I want to work for the SEC, get paid $222,418 and surf PORN


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
Where do I apply?

Federal Eye - Eye Opener: SEC porn investigation

The Associated Press: GOP ramps up attacks on SEC over porn surfing

A new investigation by watchdogs at the Securities and Exchange Commission finds that dozens of agency employees used government computers to look at explicit images in the last five years.

The SEC inspector general conducted 33 probes of employees looking at the images and said 31 of those occurred in the 2 1/2 years since the financial meltdown began.

Seventeen of the employees were "at a senior level," earning salaries of up to $222,418.
Gosh, if they'd hire me for $222,418 a year, I'd bring my own laptop and instead of surfing porn, I'd just post here on USMB all day long.
Caught in the act!

These people were the Bush people holdovers adn the shit started under Bush.

From the article

The number of cases jumped from two in 2007 to 16 in 2008. The cracks in the financial system emerged in mid-2007 and spread into full-blown panic by the fall of 2008.
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Where do I apply?

Federal Eye - Eye Opener: SEC porn investigation

The Associated Press: GOP ramps up attacks on SEC over porn surfing

A new investigation by watchdogs at the Securities and Exchange Commission finds that dozens of agency employees used government computers to look at explicit images in the last five years.

The SEC inspector general conducted 33 probes of employees looking at the images and said 31 of those occurred in the 2 1/2 years since the financial meltdown began.

Seventeen of the employees were "at a senior level," earning salaries of up to $222,418.

"I want to work for the SEC, get paid $222,418 and surf PORN"

WOW I had no idea that the SEC worked for michael steele.

Perhaps you should send your application to the GOP chair himself. Maybe he's hiring for the position that you are interested in?
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These people were the Bush people holdovers adn the shit started under Bush.

From the article

The number of cases jumped from two in 2007 to 16 in 2008. The cracks in the financial system emerged in mid-2007 and spread into full-blown panic by the fall of 2008.

Since Obama acts like Bush-III in so many ways, I guess what you're saying is that not much has changed since Obama took office. :thup:
Where do I apply?

Federal Eye - Eye Opener: SEC porn investigation

The Associated Press: GOP ramps up attacks on SEC over porn surfing

A new investigation by watchdogs at the Securities and Exchange Commission finds that dozens of agency employees used government computers to look at explicit images in the last five years.

The SEC inspector general conducted 33 probes of employees looking at the images and said 31 of those occurred in the 2 1/2 years since the financial meltdown began.

Seventeen of the employees were "at a senior level," earning salaries of up to $222,418.

"I want to work for the SEC, get paid $222,418 and surf PORN"

WOW I had no idea that the SEC worked for michael steele. LOL

Perhaps you should send your application to the GOP chair himself. Maybe he's hiring for the position that you are interested in? LOL

Could be.

RNC expense report renews criticism about Steele's spending - washingtonpost.com


Maybe sexual addiction is rampant among highly compensated members of the Grand Old Party? I hear they can cure that now.....

"I want to work for the SEC, get paid $222,418 and surf PORN"

WOW I had no idea that the SEC worked for michael steele. LOL

Perhaps you should send your application to the GOP chair himself. Maybe he's hiring for the position that you are interested in? LOL

Could be.

RNC expense report renews criticism about Steele's spending - washingtonpost.com


Maybe sexual addiction is rampant among highly compensated members of the Grand Old Party? I hear they can cure that now.....

Yet another reason not to trust the GOP. They have become just like the Democrats! It would be nice to have a 3rd party we could trust.
Obama owns it now. This Boooooooooooossshhhhhh stuff is beyond old.
These people were the Bush people holdovers adn the shit started under Bush.

From the article

The number of cases jumped from two in 2007 to 16 in 2008. The cracks in the financial system emerged in mid-2007 and spread into full-blown panic by the fall of 2008.

Of course NONE of us are surprised that you would say this. As if the POTUS can control what morons do behind the closed doors of their cushy offices.

If you spent half the time coming up with ways to fix things in the present as you do bitching and blaming it all on the past, you might actually have some decent contribution around here.

And yet, here we are...one year and 4 months later into a new administration where this kind of thing continues and you just overlook who's in charge these days.

How very "partisan hack" of you.

You're incapable of recognizing that not much has changed around Washington, with the exception of the spending getting higher and the debt growing larger and larger with no end in sight. Oh yeah, and unemployment continues to linger at the highest number in decades...

Just so you know, this isn't the past or current administrations FAULT. But it is a very unfortunate situation.

I wonder if that why the SEC didn't know what was going on in the banking industry. Porn was probably way more interesting than those pesky Ol numbers.

Ya think????
Obama owns it now. This Boooooooooooossshhhhhh stuff is beyond old.

How typical of righty hacks as they refuse to hold Bush responsible for things that happened on HIS WATCH.

And here I thought righties were all about personal responsibilty. I guess they are only concerned with it when they are preaching it to others even as they refuse to apply it to their own.

How is something that began in 2007 almost 2 years before obama took office obama's responsibility??
These people were the Bush people holdovers adn the shit started under Bush.

From the article

The number of cases jumped from two in 2007 to 16 in 2008. The cracks in the financial system emerged in mid-2007 and spread into full-blown panic by the fall of 2008.

Of course NONE of us are surprised that you would say this. As if the POTUS can control what morons do behind the closed doors of their cushy offices.

If you spent half the time coming up with ways to fix things in the present as you do bitching and blaming it all on the past, you might actually have some decent contribution around here.

And yet, here we are...one year and 4 months later into a new administration where this kind of thing continues and you just overlook who's in charge these days.

How very "partisan hack" of you.

You're incapable of recognizing that not much has changed around Washington, with the exception of the spending getting higher and the debt growing larger and larger with no end in sight. Oh yeah, and unemployment continues to linger at the highest number in decades...

Just so you know, this isn't the past or current administrations FAULT. But it is a very unfortunate situation.

What is really no surprise is how you skipped this post by one from your side of the aisle

Future czars in the 0bama administration...

which targets obama, which I believe is the premise of this thread, as you jump straight in to attack TM for mearly pointing out that this began under the watch of another president.

Why did you choose only to attack one and ignore the others who made similar arguments but directed them at a party that you disagree with?

"partisan hack" much?
Classic example of why the Federal Government is too big and needs a serious trimming.

Also why there should be no government unions. Betcha half the employees busted surfing pr0n were being protected by the union.

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