I Thought Efforts To Obtain / Acquiring 'Opposition Research' Was 'Illegal'?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts

One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
Add to the fact that Mueller and Comey knew who paid for the Dossier, that is was false and salacious, and from Russia, and this entire thing was a Fake Investigation to begin with, which includes Defrauding The FISA Court and submitting False Affidavits to get it done.
You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
Wow. You managed to oversimplify it and use an incongruent analogy. Are you a politician?

A better analogy is inquiring about a boat purchase from your neighbor, who then tells everyone that you had a contract to purchase the boat, and reports the boat as stolen by you.
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
Nice analogy, but what was the boat stolen by Trump and Co? Hillary and Co laundered paying for fake info from the Russians through a law firm/Fusion GPS. Then that fake info was used as a ruse for the Feds to spy on Trump and Co.
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
Nice analogy, but what was the boat stolen by Trump and Co? Hillary and Co laundered paying for fake info from the Russians through a law firm/Fusion GPS. Then that fake info was used as a ruse for the Feds to spy on Trump and Co.

Well, that is the RWNJ claim. Now, all you have to do is prove it all happened that way, and you didn't leave a lot of pertinent information out.
You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was.
I am not confused at all.

Mueller has not proven any crime of illegal collusion, so I am not missing anything.

There was nothing illegal about the Trump Tower meeting, as even snowflakes agree. Trump Jr. met with a lawyer supposedly to inquire about opposition research. There was no Opposition Research and no information was ever exchanged / passed, according to the Lawyer. The entire meeting lasted 7 minutes with Trump Jr arranging for his secretary to give him a call to give him a reason to walk out (verified by checking his texts and phone call records).

The only thing / things questionable about this meeting was how it was set up and how the Obama administration attempted to set Trump Jr up.

The only reason the Russian Lawyer was even in the United States was because Obama personally stepped in and overrode his own Department of Immigration who had banned her from entering the United States. Obama made it possible for her to enter the United States and for the meeting to occur. (The Lawyer, BTW, met with other politicians and reps to include members of Hillary's team - she did not meet with Hillary personally because Hillary was reportedly out campaigning.)

The FBI already knew the location of the meeting, had it tapped, and even Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian interpreter was there in the room. How 'convenient'.

Self-important unpaid campaign volunteer Papadopoulos was not even indicted for anything illegal regarding 'illegal attempts to acquire Opposition Research'. He simply lied about the meeting he had that was coordinated through Hillary supporters / donors. Again, the only thing questionable / 'funny' about this indictment was that it was also an obvious set-up.

Papa was contacted by an associate of the Australian Rep he would later meet with. This associate asked him about Opposition Research and informed him that the Russians supposedly had Hillary's e-mails. He then set up a meeting with Papa and the Aussie Rep. Papa was sought out - targeted - and set up. He attended the meeting with the Aussie rep. Papa has stated / testified that the Aussie immediately pulled out his phone and began audio-taping their conversation. (This should have been his 1st clue to get up and walk away.) He said the Aussie rep asked about Hilary and her e-mails but that he refused to talk about it and never discussed her e-mails and any Opposition Research. Papa said it was not long after this that he was called in by the FBI and set up in a 'Perjury Trap', which is a trap set up where the ones asking the questions already know the facts and ask questions trying to trip up the person being interviewed. It worked.

Papa continues to assert e did not discuss Hillary e-mails or Opposition Research, and he was not indicted for anything of the sort. He was indicted for lying to the FBI, which he admits to stupidly doing because he did not want it revealed he attended the meeting...which the FBI already knew.

The FBI already knew because it was revealed that the person who gave them a tip about the 'drunken conversation between Papa and an Aussie diplomat in the bathroom of a British Pub' was none other than the Aussie Rep Papa met with, who turned out to be a huge Hillary supporter and Hillary / DNC donor.

So, AGAIN, there was no illegal action taken by Trump or his team to acquire Opposition Research. No Opposition Research was ever passed / acquired.

The same can not be said for Hillary Clinton, Mueller, Rosenstein, Oher, Brennan, Clapper, Steele, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok. ALL OF THEM had their hands on the Russian-authored false report at one time or another, using it to author the ICR and ICA, using it to deceive the FISA court judges to illegally acquire warrants, and successfully using it to deceive Congress into starting an investigation that included appointing the 'insurance policy', Mueller, as the Special Counsel.
You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was.
I am not confused at all.

Mueller has not proven any crime of illegal collusion, so I am not missing anything.

There was nothing illegal about the Trump Tower meeting, as even snowflakes agree. Trump Jr. met with a lawyer supposedly to inquire about opposition research. There was no Opposition Research and no information was ever exchanged / passed, according to the Lawyer. The entire meeting lasted 7 minutes with Trump Jr arranging for his secretary to give him a call to give him a reason to walk out (verified by checking his texts and phone call records).

The only thing / things questionable about this meeting was how it was set up and how the Obama administration attempted to set Trump Jr up.

