“if” bush had heeded 911 warnings….


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We would not have had 911-2001 leading up to Afghanistan and Iraq war that killed a million Americans. 3,000 on 911, 5,000 in Iraq and over 2000 in Afghanistan leading to an unstable Middle East. Not the mention the deaths of our allies and Muslims civilians. Even the attack in Libya by terrorists commemorating 911and across the world. Where the **** was the “Issa’s rage” then against Bush, Cheney and Runsfeld that he is now unleashing on Obama because “4” Americans died in an attack on the Consulate in Libya? When are we going to stop blaming Bush? Never. This blunder costing us billions will go down in history books. Because if we forget, we are bound to repeat.
Want to talk about a “cover-up.” Information Obama is getting, he is giving to us in a timely fashion. But FOXNEWS claim to have had information it was a terrorist attack before Obama had it. How about the lies and cover-up about Saddam having WMDs and being a threat? The only threat as we now know, was Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. And will continue with Israel and Romney/Ryan bomb, bomb and bombing Iran.

“There are lie, and then there are damn lies.”Mark Twain.

Romney is due to be on the View and Woopie will open that can of “whoop ***” that Obama did not.
Please see your doctor to have your prescription refilled, it is obvious to any sane person that you have lost touch with reality.
radial right are using four dead americans as a distraction from the real problem, the economy and healthcare and homeland security.
Please see your doctor to have your prescription refilled, it is obvious to any sane person that you have lost touch with reality.

I will get my refill when you get yours. Truth hurts like a bitch, don't it? That's what you punk ass bitches always do when you don't have an answer. Attack the messenger.:eusa_boohoo:
The REAL real problem is the number of anti-American, pro-socialist, pro-muslim, Godless, liberal scumbags in power in this nation. A problem we started to rectify in 2010 and will hopefully fully rectify this Nov.
Please see your doctor to have your prescription refilled, it is obvious to any sane person that you have lost touch with reality.

I will get my refill when you get yours. Truth hurts like a bitch, don't it? That's what you punk ass bitches always do when you don't have an answer. Attack the messenger.:eusa_boohoo:

Of course I don't "have an answer", but's that's because you have no question. Me answering that nonsense above would be like me answering the question, Where do unicorns come from? Unicorns are a figment of someone's imagination, and the tripe you wrote is a figment of your imagination. Neither subject is anywhere near associated with reality.
Please see your doctor to have your prescription refilled, it is obvious to any sane person that you have lost touch with reality.

I will get my refill when you get yours. Truth hurts like a bitch, don't it? That's what you punk ass bitches always do when you don't have an answer. Attack the messenger.:eusa_boohoo:

Well number one your message is bullshit. A warning? Did that warning give time, place and method of attack?? No. thought not. Americas a big assed place there idiot. Perhaps Bush should have shut the whole US down on that warning??

Perhaps if Clinton had taken that dirtbag UBL down when he had the opportunity 9/11 would never have happened. Or perhaps it would have still happened even with UBL dead.

And yes. You really should get a refill on your meds. You should probably get some that are stronger. Your an idiot all day and every day.
Please see your doctor to have your prescription refilled, it is obvious to any sane person that you have lost touch with reality.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60]Bush Caught Lying About September 11th - YouTube[/ame]

All people like you are doing is trying to keep the focus on Bush because your guy is such a fricken FAILURE!! Anything to take the eyes off Obama....keep drinking that koolaid dummy!

And...yes, 4 PEOPLE DIED because your president is more interested in himself and will never admit when he's done something wrong. This administration has so much crap on them and they get away with everything. Others would have been gone by now, impeached, in prison, whatever....
If a republican had done as much as the dems have done the last few years you guys would have had them strung up by now.

Ya know what....I wish Bush was still the president! I think one day we'll all know that he did what he could and was probably one of the best presidents we've had. Obama will be in the history books as the worse. I think he even beats Carter as the biggest fool we've ever had leading this country!
All people like you are doing is trying to keep the focus on Bush because your guy is such a fricken FAILURE!! Anything to take the eyes off Obama....keep drinking that koolaid dummy!

