I thought liberals read more books..WRONG!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Amazon says

ONLY 6 blue states buy more Blue type books then red type books.
The other 44 states are buying MORE Red books then blue books.

56% of Purchases Are "Red" Books

44% of Purchases Are "Blue" Books

A blue book is socialist leaning America bashing
titles like:
"That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind"
"Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt"

A red book extolls virtue of America, most anti-Obama.
titles like:
"Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for"
"Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President
"Capitalism and Freedom: Fortieth Anniversary"
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/election-heatmap]Amazon Election Heat Map 2012[/ame]

So what kind of education are the Blue states providing their citizens?
This isn't tough to explain when you see how many right wing propagandists are in the book-selling business. Sean Hannity, the chief whore of the right wing, often hawks right wing authors and allows them free advertising on his shows via "interviews." Of course, his faithful wingnut followers run right to the local Walmart and buy those books--usually prominently displayed in the front of the book section. Book-selling is a major revenue source for right wing political entertainment.

Also, more intelligent and progressive humans are moving to electronic books, so . . .
Amazon says

ONLY 6 blue states buy more Blue type books then red type books.
The other 44 states are buying MORE Red books then blue books.

56% of Purchases Are "Red" Books

44% of Purchases Are "Blue" Books

A blue book is socialist leaning America bashing
titles like:
"That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind"
"Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt"

A red book extolls virtue of America, most anti-Obama.
titles like:
"Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for"
"Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President
"Capitalism and Freedom: Fortieth Anniversary"
Amazon Election Heat Map 2012

So what kind of education are the Blue states providing their citizens?

To call your conclusion spurious would be an understatement.
I am shocked!

Shocked that democrats have not proposed a "Book Law" yet.

Nancy Pelosi's book did so badly, that it wasn't profitable to even sell them in 99 Cent stores.
This isn't tough to explain when you see how many right wing propagandists are in the book-selling business. Sean Hannity, the chief whore of the right wing, often hawks right wing authors and allows them free advertising on his shows via "interviews." Of course, his faithful wingnut followers run right to the local Walmart and buy those books--usually prominently displayed in the front of the book section. Book-selling is a major revenue source for right wing political entertainment.

Also, more intelligent and progressive humans are moving to electronic books, so . . .

This included electronic books THAT are paid for so yes maybe the less intelligent thieving progressives bootleg electronically books while conservative red staters are actually paying for both hard copy and e-books!
This isn't tough to explain when you see how many right wing propagandists are in the book-selling business. Sean Hannity, the chief whore of the right wing, often hawks right wing authors and allows them free advertising on his shows via "interviews." Of course, his faithful wingnut followers run right to the local Walmart and buy those books--usually prominently displayed in the front of the book section. Book-selling is a major revenue source for right wing political entertainment.

Also, more intelligent and progressive humans are moving to electronic books, so . . .

More intelligent and progressive humans? :lol::lol::lol:
This isn't tough to explain when you see how many right wing propagandists are in the book-selling business. Sean Hannity, the chief whore of the right wing, often hawks right wing authors and allows them free advertising on his shows via "interviews." Of course, his faithful wingnut followers run right to the local Walmart and buy those books--usually prominently displayed in the front of the book section. Book-selling is a major revenue source for right wing political entertainment.

Also, more intelligent and progressive humans are moving to electronic books, so . . .

This included electronic books THAT are paid for so yes maybe the less intelligent thieving progressives bootleg electronically books while conservative red staters are actually paying for both hard copy and e-books!

Doesn't change a damned thing. As a member of what your tribe would call the "liberal" world, I just don't buy books about political shit. Why buy stuff that merely affirms my opinion? That's stupid. We should challenge ourselves with different ideas every day.

That's why I have no respect for right wingers such as yourself. You represent a type of fixed, ideological, unintelligent, inflexible view of the world that is typical of tribal social contracts typified by wingnuts. I won't have it. I don't know that anything I believe is true, and I have no desire to treat my opinions like religious belief.

That's just childish.
Who cares? Reading a novel is the same as watching a movie. No intelligence there. Only reading that counts is books about STEM.
Liberals tell you they read more books... Liberals tell you they're smarter... Liberals tell you they're more compassionate... Liberals tell you they embrace science....

Problem is, facts don't really support any of this.

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