If bankrupting businesses is bad...why do corporations do it to each other so often?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Just a quick question, I expect some very...um...entertaining responses to. If its so bad and awful to bankrupt or hurt a business...like they say Obama's reelection is gonna do.......then why is it that the corporate world does that to other businesses all the time??

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway. Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost. Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

So...how dare those soulless creatures in suits talk shit about a policy that may "harm" their business, while they've been trying for decades to KILL someone else's business?

Fuck 'em. Karma sucks.
Just a quick question, I expect some very...um...entertaining responses to. If its so bad and awful to bankrupt or hurt a business...like they say Obama's reelection is gonna do.......then why is it that the corporate world does that to other businesses all the time??

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway. Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost. Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

So...how dare those soulless creatures in suits talk shit about a policy that may "harm" their business, while they've been trying for decades to KILL someone else's business?

Fuck 'em. Karma sucks.

Terrible, terrible post. Competition between two companies on equal footing in a free market is a whole lot different than a government rigging the game in favor of one of those businesses, or worse yet, purposefully hoping to put entire industries out of business.
Just a quick question, I expect some very...um...entertaining responses to. If its so bad and awful to bankrupt or hurt a business...like they say Obama's reelection is gonna do.......then why is it that the corporate world does that to other businesses all the time??

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway. Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost. Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

So...how dare those soulless creatures in suits talk shit about a policy that may "harm" their business, while they've been trying for decades to KILL someone else's business?

Fuck 'em. Karma sucks.

Terrible, terrible post. Competition between two companies on equal footing in a free market is a whole lot different than a government rigging the game in favor of one of those businesses, or worse yet, purposefully hoping to put entire industries out of business.

Yeah, comparing the two is absurd. But par for the course for the brain dead among us. And these are the people who put Obama in power.
Just a quick question, I expect some very...um...entertaining responses to. If its so bad and awful to bankrupt or hurt a business...like they say Obama's reelection is gonna do.......then why is it that the corporate world does that to other businesses all the time??

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway. Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost. Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

So...how dare those soulless creatures in suits talk shit about a policy that may "harm" their business, while they've been trying for decades to KILL someone else's business?

Fuck 'em. Karma sucks.

How deliciously mindless.....
Just a quick question, I expect some very...um...entertaining responses to. If its so bad and awful to bankrupt or hurt a business...like they say Obama's reelection is gonna do.......then why is it that the corporate world does that to other businesses all the time??

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway. Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost. Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

So...how dare those soulless creatures in suits talk shit about a policy that may "harm" their business, while they've been trying for decades to KILL someone else's business?

Fuck 'em. Karma sucks.

Terrible, terrible post. Competition between two companies on equal footing in a free market is a whole lot different than a government rigging the game in favor of one of those businesses, or worse yet, purposefully hoping to put entire industries out of business.

It's from an Obamabot.. they haven't a clue how reality works.
Yep. Just the exact type of responses I was expecting:

"What a retard"
"Thats different"
"Brain dead"
"Obama lover"

But no logic on why its GOOD for corporations to put each other out of business. Hey, our govt is controlled by big business anyway. So...govt is really just a competing company with a "govt" logo slapped on it. And the Govt's "shareholders" are the takers.

Now...any truly good, in depth responses for a real debate? Or more kindergarten insults?
Yep. Just the exact type of responses I was expecting:

"What a retard"
"Thats different"
"Brain dead"
"Obama lover"

But no logic on why its GOOD for corporations to put each other out of business. Hey, our govt is controlled by big business anyway. So...govt is really just a competing company with a "govt" logo slapped on it. And the Govt's "shareholders" are the takers.

Now...any truly good, in depth responses for a real debate? Or more kindergarten insults?

What's to debate? The premise is mindless drivel. Companies that can't compete in the markets fail. That's the way it works. Government saddling business with bureaucratic largess to the point they can't operate is quite another.

You need an econ 101 class bub. Hell, a home-ec class would be something.
Yep. Just the exact type of responses I was expecting:

"What a retard"
"Thats different"
"Brain dead"
"Obama lover"

But no logic on why its GOOD for corporations to put each other out of business. Hey, our govt is controlled by big business anyway. So...govt is really just a competing company with a "govt" logo slapped on it. And the Govt's "shareholders" are the takers.

Now...any truly good, in depth responses for a real debate? Or more kindergarten insults?

What's to debate? The premise is mindless drivel. Companies that can't compete in the markets fail. That's the way it works. Government saddling business with bureaucratic largess to the point they can't operate is quite another.

You need an econ 101 class bub. Hell, a home-ec class would be something.

This is good advice, bucs, and you should take heed.

You shouldn't go thru life as a half-baked whipping boy.

There's a difference between dynamic competition bankrupting those who were unable to adequately meet customer demand, thus freeing up resources for those who can, and government policies harming perfectly viable businesses.
I'll disect this hilariousness a little further.

