“If Donald Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?

That’s in the Democrat-controlled House, of course. The Senate is controlled by Republicans, who’ve indicated they plan to look into how the Obama administration handled the Russia probe when it was in their hands, both in terms of preventing election interference from happening and investigating it — including getting surveillance warrants against a Trump campaign official using a dossier that had been assembled as opposition research as evidence.

And here’s what the RNC posted:

Now that the entire Mueller report has been released, it’s clear how much President Obama and his administration completely dropped the ball on Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign,” Steve Guest, the GOP’s rapid response director, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

All sorts of rhetoric. Now to see if there’ll be any action.

@ RNC Flips the Script, Goes After Obama Admin in Wake of Mueller Report
A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?

That’s in the Democrat-controlled House, of course. The Senate is controlled by Republicans, who’ve indicated they plan to look into how the Obama administration handled the Russia probe when it was in their hands, both in terms of preventing election interference from happening and investigating it — including getting surveillance warrants against a Trump campaign official using a dossier that had been assembled as opposition research as evidence.

And here’s what the RNC posted:

Now that the entire Mueller report has been released, it’s clear how much President Obama and his administration completely dropped the ball on Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign,” Steve Guest, the GOP’s rapid response director, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

All sorts of rhetoric. Now to see if there’ll be any action.

@ RNC Flips the Script, Goes After Obama Admin in Wake of Mueller Report

When the original investigation is fraud you cannot bring valid charges of obstruction.

It will soon be revealed as a sham....
From the fraudulently obtained FISA warrents to the phony tower meeting arranged by the DNC.

Trump's reaction to this illegal action was not only appropriate it also qulilfies as justifiable self defense.

You are just plain full of shit.

Great question OP.

The Republicans have just set a precedent that means that NOBODY ever will be able to be guilty of it.

Because if Trump isn't then NOBODY is.
Great question OP.

The Republicans have just set a precedent that means that NOBODY ever will be able to be guilty of it.

Because if Trump isn't then NOBODY is.

Read above it applies to you as well.

A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?

That’s in the Democrat-controlled House, of course. The Senate is controlled by Republicans, who’ve indicated they plan to look into how the Obama administration handled the Russia probe when it was in their hands, both in terms of preventing election interference from happening and investigating it — including getting surveillance warrants against a Trump campaign official using a dossier that had been assembled as opposition research as evidence.

And here’s what the RNC posted:

Now that the entire Mueller report has been released, it’s clear how much President Obama and his administration completely dropped the ball on Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign,” Steve Guest, the GOP’s rapid response director, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

All sorts of rhetoric. Now to see if there’ll be any action.

@ RNC Flips the Script, Goes After Obama Admin in Wake of Mueller Report
A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?
Some Republicans aren't giving Trump a pass either:

I Was a Trump Transition Staffer, and I’ve Seen Enough. It’s Time for Impeachment.

"The Mueller Report Was My Tipping Point
I was a Trump transition staffer, and I’ve seen enough. It’s time for impeachment.

8:22 AM ET
J. W. Verret
Professor of law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School...."

"I wanted to share my experience transitioning from Trump team member to pragmatist about Trump to advocate for his impeachment, because I think many other Republicans are starting a similar transition.

"Politics is a team sport, and if you actively work within a political party, there is some expectation that you will follow orders and rally behind the leader, even when you disagree.

"There is a point, though, at which that expectation turns from a mix of loyalty and pragmatism into something more sinister, a blind devotion that serves to enable criminal conduct."

Anyone claiming to be concerned about criminal conduct during Obama and Clinton presidencies (and there's no shortage of allegations), but isn't willing to subject Trump and his crime family to the same standards, isn't being honest about their concern for "good government."
A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?

That’s in the Democrat-controlled House, of course. The Senate is controlled by Republicans, who’ve indicated they plan to look into how the Obama administration handled the Russia probe when it was in their hands, both in terms of preventing election interference from happening and investigating it — including getting surveillance warrants against a Trump campaign official using a dossier that had been assembled as opposition research as evidence.

And here’s what the RNC posted:

Now that the entire Mueller report has been released, it’s clear how much President Obama and his administration completely dropped the ball on Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign,” Steve Guest, the GOP’s rapid response director, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

All sorts of rhetoric. Now to see if there’ll be any action.

@ RNC Flips the Script, Goes After Obama Admin in Wake of Mueller Report
A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?
Some Republicans aren't giving Trump a pass either:

I Was a Trump Transition Staffer, and I’ve Seen Enough. It’s Time for Impeachment.

