If both sides were violent in Charlottesville....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I have a legitimate (well, semi-legitimate) question on the violence in that beautiful Virginia city.

On one side of the divide, we had Nazis, white supremacists and Klan members. Does anyone know if one of these 3 groups that share an ideology of anti diversity, was MORE violent than the other 2.....or does it make any difference?

On the other side of the divide, we had the violence-loving Antifa that sees its role as one of following Nazis around the world and to take them on violent act per violent act.

My question however, is this.........BESIDES THE ANTIFA, WERE THERE ANY OTHER GROUP(S) OF AMERICANS who joined the rally?....Were these OTHER groups as violent as Antifa?

When Trump blamed BOTH sides of the divide, were the NON Antifa group also accused of violence?
If he didn't specify group names, why would you think the hypothetical they would NOT be included?

Also, your pro-antifa spin in noted, and held against you.
There are many civil war history buffs who are not white supremacists who object to the left's assault on the confederate flag and statues and see this for what it is, fake faux rage for political purposes nothing more. When faux rage is this narrowly focused while ignoring blatantly racist shit like the celebration of Democrat Robert Byrd yeah, FAKE NEWS.
"Does anyone know if one of these 3 groups that share an ideology of anti diversity, was MORE violent than the other 2.....or does it make any difference?"

You really only listed two groups; the KKK are a "shade" of white supremacists, just an organized format of them.

While specific definitions do vary, as has become common in our over "specialized" society, Nazi's believe they are better than /all/ others where as white nationalists simply believe that America should be run by white people rather than minority ethnicities. There are "shades" of both groups as I mentioned; that is to say there are Nazi's who simply believe that the "impure" should be ejected from the nation, and on the other side of the same "blanket-term" of Nazi there are those who would prefer to see them killed off, there are also some Nazi's who are just against Jews. The "blanket-term" of white nationalists ranges from those who want minorities purged from the nation (aka kicked out,) there's some who just want them banned from politics or "influential" jobs (like teaching, etc.,) and there's some who just believe that's the fact and want it "recognized" in a sense [that whites supposedly did better at shaping/forming/running America.]

Both groups have extremists who could become violent just as both groups have those who would /never/ use violence.
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to the left's assault on the confederate flag and statues

ONLY a moron.....like you.....would "conclude" that a white supremacist or a Nazi was concerned about confederate flags and statues........

Sure these morons are ALL about conserving civil war memorabilia.......LOL

(what an :asshole:)
to the left's assault on the confederate flag and statues

ONLY a moron.....like you.....would "conclude" that a white supremacist or a Nazi was concerned about confederate flags and statues........

Sure these morons are ALL about conserving civil war memorabilia.......LOL

(what an :asshole:)

Tell me should civil war memorials and re-enactments be stripped of all Confederate content? Should all the confederate graves be dug up? We could have a civil war battle re-enactment of the Union army charging across a field to attack well nothing on the other side. Why yes I am mocking your idiocy.
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Let me simplify my question.......

Were ALL those who rallied against

White Supremacists
KKK members

ONLY Antifa goons.....or were there other American citizens involved???
There are many civil war history buffs who are not white supremacists who object to the left's assault on the confederate flag and statues and see this for what it is, .

But they were not the ones who organized and participated in the rally. This was a white nationalist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi event,

and ominously one of the biggest in recent memory.
to the left's assault on the confederate flag and statues

ONLY a moron.....like you.....would "conclude" that a white supremacist or a Nazi was concerned about confederate flags and statues........

Sure these morons are ALL about conserving civil war memorabilia.......LOL

(what an :asshole:)

Tell me should civil war memorials and re-enactments be stripped of all Confederate content? Should all the confederate graves be dug up? We could have a civil war battle re-enactment of the Union army charging across a field to attack well nothing on the other side. Why yes I am mocking your idiocy.

Creating strawmen to make your argument is a losing argument.
Tell me should civil war memorials and re-enactments be stripped of all Confederate content? Should all the confederate graves be dug up? We could have a civil war battle re-enactment of the Union army charging across a field to attack well nothing on the other side. Why yes I am mocking your idiocy.

Well, you're "correct".......

White supremacists, and
KKK members

are a bit pissed off that they cannot re-enact civil war battles and that is why they are so irate and drive cars into crowds.................................LOL
Let me simplify my question.......

Were ALL those who rallied against

White Supremacists
KKK members

ONLY Antifa goons.....or were there other American citizens involved???

No it wasn't just Nazi's, WS, or KKK. Just like it wasn't just ANTIFA or BLM.
There are many civil war history buffs who are not white supremacists who object to the left's assault on the confederate flag and statues and see this for what it is, .

But they were not the ones who organized and participated in the rally. This was a white nationalist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi event,

and ominously one of the biggest in recent memory.

You are talking out your ass, did you poll the event participants? No you did not.
to the left's assault on the confederate flag and statues

ONLY a moron.....like you.....would "conclude" that a white supremacist or a Nazi was concerned about confederate flags and statues........

Sure these morons are ALL about conserving civil war memorabilia.......LOL

(what an :asshole:)

Tell me should civil war memorials and re-enactments be stripped of all Confederate content? Should all the confederate graves be dug up? We could have a civil war battle re-enactment of the Union army charging across a field to attack well nothing on the other side. Why yes I am mocking your idiocy.

Creating strawmen to make your argument is a losing argument.

I made a valid point, it obliterates your liberal media spin, you reacted with boo hoo I hate it when Blues does that.
I have a legitimate (well, semi-legitimate) question on the violence in that beautiful Virginia city.

On one side of the divide, we had Nazis, white supremacists and Klan members. Does anyone know if one of these 3 groups that share an ideology of anti diversity, was MORE violent than the other 2.....or does it make any difference?

On the other side of the divide, we had the violence-loving Antifa that sees its role as one of following Nazis around the world and to take them on violent act per violent act.

My question however, is this.........BESIDES THE ANTIFA, WERE THERE ANY OTHER GROUP(S) OF AMERICANS who joined the rally?....Were these OTHER groups as violent as Antifa?

When Trump blamed BOTH sides of the divide, were the NON Antifa group also accused of violence?
He said this violence from anyone isn't acceptable.
If Obama had said those exact words you'd STFU and just take it at face-value.
When it comes to Trump though, you wanna focus-group everything he says. Second-guess everything.
It's ironic, or well hypocritical, that these lefties are pushing LGBTQWTF and "respecting" all the "shades" of "gay" yet they cannot seem to wrap their heads around the differences between Nazi and Nationalist. Ridiculous and intellectually dishonest.

FYI I'm bi.
He said this violence from anyone isn't acceptable.
If Obama had said those exact words you'd STFU and just take it at face-value.

Well, you are maybe "correct"

had Obama stated that BOTH sides in Syria were equally guilty of violence against one another, you'd be here "cheering" Obama for his fairness in blaming just the violence and not the cause or ideology.......Right???

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