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway.

They don't need it, according to you. According to the people that work for Wal-Mart, the people that are responsible for ensuring it's survival and the people that invest in Wal-Mart, it's very necessary. If they don't look to grab as much market share, someone else will and that complacency can lead to losses. KMart used to be the giant big-box department store. I bet they wished they could have stamped out Wal-Mart in their infancy because Wal-Mart has built itself up to basically eliminate KMart altogether.

You've got Target as well who's doing well. If Wal-Mart doesn't try to stamp out a mom and pop store, maybe Target succeeds at it in a given area and gains that much more market share for themselves which further threatens Wal-Mart.

Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost.

Is this a serious statement? They celebrate "hurting their fellow Americans?" How do they celebrate? I've never seen a big "We put KMart out of business in this area" sale at Wal-Mart before.

I guess you just don't understand the free market. If Wal-Mart and Target are competing in a given area and one goes out of business, then clearly there wasn't enough demand for both of them. One goes out of business and the other likely assumes those customers. Maybe they have to expand their operation or their payroll to accommodate the additional business and thus create more jobs, maybe not. Regardless, if Target is getting killed by Wal-Mart in an area and Target doesn't go out of business, someone is going to be hurting. In that circumstance, Target is under no obligation to operate it's business at a loss for the sole purpose of employing people.

Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

Maybe, maybe not. Some areas can only sustain one big department store, hardware store, etc. That's why it's important for businesses to compete and try to put each other out of business. It forces them to do things better and provide more value to the customer at a lower price. The biggest winner of a free market economy where business are constantly trying to put each other out of business is, *gasp*, the consumer!
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Yep. Just the exact type of responses I was expecting:

"What a retard"
"Thats different"
"Brain dead"
"Obama lover"

But no logic on why its GOOD for corporations to put each other out of business. Hey, our govt is controlled by big business anyway. So...govt is really just a competing company with a "govt" logo slapped on it. And the Govt's "shareholders" are the takers.

Now...any truly good, in depth responses for a real debate? Or more kindergarten insults?

What's to debate? The premise is mindless drivel. Companies that can't compete in the markets fail. That's the way it works. Government saddling business with bureaucratic largess to the point they can't operate is quite another.

You need an econ 101 class bub. Hell, a home-ec class would be something.

Im not talking about a shitty company that is gonna fail all on it's own. Im talking about hostile corporate actions that are meant to harm other companies. I, for one, like Wal-Mart. But, hate to see when one comes in and crushes so many other businesses. Two of them in areas I grew up (Gaffney, SC and Boiling Springs, SC) are small towns that had lots of mom and pop spots. Wal-Mart came in and crushed them. Local gas and grocery stores that had done fine for 50-100 years, and when Wal-Mart shows up, they go out of business. Had Wal-Mart not came, they'd still be open. Was a store in Gaffney, SC or BSprings, SC gonna make/break Wal-Mart? No. Of course not.

But thats an example. There are millions more examples of hostile corporate moves that harm other companies, some unintentional, some intentional.

Just saying...if hurting a business is BAD, it should always be bad. Right?
Just a quick question, I expect some very...um...entertaining responses to. If its so bad and awful to bankrupt or hurt a business...like they say Obama's reelection is gonna do.......then why is it that the corporate world does that to other businesses all the time??

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway. Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost. Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

So...how dare those soulless creatures in suits talk shit about a policy that may "harm" their business, while they've been trying for decades to KILL someone else's business?

Fuck 'em. Karma sucks.

When a corporation like Wal Mart puts a mom and pop out of business, the customer invariably wins. The entire community invariably wins. Instead of mom, pop and a helper, over 100 people in that community now have jobs. Customers have access to better merchandise, more variety.

Companies are put out of business by bigger companies for all kinds of reasons, usually because the take over company has a better business model, offers better products to the consumer, has read the future demand better. The government puts companies out of business to create dependency among the people who used to work there. There is no benefit to anyone. It's just a vacancy.
There's a difference between dynamic competition bankrupting those who were unable to adequately meet customer demand, thus freeing up resources for those who can, and government policies harming perfectly viable businesses.
This is something the central planners will never allow their economically illiterate useful stooges to understand.
Im not talking about a shitty company that is gonna fail all on it's own. Im talking about hostile corporate actions that are meant to harm other companies. I, for one, like Wal-Mart. But, hate to see when one comes in and crushes so many other businesses. Two of them in areas I grew up (Gaffney, SC and Boiling Springs, SC) are small towns that had lots of mom and pop spots. Wal-Mart came in and crushed them. Local gas and grocery stores that had done fine for 50-100 years, and when Wal-Mart shows up, they go out of business. Had Wal-Mart not came, they'd still be open. Was a store in Gaffney, SC or BSprings, SC gonna make/break Wal-Mart? No. Of course not.

But thats an example. There are millions more examples of hostile corporate moves that harm other companies, some unintentional, some intentional.