"The Mueller Report Was My Tipping Point
I was a Trump transition staffer, and I’ve seen enough. It’s time for impeachment.

8:22 AM ET
J. W. Verret
Professor of law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School...."

"I wanted to share my experience transitioning from Trump team member to pragmatist about Trump to advocate for his impeachment, because I think many other Republicans are starting a similar transition.

"Politics is a team sport, and if you actively work within a political party, there is some expectation that you will follow orders and rally behind the leader, even when you disagree.

"There is a point, though, at which that expectation turns from a mix of loyalty and pragmatism into something more sinister, a blind devotion that serves to enable criminal conduct."

Anyone claiming to be concerned about criminal conduct during Obama and Clinton presidencies (and there's no shortage of allegations), but isn't willing to subject Trump and his crime family to the same standards, isn't being honest about their concern for "good government."
He sounds like an enemy of America.
A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?

That’s in the Democrat-controlled House, of course. The Senate is controlled by Republicans, who’ve indicated they plan to look into how the Obama administration handled the Russia probe when it was in their hands, both in terms of preventing election interference from happening and investigating it — including getting surveillance warrants against a Trump campaign official using a dossier that had been assembled as opposition research as evidence.

And here’s what the RNC posted:

Now that the entire Mueller report has been released, it’s clear how much President Obama and his administration completely dropped the ball on Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign,” Steve Guest, the GOP’s rapid response director, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

All sorts of rhetoric. Now to see if there’ll be any action.

@ RNC Flips the Script, Goes After Obama Admin in Wake of Mueller Report
A lot of people are asking this and it certainly isn’t the Dims. So, are the Republicans going to get some spine and go after who is really behind all of it?
Some Republicans aren't giving Trump a pass either:

I Was a Trump Transition Staffer, and I’ve Seen Enough. It’s Time for Impeachment.

"The Mueller Report Was My Tipping Point
I was a Trump transition staffer, and I’ve seen enough. It’s time for impeachment.

8:22 AM ET
J. W. Verret
Professor of law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School...."

"I wanted to share my experience transitioning from Trump team member to pragmatist about Trump to advocate for his impeachment, because I think many other Republicans are starting a similar transition.

"Politics is a team sport, and if you actively work within a political party, there is some expectation that you will follow orders and rally behind the leader, even when you disagree.

"There is a point, though, at which that expectation turns from a mix of loyalty and pragmatism into something more sinister, a blind devotion that serves to enable criminal conduct."

Anyone claiming to be concerned about criminal conduct during Obama and Clinton presidencies (and there's no shortage of allegations), but isn't willing to subject Trump and his crime family to the same standards, isn't being honest about their concern for "good government."
He sounds like an enemy of America.
He sounds like an enemy of America.

I think you're right.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol.2, P. 158)

"The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests.

"Comey did not end the investigation of Flynn, which ultimately resulted in Flynn’s prosecution and conviction for lying to the FBI.

"McGahn did not tell the Acting Attorney General that the Special Counsel must be removed, but was instead prepared to resign over the President’s order.

"Lewandowski and Dearborn did not deliver the President’s message to Sessions that he should confine the Russia investigation to future election meddling only.

"And McGahn refused to recede from his recollections about events surrounding the President’s direction to have the Special Counsel removed, despite the President’s multiple demands that he do so.

"Consistent with that pattern, the evidence we obtained would not support potential obstruction charges against the President’s aides and associates beyond those already filed."
Lol i like how leftists are now against ignorance being a proper defence for politicians doing wrong :lol:
Great question OP.

The Republicans have just set a precedent that means that NOBODY ever will be able to be guilty of it.

Because if Trump isn't then NOBODY is.
It goes back a lot longer then Trump. Progs get away with things a hundred times over Repubs and they use every tool they have in this PC and hate card nation.
I guess using bleachbit on a subpoenaed server, beating blackberrys with hammers, removing sim cards.....that's not obstruction of justice. Just telling someone not to comply with an illegal and unconstitutional investigation that turned up nothing, now that's obstruction.
Great question OP.

The Republicans have just set a precedent that means that NOBODY ever will be able to be guilty of it.

Because if Trump isn't then NOBODY is.
Then nobody is, it looks like. If Donald Trump "obstructed" the Mueller inquisition he did a damned poor job of it.

The left failed on collusion. They are simply going on to the next scheme and when this fails they will find something
else to go to. It's pathetic and transparently false.

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