I thought we were trying to stop frivilous lawsuits.


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2004
A women is suing Janet Jackson and anyone else she can think of saying millions are entitled to monetary compensation due to her "exposure".

I would love to find out who this person is and ream them a new one.

America - Land of Entitlement )give me a break

Thoughts anyone?
thats what i was thinking. if this bitch filed a lawsuit on behalf of everyone, then i want my share too...lol
Simple answer !

File a stupid lawsuit and lose, you are responsible for paying for the costs incurred by the court and the defendent, that will stop it dead in it's tracks !
I agree eric! but then again, I also thought that the HOT coffee that spilled on someone in McDonalds was also stupid, but she walked away with money! Amazing the lengths that people will go to try and get some money!
how about those fat fucks taht tried to sue like BK or Mc D's or whatever for making them fat?
unless they came over on the boat, then they are American. that goes for any one that wants to put the (insert ethnicity here)-American. that is the biggest load of shit ive ever seen.
"that is the biggest load of shit ive ever seen."

Johnney, they are heavy because McDonald's tricked them into eating so many hamburgers. And they are brown because of their heritage. Please be more respectful.
wtf are you tallking about? im talking about hyphonating(sp?) American.
i could care less if they are fat blacks whites mexicans or asians.
I've been laughing about this absurdity since the religious right got its collective panties in a bunch because Janet's tit was visible for a period of 5 seconds.

I love the ones who called it "depraved" and "obscene" what a crock. Go to any other industrialized country and you'll see, how shall I say...ta tas on regular prime time TV. You won't, however, see graphic violence (which is fine and acceptable here) on regular prime time TV there. As for this lawsuit...the woman who filed it is the real boob.

How many people here didn't know about it until someone told them and it was repeated thousands of times on tv.
Anyway, I was more offended by boner drug commercial.
Originally posted by jones
How many people here didn't know about it until someone told them and it was repeated thousands of times on tv.
Anyway, I was more offended by boner drug commercial.
Originally posted by acludem
I've been laughing about this absurdity since the religious right got its collective panties in a bunch because Janet's tit was visible for a period of 5 seconds.

I love the ones who called it "depraved" and "obscene" what a crock. Go to any other industrialized country and you'll see, how shall I say...ta tas on regular prime time TV. You won't, however, see graphic violence (which is fine and acceptable here) on regular prime time TV there. As for this lawsuit...the woman who filed it is the real boob.

The religious right has had its panties in a bunch for so long they've got a permament wedgie. This has resulted in fecal impaction, leaving them so full 'o crap their eyes are brown.

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