If Anyone Should Be Worried About Rigged Elections; It's Bernie


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
With Bernie Sanders Now a Frontrunner, Corporate Media Smears Him as Trump-ish

If anyone should be worried about rigged elections, worried about the BLATANT bias against them by the corporate owned media giants -- it's Bernie.....and the proof isn't hidden, it is very clear and plain as day..

"The corporate media and the political establishment have always loathed Sanders, but this distaste has taken different forms. Distaste of Sanders has often been expressed largely by malign neglect. More recently however, as his strength in the polls has grown, media have amped up attacks -- the current line of attack is to make Sanders into the Trump of the Left. A facile equation that will not stand careful scrutiny. Washington Post columnists have suggested that Sanders opposition to the US/Mexico/Canada agreement is the Left equivalent of Trump’s hatred of immigrants. These columnists conveniently forget that Sanders’ opposition to such treaties is based on their OWN one- sided nature -- to protect corporate profits while neglecting workers."

If it was discovered that Bernie had the 2020 primaries rigged against him, BLATANTLY, I guarantee you that you won't hear about it on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc...That is because the corporate Democrat establishment are more Anti Bernie than they are Trump...why?? Well for them and their bosses — Bernie is the bigger threat to their STATUS QUO ...and yes, no matter how much you try to claim Trump is an outsider, policy wise -- he is the STATUS QUO...The Corporate media were in near tears when they watched how poorly Biden did in the Iowa caucus -- so much so that even John Kerry has hinted about getting in the race -- Kerry?? Yes, Kerry...However, Kerry feared having to give up his cush job as a board member at Bank Of America and not being able to accept 6 figures in paid speeches to Wall Street lobbyists if he chose to run in 2020, awww, we can't have that...But I'm sure if the right hedge-fund manager financed his campaign, he just might run...the corporate establishment will prop up anyone if they think it will help keep their pharma stocks and millionaire taxcuts safe...fuck the middle the class...

So trying to claim Bernie is like Trump is both absurd on it's face and easily debunked -- because when you compare policies....one is a true populist who advocates true populist policies and the other has been proven to be a fake...No person in their right mind would attempt an argument about a policy convergence between Sanders and Trump today, given Trump’s reversal on virtually every one of those original populist stances.

Just name the policy, Social Security/Medicare -- Bernie wants to expand it, Trump wants to cut it, FACTS! Actually punishing Wall Street corruption and strengthening consumer protections -- Trump has done nothing but enable more corruption and weaken protections... -- and Bernie is able to run a truly populist campaign without demonizing gays, Hispanics, blacks and women and he has done it without mocking autistic teens or handicap reporters, without urging people to punch protesters and promising to pay their legal fees -- he has done it without grabbing any pussies but he has definitely exposed the pussies in the corporate owned media....

Democrats are going to do their best to make sure an Independent doesn't win the Democratic nomination.
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So the Russian lot are not happy with corrupting the GOP, now they want to sow the same bullshit in the Dems...


Congrats Putin... Well played.... You got the President you want...

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