I'd watch Al Jazeera if they told the truth like Fox does!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
some idiot thread why Fox watchers as #2 owner was muslim deserves this thread!

How stupid! The idiot that started that thread is PROJECTING MSNBC mentality!

I have NO problem watching whatever as long as they are providing it FAIR and Balanced!

for example WHY did Andrea Mitchell NOT show the Obama video where he said he favored re-distribution? She said oh that they couldn't verify! Ha..hha...ha...

This from the same MSM that said Obama was like a god! Or gave a thrill to the leg!
Well in that case, you will want to watch the documentary, "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism".

And, I've posted about another documentary called, "Orwell Rolls In His Grave".

Actually, of course, you and the rest of the world knows that fux is anything BUT "fair and balanced" and you really don't care.

My bet is that you cowardly and hypocritical rw's don't even have the nerve to watch Jon Stewart ripping holes in fux like he did last night -

Jon Stewart Rips Fox News Over Romney 47 Percent Coverage: 'Chaos On Bullshit Mountain' (VIDEO)

Don't even bother with your usual whine about HuffPo or Stewart. The actually footage from fux shows the truth you fools try to escape but cannot.
Your post doesn't make much sense but I think you might mean the FACTS I have written in the past -
some idiot thread why Fox watchers as #2 owner was muslim deserves this thread!


Al-Waleed bin Talal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Saudi Prince, The Mosque And Fox News : NPR

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvP_zgE_wOM]Beck blames Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the owners of Fox News, for 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry but I don't have tine to post another million links for you but you should feel free to prove these links are wrong.
I notice that, so far, not even one rw dares to speak out against fux. I guess I should congratulate rw's for admitting they've sold their soul.

Here's even more FACTS you rw's can pretend you don't know about.

Top Clips of Jon Stewart Destroying Fox News

And more on the MUSLIM ARAB OIL SHEIK PRINCE the rw's worship at the cost of their own country.

No. 2 shareholder of Fox News' parent company has funded Park51 planner | Blog | Media Matters for America

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal | Business | The Guardian

Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Owns $2.3 Billion in Stock in Fox News | The Hive

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