I would Vote for Palin over McCain and Obama...


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2008
She's one of us. Simple as that. Her husband's a production operator and her son's in the military...on his way to Iraq. I think it's great everyone has hardly heard of her. It means she's a little distanced from the corrupt political machine. Just my opinion.
She's one of us. Simple as that. Her husband's a production operator and her son's in the military...on his way to Iraq. I think it's great everyone has hardly heard of her. It means she's a little distanced from the corrupt political machine. Just my opinion.

her daughter is pregnant, instant disqualification. barack hussein obama attended a church that preaches black liberation theology for 20 years, i'll just turn my head and pretend it didn't happen.
her daughter is pregnant, instant disqualification. barack hussein obama attended a church that preaches black liberation theology for 20 years, i'll just turn my head and pretend it didn't happen.

Besides her husband received a DUI, while Obama was snorting Cocaine....You can obviously tell the drinking by her 22 year old husband was more serious than Cocaine usuage....:cuckoo:
Besides her husband received a DUI, while Obama was snorting Cocaine....You can obviously tell the drinking by her 22 year old husband was more serious than Cocaine usuage....:cuckoo:

pretty interesting how politics go(especially this year). media will have obamagazims over a 17 year old being pregnant. media will ignore any negative about barack hussein obama.

is 2008 the end of true american journalism?
pretty interesting how politics go(especially this year). media will have obamagazims over a 17 year old being pregnant. media will ignore any negative about barack hussein obama.

is 2008 the end of true american journalism?

No, it's the first time you're noticing how biased the media is. I agree though, I've never seen them this rabid over a candidate before. They hated Clinton for the same reason they love Obama.
her daughter is pregnant, instant disqualification. barack hussein obama attended a church that preaches black liberation theology for 20 years, i'll just turn my head and pretend it didn't happen.

So what, many daughters get pregnant. Unless you can prove that Palin was pimping her daughter out, it doesn't mean jack dude. All it means is they're human, and her daughter happened to like having sex--like any other normal human being.
No, it's the first time you're noticing how biased the media is. I agree though, I've never seen them this rabid over a candidate before. They hated Clinton for the same reason they love Obama.

I'm not talking about bias in the media. Go to her website, or do some research about her. Has nothing to do with media or face time.
No, it's the first time you're noticing how biased the media is. I agree though, I've never seen them this rabid over a candidate before. They hated Clinton for the same reason they love Obama.

i just saw governor palin's mother-in-law on one of these evening magazine shows and she denied the headline that she will not support sarah...she said she is personally offended at the way the media has been twisting everyone's words. she said she and her husband were the ones who encouraged sarah to get into politics in the first place and they are so proud of her, etc...
Of course she's offended. The media is lying about the family.

They'll get over it. Sarah's going to blow all this crap away and win McCain the presidency by an even bigger margin than he would have had it anyway...and that was pretty big.

Face it. They trumped Obama's speech by announcing her as McCAin's running mate. Has anyone even said anything about policies or Obama since that time?

The problem, is the media is portraying her in such a way that's offending.

I saw a headline on CNN the other day that said, "Sarah the Celebrity".

IMO, it's not her fault she's popular, it's the media's fault for PORTRAYING her as a celebrity. She's not paying for celebrity face time, the media is choosing to portray her in such a way, and then acting like it's her fault their portraying her in that manner.

So what if her daughter is pregnant. It means she's an every day American dealing with every day American problems, just like the rest of us. It really ticks me off that the media is doing this to someone who has more appeal and more leading experience than both the presidential candidates.
The problem, is the media is portraying her in such a way that's offending.

I saw a headline on CNN the other day that said, "Sarah the Celebrity".

IMO, it's not her fault she's popular, it's the media's fault for PORTRAYING her as a celebrity. She's not paying for celebrity face time, the media is choosing to portray her in such a way, and then acting like it's her fault their portraying her in that manner.

So what if her daughter is pregnant. It means she's an every day American dealing with every day American problems, just like the rest of us. It really ticks me off that the media is doing this to someone who has more appeal and more leading experience than both the presidential candidates.

Gee, that sounds an awful lot like how the media portrays Obama like a celebrity and the GOP/McCain mock him for it.
Gee, that sounds an awful lot like how the media portrays Obama like a celebrity and the GOP/McCain mock him for it.

Your point? I'm not talking about Barack Obama. I agree with you. The media does a shitty job. To them, it's hurricanes, elections, and murders...whatever gets the ratings up. Luckily, I'm smart enough to not vote for Obama for different reasons other than what the media portrays him as.

I don't like McCain either, this election is like voting between a turd and a turd sandwich. My point, is that I like Palin better than both of them.

