If Americans are stupid enough to reelect the failure Obama.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
If Americans are stupid enough to reelect the failure Obama. I hope they get his whole agenda rammed up their fucking asses!

I hope he rams his green agenda so far up our asses that we see blue for the next century. He will KILL coal and reduce oil everywhere within the United fucking states of America. He is already planning on using the EPA to kill all new coal projects. True fucking story. He was testing the water during his first term...You think 99 billion is a lot? lol:badgrin: Get ready for many trillions worth of green energy projects. 80% of all new projects under his second term- I'd imagine will be devoted to green projects. :eusa_shhh:
Our main sources of power will be windmills and solar power!!! He'll mandate it and force it down our throats! I read that the new reg will cost our economy around 700 billion dollars. JUST ONE! In countries like Germany they're killing nuclear...Don't be surprised if he starts shutting ours down. This seems to be a global socialist movement(I'm sure it is)...Why the fuck would they shut down dependable energy is outside my imagination. :eusa_shhh: Who ever said these people make sense! They honestly don't.

A very large percentage of our energy will need to be had by wind, solar or wave power as that's all he will accept. Replacing coal is going to be quite the bitch...Even sane leftist like old rocks must agree that would be a very painful thing to do at the rate Obama is going to attempt shining it up our asses. He will raise our gas prices through the roof to force people to buy electric cars like in Europe. You can see his agenda by watching Europe.

More welfare! 41% growth in food stamps and a trillion dollars in welfare spending. This president isn't going to stop either. Hell, he's only getting warmed up!!! Expect that to grow even faster if he's reelected. Work, what work??? Unlimited unemployment for the parasites of society....Obama is extreme and remember he was just testing the water his first term!

Amnesty? O'baby is he going to commit amnesty...I wouldn't be blown away if he allowed Mexico to join the United states! I'm not joking as he wouldn't think twice about doing it.

Our military??? He's going to cut our navy and nuclear deterrent. At a time when China, Russia, Pakistan, India and Iran are building theirs. Somehow he thinks that giving the entire world to these nut cases will somehow make peace. :eusa_shhh: Asking for war??? lol. The American people are inviting it if they reelect Barack Hussein Obama! Just look at the bloody mess he has caused so far in the middle east.

Economy? O that thing that he took from first to seventh in economic competitiveness??? Expect that to take another crap to under the top 10. I fully expect downgrades yearly under his second term...B range by the end of his second term are quite likely within 20 trillion dollars in debt. Democrats may be masters at lying and misleading people, but reality speaks leaders than words. Hell, it screams and yells!

Let's be honest our economy is becoming one of part time low paid jobs. He cares about one thing and one thing only GREEN! This is the great and powerful green president!!!! Electric cars, green power and more welfare is his plan during his second term. He'll give china and russia a crack at ruling the world along with us! O'shitt, did I say us? O'yess we give up our military power we become their BITCh!!!

Obama is still talking about Charge? This isn't the charge any sane human being should want!!! I'm not against green but goddamn. :eusa_hand:

Vote Romney/Ryan for sanity!
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5k less income under Obama
First to seventh in economic competitiveness
12th in prosperity
First downgrade of credit ever
43 months above 8% unemployment
1 trillion dollars dificits per year

This is hope and charge!
If Americans are stupid enough to re elect Obama they deserve all the bad things they will get.

It is baffling to me how could he be re elected.

But.... never underestimate the power of human stupidity.... so I am not holding my breath.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Umemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 7.9%
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
5 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.
Housing starts up 29%

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The U.S. housing industry -- crucial to any jobs recovery -- showed more signs of strength, according to two reports issued Wednesday. The Census Bureau said housing starts and permits rose substantially in August. Separately, sales of previously occupied homes climbed 7.8% from a year ago, according to the National Association of Realtors.

Builders started on new homes at an annual rate of 750,000, up 29.1% compared with a year earlier. They applied to build another 803,000 new homes on an annual basis, a 24.5% jump compared with August 2011.

Car sales up 13%

NEW YORK (CNMoney) -- U.S. car buyers flooded showrooms in September, sending auto sales to their highest level in more than four years. Overall sales were were up 13% from a year ago, according to sales tracker Autodata, which put the pace of sales at an annual rate of just under 15 million vehicles.

Home construction, sales showing some strength - Sep. 19, 2012

Best car sales since early '08 - Oct. 2, 2012
If Americans are stupid enough to re elect Obama they deserve all the bad things they will get.

It is baffling to me how could he be re elected.

But.... never underestimate the power of human stupidity.... so I am not holding my breath.

I'm not going to underestimate the stupidity of humans. Communism was because of human stupidity, islam is because of human stupidity, millions of adult human beings letting their children starve to death is also because of human stupidity.

I don't hold it in high regard! Facts simply don't matter as free shit is what matters!
If Americans are stupid enough to re elect Obama they deserve all the bad things they will get.

It is baffling to me how could he be re elected.

But.... never underestimate the power of human stupidity.... so I am not holding my breath.

I'm not going to underestimate the stupidity of humans. Communism was because of human stupidity, islam is because of human stupidity, millions of adult human beings letting their children starve to death is also because of human stupidity.

I don't hold it in high regard! Facts simply don't matter as free shit is what matters!

Lets hope and pray he won't be re elected.
If Americans are stupid enough to re elect Obama they deserve all the bad things they will get.

It is baffling to me how could he be re elected.

But.... never underestimate the power of human stupidity.... so I am not holding my breath.

I'm not going to underestimate the stupidity of humans. Communism was because of human stupidity, islam is because of human stupidity, millions of adult human beings letting their children starve to death is also because of human stupidity.

I don't hold it in high regard! Facts simply don't matter as free shit is what matters!

Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.
It's poor people buying homes that they couldn't afford with wall street.

The banks should of never loaned these people the money
The government should of never allowed wall street to fuck over the economy in the first place.
that photo won't do anymore lakhota, sorry.

that photo is dead on.

Who destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives ponzi scheme?

Wall street.


The typical Republican's reaction to facts.

Until you have seen the bullet hole in the ceiling from where someone killed themselves because they lost their job during the crash, you can't understand the full effect of the evil that Wall Street did to the lives of ordinary working people.
It's poor people buying homes that they couldn't afford with wall street.

The banks should of never loaned these people the money
The government should of never allowed wall street to fuck over the economy in the first place.

Republican propaganda. It was the derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

How did 3% of the homes in the U.S. being in foreclosure bring down the economy of Iceland?

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