

Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.
WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

You do realize that there position is closer to that of about 60% of Americans than yours right? Who do you think they are shooting themselves in the Foot with? roughly 60% of Americans say they think Marriage should be between 1 man and 1 woman. Not saying I even Agree with that, But that is the Majority Position in America, So I ask again who are they shooting themselves in the foot with? Liberals? the 40% who never votes for them anyways?
You do realize that there position is closer to that of about 60% of Americans than yours right? Who do you think they are shooting themselves in the Foot with? roughly 60% of Americans say they think Marriage should be between 1 man and 1 woman. Not saying I even Agree with that, But that is the Majority Position in America, So I ask again who are they shooting themselves in the foot with? Liberals? the 40% who never votes for them anyways?

You should try reading a recent poll instead of relying on one conducted in 2004.

WSJ/NBC Poll on Gay Marriage: 2012 vs. 2009 vs. 2004 - Washington Wire - WSJ

According to the March 2012 Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll (the most WSJ/NBC News poll recent to include a question on gay marriage) currently 49% of Americans favor gay marriage, with 40% opposed. That represents a flip from October 2009, when 49% were opposed and 41% were in favor. Go back to March 2004, and 62% were opposed, vs. only 30% in favor.
WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

They are upholding the Constitution and it's anti-gay, anti-civil rights kinda way, while making government less intrussive and not nanny like. You go pubs!
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WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

They are upholding the Constitution and it's anti-gay, anti-civil rights kinda way, while making government less intrussive and not nanny like. You go pubs!

What I bolded is what I'm actually pissed about. They can play all the little reindeer games they want re: gay marriage. It's gonna hit the SCOTUS, and nobody will have any say anymore (just like Roe v Wade).
WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

this is what i cant stand about these dam Bills....there should be no "extras" for all these assholes little pet projects.....
WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

It’s hard to say which is more idiotic: the marriage ‘ban’ or the reneging on the agreement with the Administration. Republicans are for the most part a duplicitous, untrustworthy lot.
federal land is, federal land, they are not on state property, even if the state allows gay marriage until its a 50 sate thang, its not germane *shrugs*
WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

It’s hard to say which is more idiotic: the marriage ‘ban’ or the reneging on the agreement with the Administration. Republicans are for the most part a duplicitous, untrustworthy lot.

Obama is of course free to exercise his new flip flopped position and actually come out and say I will veto it because of the gay marriage issue, but he won't, he'll say he'll veto it becasue of the extra money.
and from the link-

The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

so to recap- when the gop addresses up a social issue its politically charged, when the democrats do it its sweetness and light......gotta love that objective media. :rolleyes:

keep eating the media grass you sheep....:lol:
And we're supposed to be upset about this and roll over when govt intrudes with its confiscation of our monies ie SS. This isn't even a minor blimp on the screen. 8 billion? But, not upset when O signs us all up for some healthcare that's going to cost us all hundreds of times more than 8 billion. This is funny.
WASHINGTON — Wading into the gay marriage debate, the Republican-led House tacked a provision banning same-sex marriages at military chapels onto a sweeping defense bill that is now headed to the Senate.

Despite the high-octane public discussion over gay marriage that has intensified since President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages, the issue has been one that Capitol Hill has largely sought to avoid. But the GOP majority led Congress into the issue by adding the same-sex marriage prohibitions to the defense bill.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act, approved 299 to 120 on Friday, is a traditionally bipartisan effort that can prove difficult for lawmakers to oppose. The bill includes a 1.7% annual pay raise for the troops but also is loaded with politically charged extras.

In passing the $642-billion measure, lawmakers broke the budget agreement Congress made last summer with the Obama administration — beefing up military spending $8 billion beyond the agreed-upon limit. The White House threatened a veto.

GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

It’s hard to say which is more idiotic: the marriage ‘ban’ or the reneging on the agreement with the Administration. Republicans are for the most part a duplicitous, untrustworthy lot.

your right.....but you forgot to include the Democrats in there.....since your not able to say that,i will do it for you....
GOP-led House tacks gay marriage measure onto defense bill -

They want to keep shooting themselves in the foot, nothing anybody can do about it.

It’s hard to say which is more idiotic: the marriage ‘ban’ or the reneging on the agreement with the Administration. Republicans are for the most part a duplicitous, untrustworthy lot.

your right.....but you forgot to include the Democrats in there.....since your not able to say that,i will do it for you....

Are you implying that Dems have "renigged" on any agreement with a Republican Administration.


That, SIR, is an OUTRAGE!!:evil:
They could have done a lot better on the total cost of the bill. But yes the Same Sex Marriage being banned in on post chapels is appropriate. No way should a military chaplain be force to marry two people of the same sex when it is more than likely against their religion. And all Chaplains are ordained by some religion or another.....
They could have done a lot better on the total cost of the bill. But yes the Same Sex Marriage being banned in on post chapels is appropriate. No way should a military chaplain be force to marry two people of the same sex when it is more than likely against their religion. And all Chaplains are ordained by some religion or another.....

Bolded: Yes.

Agree with the rest, but tacking it on like that - and for what?? In their shoes, I would have gone in the opposite direction, i.e., "Maybe he won't veto it if we throw him a bone."
I thought republicans claimed that gay marriage was a states rights issue. Why are they making it a federal mandate?

It is states rights, they are simply heading off the way the activists will be heading. We all know that Post Chapels are on Federal Property. There are places where Federal and State can bump heads.......

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