Barack is an eloquent speaker, I'll give him that. But take his telepromter away, and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Any idiot can sit here and run a campaign on "change" and never say what "change" is.

At the same turn, McCain is does the same.

More factual than that, is that Palin has more leadership and executive experience than both the candidates put together. She's one of us. I like the fact that many have never heard of her. It means she's not a normal Washington politician and distanced from the corruption...more so than the other two.

I'm almost considering writing Palin's name in the "other" section---even though I know it'll waste my vote.
There are things about Obama that concern me, but they are trivial compared to the things about Palin that concern me. And no one really cares about her teenager, that's just you guys being ornery.

At one of the early debates, there were a couple questions the republicans were asked.

1. Do you believe the Earth is 6000 years old?

2. Should we close Guantanamo?

The answers from the field of candidates to the first question were that most of the candidates said yes. They are all either admitting to willful ignorance of the scientific basis of evolution, or they were pandering to the the base, in either case an instant dequalification as far as I am concerned!

The answers to the second question ranged from "we don't torture" (McCain) to "Under my presidency we would have ten Guantanamos." (That was either Romney or Giuliani, I forget.)

So, for much of the republican field it's ignore science, trash human rights - ignore and trash the things that give America dominance but get the vote!!

Well, actually they didn't get the vote, the ones that wanted to re-write the consititution and build nine more guantanmos, thank God. McCain understands science well enough to understand that a 6000 year old earth is a scientifically impossible notion, and he came down on the right side of torture as well.

What disqualifies Palin is simple - She is anti-science, like Bush (who the right also called "one of us," remember? He's the one everyone wants to have a beer with. He's the one everyone likes. Or liked.) - on issues of evolution, global warming, habitat, overpopulation - I haven't seen anything that suggests she values science in any way. I have seen a lot that says she values faith. Personally I value both and i don't want a president that neglects either!

I am glad for you that you have a candidate that you support with excitement. From my experience, her stand on scientific issues will lead her to use the same poor judgment that Bush used, and this cannot possibly have a good effect on policy.

Spend a little time thinking about whether you are voting for her because you like her, or because you think she would make the wisest decisions for the country.
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pretty interesting how politics go(especially this year). media will have obamagazims over a 17 year old being pregnant. media will ignore any negative about barack hussein obama.

is 2008 the end of true american journalism?

I hope you're really not that stupid. Ignore? are you serious? It's been a non-stop barage of negative stories for the last 12 months.

Now the whining CONS are pissed cuz their girl Palin has so many skeletons in her closet that she looks like an undertaker.

I suppose McCain could've vetted her better or picked someone who had even a slight public persona and then the media wouldn't be so interested in her. But as it is, no one knew anything about her. As responsible journalists they are REQUIRED to look into her past.

The death of journalism happened at that onset of the Iraq war when the media fed the public the lies of the Bush administration like candy to a baby.
I hope you're really not that stupid. Ignore? are you serious? It's been a non-stop barage of negative stories for the last 12 months.

Now the whining CONS are pissed cuz their girl Palin has so many skeletons in her closet that she looks like an undertaker.

I suppose McCain could've vetted her better or picked someone who had even a slight public persona and then the media wouldn't be so interested in her. But as it is, no one knew anything about her. As responsible journalists they are REQUIRED to look into her past.

The death of journalism happened at that onset of the Iraq war when the media fed the public the lies of the Bush administration like candy to a baby.

ignore is right. barack hussein obama's racism should be just as much in the media as palin's daughter being pregnant if not more. if it were john mcclain attending a church that supported white supremacy.....

the war was a mistake, we all know that, how much media cover does that get these days? they would rather discuss about paris hilton's sister then our troops over sea's.
Besides her husband received a DUI, while Obama was snorting Cocaine....You can obviously tell the drinking by her 22 year old husband was more serious than Cocaine usuage....:cuckoo:
I would rather have someone who was on coccain then drunk at least he would get more shit done and real fast. Plus wasn't George W doing coccain when we were in Irag the first time!
I hope you're really not that stupid. Ignore? are you serious? It's been a non-stop barage of negative stories for the last 12 months.

Now the whining CONS are pissed cuz their girl Palin has so many skeletons in her closet that she looks like an undertaker.

I suppose McCain could've vetted her better or picked someone who had even a slight public persona and then the media wouldn't be so interested in her. But as it is, no one knew anything about her. As responsible journalists they are REQUIRED to look into her past.

The death of journalism happened at that onset of the Iraq war when the media fed the public the lies of the Bush administration like candy to a baby.
are you REALLY serious with this nonsense?

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