ICE deportee a 'poster child for leniency': Profile of a grand jury case in Tulsa

read the story , heck , he is such a hard working 'guat' that he should be able to help fix and transform his third world homeland so let his church pack him a lunch and deport him , maybe the 'mamacita'. , bambinos and extended family Desir !!
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"It was a rainy night when Bilfer Aguilar-Ramos got off his evening shift from one of his two fast-food jobs. He never came home, and it panicked his wife and two children."

MMMM...HOOOO...I WILL NOT cry...'sigh'...strong..ahem

"The 26-year-old from Guatemala would work a day shift at one restaurant before heading to a night shift three days a week at another restaurant. On off evenings, he and his wife would be at his Spanish-language Pentecostal church or at Head Start family functions".

mmmmmm!....not now tears...two jobs AND he loves the Baby Jesus?...animals

“He said, ‘No, don’t even come now because ICE has come now, and I can’t do anything anymore,’ ” his wife recalled. She asked her name be withheld out of fears for being deported."

Uhhh...why must we enforce these draconian laws?

"In the case of Aguilar-Ramos, his arrest came after colliding with another vehicle in heavy rain. Being undocumented, he is not able to obtain a driver’s license or insurance. After the accident, he checked on the other driver, who was OK." doesn't matter that he was illegal, driving without a license, and no insurance...HE CHECKED ON THE OTHER DRIVER...

I cant continue anymore...the tears are just too much...I cant see to read.


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