The only reason the Russian Lawyer was even in the United States was because Obama personally stepped in and overrode his own Department of Immigration who had banned her from entering the United States. Obama made it possible for her to enter the United States and for the meeting to occur. (The Lawyer, BTW, met with other politicians and reps to include members of Hillary's team - she did not meet with Hillary personally because Hillary was reportedly out campaigning.)

The FBI already knew the location of the meeting, had it tapped, and even Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian interpreter was there in the room. How 'convenient'.

Self-important unpaid campaign volunteer Papadopoulos was not even indicted for anything illegal regarding 'illegal attempts to acquire Opposition Research'. He simply lied about the meeting he had that was coordinated through Hillary supporters / donors. Again, the only thing questionable / 'funny' about this indictment was that it was also an obvious set-up.

Papa was contacted by an associate of the Australian Rep he would later meet with. This associate asked him about Opposition Research and informed him that the Russians supposedly had Hillary's e-mails. He then set up a meeting with Papa and the Aussie Rep. Papa was sought out - targeted - and set up. He attended the meeting with the Aussie rep. Papa has stated / testified that the Aussie immediately pulled out his phone and began audio-taping their conversation. (This should have been his 1st clue to get up and walk away.) He said the Aussie rep asked about Hilary and her e-mails but that he refused to talk about it and never discussed her e-mails and any Opposition Research. Papa said it was not long after this that he was called in by the FBI and set up in a 'Perjury Trap', which is a trap set up where the ones asking the questions already know the facts and ask questions trying to trip up the person being interviewed. It worked.

Papa continues to assert e did not discuss Hillary e-mails or Opposition Research, and he was not indicted for anything of the sort. He was indicted for lying to the FBI, which he admits to stupidly doing because he did not want it revealed he attended the meeting...which the FBI already knew.

The FBI already knew because it was revealed that the person who gave them a tip about the 'drunken conversation between Papa and an Aussie diplomat in the bathroom of a British Pub' was none other than the Aussie Rep Papa met with, who turned out to be a huge Hillary supporter and Hillary / DNC donor.

So, AGAIN, there was no illegal action taken by Trump or his team to acquire Opposition Research. No Opposition Research was ever passed / acquired.

The same can not be said for Hillary Clinton, Mueller, Rosenstein, Oher, Brennan, Clapper, Steele, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok. ALL OF THEM had their hands on the Russian-authored false report at one time or another, using it to author the ICR and ICA, using it to deceive the FISA court judges to illegally acquire warrants, and successfully using it to deceive Congress into starting an investigation that included appointing the 'insurance policy', Mueller, as the Special Counsel.

Since Mueller hasn't presented the results of his investigation yet, how do you know what he can or can't prove? Sorry, but I prefer to wait to see what he has before I accept the word of some anonymous guy on a discussion board. I just don't think you are as credible as you want to be.
You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was.
I am not confused at all.

Mueller has not proven any crime of illegal collusion, so I am not missing anything.

There was nothing illegal about the Trump Tower meeting, as even snowflakes agree. Trump Jr. met with a lawyer supposedly to inquire about opposition research. There was no Opposition Research and no information was ever exchanged / passed, according to the Lawyer. The entire meeting lasted 7 minutes with Trump Jr arranging for his secretary to give him a call to give him a reason to walk out (verified by checking his texts and phone call records).

The only thing / things questionable about this meeting was how it was set up and how the Obama administration attempted to set Trump Jr up.

The only reason the Russian Lawyer was even in the United States was because Obama personally stepped in and overrode his own Department of Immigration who had banned her from entering the United States. Obama made it possible for her to enter the United States and for the meeting to occur. (The Lawyer, BTW, met with other politicians and reps to include members of Hillary's team - she did not meet with Hillary personally because Hillary was reportedly out campaigning.)

The FBI already knew the location of the meeting, had it tapped, and even Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian interpreter was there in the room. How 'convenient'.

Self-important unpaid campaign volunteer Papadopoulos was not even indicted for anything illegal regarding 'illegal attempts to acquire Opposition Research'. He simply lied about the meeting he had that was coordinated through Hillary supporters / donors. Again, the only thing questionable / 'funny' about this indictment was that it was also an obvious set-up.

Papa was contacted by an associate of the Australian Rep he would later meet with. This associate asked him about Opposition Research and informed him that the Russians supposedly had Hillary's e-mails. He then set up a meeting with Papa and the Aussie Rep. Papa was sought out - targeted - and set up. He attended the meeting with the Aussie rep. Papa has stated / testified that the Aussie immediately pulled out his phone and began audio-taping their conversation. (This should have been his 1st clue to get up and walk away.) He said the Aussie rep asked about Hilary and her e-mails but that he refused to talk about it and never discussed her e-mails and any Opposition Research. Papa said it was not long after this that he was called in by the FBI and set up in a 'Perjury Trap', which is a trap set up where the ones asking the questions already know the facts and ask questions trying to trip up the person being interviewed. It worked.