Just saying...if hurting a business is BAD, it should always be bad. Right?

So, Wal-Mart is solely trying to hurt other companies by opening a store in an area and providing value to consumers, and whereby, their customers?

Bottom line: if Wal-Mart wasn't providing more value to their customers than the mom and pop stores do, they wouldn't be in business.
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Yep. Just the exact type of responses I was expecting:

"What a retard"
"Thats different"
"Brain dead"
"Obama lover"

But no logic on why its GOOD for corporations to put each other out of business. Hey, our govt is controlled by big business anyway. So...govt is really just a competing company with a "govt" logo slapped on it. And the Govt's "shareholders" are the takers.

Now...any truly good, in depth responses for a real debate? Or more kindergarten insults?

What's to debate? The premise is mindless drivel. Companies that can't compete in the markets fail. That's the way it works. Government saddling business with bureaucratic largess to the point they can't operate is quite another.

You need an econ 101 class bub. Hell, a home-ec class would be something.

Im not talking about a shitty company that is gonna fail all on it's own. Im talking about hostile corporate actions that are meant to harm other companies. I, for one, like Wal-Mart. But, hate to see when one comes in and crushes so many other businesses. Two of them in areas I grew up (Gaffney, SC and Boiling Springs, SC) are small towns that had lots of mom and pop spots. Wal-Mart came in and crushed them. Local gas and grocery stores that had done fine for 50-100 years, and when Wal-Mart shows up, they go out of business. Had Wal-Mart not came, they'd still be open. Was a store in Gaffney, SC or BSprings, SC gonna make/break Wal-Mart? No. Of course not.

But thats an example. There are millions more examples of hostile corporate moves that harm other companies, some unintentional, some intentional.

Just saying...if hurting a business is BAD, it should always be bad. Right?

Putting a bad business out of business isn't bad. It's actually good. Small businesses that sell overpriced shoddy crap deserve to be put out of business. Putting them out of business is a benefit to the entire community.

A small business can always compete with a big box store. To a smart business person, being close to a Wal Mart will make them even more successful. But, that assumes the person is smart and does something beyond open the door and wait for people to flood in.
Just a quick question, I expect some very...um...entertaining responses to. If its so bad and awful to bankrupt or hurt a business...like they say Obama's reelection is gonna do.......then why is it that the corporate world does that to other businesses all the time??

Huge corporations seek to crush small businesses that may grow to compete with them. Wal-Mart crushes mom and pop stores. Wal-Mart doesn't need that extra profit in some small town, but they're coming anyway. Big corporations seek to put each other out of business also. They try to, and celebrate, hurting their fellow American companies at any cost. Will their own company survive with the competition surviving also? Sure. But they all try to kill each other off anyway.

So...how dare those soulless creatures in suits talk shit about a policy that may "harm" their business, while they've been trying for decades to KILL someone else's business?

Fuck 'em. Karma sucks.

When a corporation like Wal Mart puts a mom and pop out of business, the customer invariably wins. The entire community invariably wins. Instead of mom, pop and a helper, over 100 people in that community now have jobs. Customers have access to better merchandise, more variety.

Companies are put out of business by bigger companies for all kinds of reasons, usually because the take over company has a better business model, offers better products to the consumer, has read the future demand better. The government puts companies out of business to create dependency among the people who used to work there. There is no benefit to anyone. It's just a vacancy.


Im seeing some say that taking up more "market share" is natural. Human greed, right? And the shareholders of the govt want more 'market share". Its natural guys, remember?

None of you should be shocked. Humans are greedy, regardless of what sector they are in. They'll use whatever legal tools are at their disposal to get more "market share". Its human nature.
Hmmm. Mention the human greed factor, and how it explains both sides, and the responses stop. Figures.
Competition between two companies on equal footing in a free market is a whole lot different than a government rigging the game in favor of one of those businesses, or worse yet, purposefully hoping to put entire industries out of business.

Yeah! - Like when Walmart rolls in & demands they pay no or lower city, county, state & federal taxes that their smaller competitors must pay. Costing us taxpayers half a million dollars per Walmart store on average. Then they pay their workers lower than poverty wages so the taxpayers must pay another half a million dollars per Walmart store on average to support their workers. Why do you want to use your taxes to subsidize walmart so they can run you out of business????????

Wal-Mart is on the Government dole raising my taxes!!! Every Wal-Mart store is costing tax payers about a million dollars. They have 9,000 stores in the USA costing us tax payers $9 Billion a year! Walmart makes $16 Billion in profits a year & cry about paying taxes & evade taxes with loopholes. Walmart can pay the $9 billion they are costing us tax payers without having to raise any prices in their stores. It's time they paid their own way just like I have to!

BTW - Wal-Mart is no longer the biggest bloodsucking big box retailer on the government dole. I use them as an example because info on them was easiest to find.

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