.

The problem is- ALL Libertarians are out of the mainstream. Both parties want big government. It's just what they want it to do and who gets stuck paying for it at the end of the day that is in "dispute". Most Americans are with them on this.
That sucks...

Now here's the underlying problem. Gary Johnson was Governor of NM for two terms. That already makes him more qualified than Romney, who only served one term. Probably more qualified than Obama, who didn't even complete a full term in the Senate. He should be a major contender. But because he isn't with one of the two major parties, he won't be.
That's very likely true.


You seem like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders. I'll just say this: If the right thing to do was always easy, everybody would do it.
I wonder how the "concience" of Johnson voters will feel when they realize they've helped Barack Obama be able to choose a couple more Supreme Court justices ?

Like John Roberts?

Ron Paul had an answer for everything and the media was unable to make him look bad.

You're right, the media couldn't do anything to try and tarnish Paul. He did so much to tarnish himself, nobody else could possibly do it better.
I wonder how the "concience" of Johnson voters will feel when they realize they've helped Barack Obama be able to choose a couple more Supreme Court justices ?

I can't speak for others, but I will be just fine.

I will have voted for the person who most closely represents me and my beliefs.

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