Ya know what....I wish Bush was still the president! I think one day we'll all know that he did what he could and was probably one of the best presidents we've had.
No.....he was a fuck-up, alright......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ9nwzLrTd8]Bill Maher Bush Fuck Ups-Fake Commercial - YouTube[/ame]​
lol, the left does BLAME Bush for not heeding warnings on 9/11

is this some joke thread or just more whining over the Dear Leader?
All people like you are doing is trying to keep the focus on Bush because your guy is such a fricken FAILURE!! Anything to take the eyes off Obama....keep drinking that koolaid dummy!

Ya know what....I wish Bush was still the president! I think one day we'll all know that he did what he could and was probably one of the best presidents we've had.
No.....he was a fuck-up, alright......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ9nwzLrTd8]Bill Maher Bush Fuck Ups-Fake Commercial - YouTube[/ame]​

Shhhhh bush never happened , 3,000 + dead , America laughing stock of the world . Trillions of tax payers dollars down the drain . Obama ruined my country & I want it back .:eusa_boohoo:
All people like you are doing is trying to keep the focus on Bush because your guy is such a fricken FAILURE!! Anything to take the eyes off Obama....keep drinking that koolaid dummy!

Ya know what....I wish Bush was still the president! I think one day we'll all know that he did what he could and was probably one of the best presidents we've had.
No.....he was a fuck-up, alright......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ9nwzLrTd8]Bill Maher Bush Fuck Ups-Fake Commercial - YouTube[/ame]​

Shhhhh bush never happened , 3,000 + dead , America laughing stock of the world . Trillions of tax payers dollars down the drain . Obama ruined my country & I want it back .:eusa_boohoo:

how many dead American military under Obama, since we never seem to hear on those anymore?

I'm not going to blame Bush for the 9/11 attacks. I can't say with any certainty what information he had, what contrary information he had, etc., etc.

But his response, the decision to put us in Afghanistan and Iraq and create:

  • 6,600+ dead American soldiers and support people
  • Many thousands more physically damaged forever
  • Thousands of young military families damaged forever
  • Many more thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis dead and mutilated
  • $3.7 trillion that we don't have
That was his call.

Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Have Cost Americans $3.7 Trillion, $12,000 Per Person | The Media Freedom Foundation

Shhhhh bush never happened , 3,000 + dead , America laughing stock of the world . Trillions of tax payers dollars down the drain . Obama ruined my country & I want it back .:eusa_boohoo:

how many dead American military under Obama, since we never seem to hear on those anymore?

We should have never been in Iraq period , spin all you want it's the truth . It's old news , you can not let bush off the hook though . Obama has blood on his hands also . Never said he did not.
These people don't CARE that this administration LIED to us on the reasons for our embassy being attacked and the Ambassador died because of it.

they just care that you don't BLAME the Dear leader
OK Steph. You blame Bush for 3000 Americans killed on 9/11/2001 and I will blame Obama for 4 deaths on 9/11/2012.

You good with the blame game? Think those blaming numbers sound fair? Or does one of them have some additional deaths on their hands.
radial right are using four dead americans as a distraction from the real problem, the economy and healthcare and homeland security.

Four dead Americans is always a real problem.

And obviously Obama has something to do with the poor economy, the rise in the costs of health care, and the failure to secure our borders, and the turning over of our homeland security to the Muslim Brotherhood.
These people don't CARE that this administration LIED to us on the reasons for our embassy being attacked and the Ambassador died because of it.

they just care that you don't BLAME the Dear leader

No matter what Obama is the cic no way around it , so yes it is on Obama the embassy was attacked. To be fair ,it would have takin a year to get the investigation going , not a month . The right have been politicizing this issue from the get go.
LilOlLady, some time in the future, in the state of Nevada, a young man will hold up a liquor store armed with a shotgun.

Your job is to prevent the crime.

There. You've just received the same amount of intelligence as Bush did regarding the possibility of terrorist attacks on US soil.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

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