Papa continues to assert e did not discuss Hillary e-mails or Opposition Research, and he was not indicted for anything of the sort. He was indicted for lying to the FBI, which he admits to stupidly doing because he did not want it revealed he attended the meeting...which the FBI already knew.

The FBI already knew because it was revealed that the person who gave them a tip about the 'drunken conversation between Papa and an Aussie diplomat in the bathroom of a British Pub' was none other than the Aussie Rep Papa met with, who turned out to be a huge Hillary supporter and Hillary / DNC donor.

So, AGAIN, there was no illegal action taken by Trump or his team to acquire Opposition Research. No Opposition Research was ever passed / acquired.

The same can not be said for Hillary Clinton, Mueller, Rosenstein, Oher, Brennan, Clapper, Steele, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok. ALL OF THEM had their hands on the Russian-authored false report at one time or another, using it to author the ICR and ICA, using it to deceive the FISA court judges to illegally acquire warrants, and successfully using it to deceive Congress into starting an investigation that included appointing the 'insurance policy', Mueller, as the Special Counsel.

Since Mueller hasn't presented the results of his investigation yet, how do you know what he can or can't prove? Sorry, but I prefer to wait to see what he has before I accept the word of some anonymous guy on a discussion board. I just don't think you are as credible as you want to be.
Oh great...more 'wait and see' bullcrap from the snowflake bullpen. :p

You forgot that there has NEVER been any evidence showing any crime was perpetrated warranting an investigation or, especially, a Special Counsel. The only crimes / indictment / convictions have been the results of a 'blank-check' investigation of a NON-Crime.
Since Mueller hasn't presented the results of his investigation yet, how do you know what he can or can't prove? Sorry, but I prefer to wait to see what he has before I accept the word of some anonymous guy on a discussion board. I just don't think you are as credible as you want to be.
Because Mueller hasn't produced results yet, we can guarantee that he has JACK SHIT!!! We all knew that anyway. We didn't need to spend millions of dollars to do that. What actually happened is Mueller covering for his swamp buddies.
You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was.
I am not confused at all.

Mueller has not proven any crime of illegal collusion, so I am not missing anything.

There was nothing illegal about the Trump Tower meeting, as even snowflakes agree. Trump Jr. met with a lawyer supposedly to inquire about opposition research. There was no Opposition Research and no information was ever exchanged / passed, according to the Lawyer. The entire meeting lasted 7 minutes with Trump Jr arranging for his secretary to give him a call to give him a reason to walk out (verified by checking his texts and phone call records).

The only thing / things questionable about this meeting was how it was set up and how the Obama administration attempted to set Trump Jr up.

The only reason the Russian Lawyer was even in the United States was because Obama personally stepped in and overrode his own Department of Immigration who had banned her from entering the United States. Obama made it possible for her to enter the United States and for the meeting to occur. (The Lawyer, BTW, met with other politicians and reps to include members of Hillary's team - she did not meet with Hillary personally because Hillary was reportedly out campaigning.)

The FBI already knew the location of the meeting, had it tapped, and even Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian interpreter was there in the room. How 'convenient'.

Self-important unpaid campaign volunteer Papadopoulos was not even indicted for anything illegal regarding 'illegal attempts to acquire Opposition Research'. He simply lied about the meeting he had that was coordinated through Hillary supporters / donors. Again, the only thing questionable / 'funny' about this indictment was that it was also an obvious set-up.

Papa was contacted by an associate of the Australian Rep he would later meet with. This associate asked him about Opposition Research and informed him that the Russians supposedly had Hillary's e-mails. He then set up a meeting with Papa and the Aussie Rep. Papa was sought out - targeted - and set up. He attended the meeting with the Aussie rep. Papa has stated / testified that the Aussie immediately pulled out his phone and began audio-taping their conversation. (This should have been his 1st clue to get up and walk away.) He said the Aussie rep asked about Hilary and her e-mails but that he refused to talk about it and never discussed her e-mails and any Opposition Research. Papa said it was not long after this that he was called in by the FBI and set up in a 'Perjury Trap', which is a trap set up where the ones asking the questions already know the facts and ask questions trying to trip up the person being interviewed. It worked.

Papa continues to assert e did not discuss Hillary e-mails or Opposition Research, and he was not indicted for anything of the sort. He was indicted for lying to the FBI, which he admits to stupidly doing because he did not want it revealed he attended the meeting...which the FBI already knew.

The FBI already knew because it was revealed that the person who gave them a tip about the 'drunken conversation between Papa and an Aussie diplomat in the bathroom of a British Pub' was none other than the Aussie Rep Papa met with, who turned out to be a huge Hillary supporter and Hillary / DNC donor.

So, AGAIN, there was no illegal action taken by Trump or his team to acquire Opposition Research. No Opposition Research was ever passed / acquired.

The same can not be said for Hillary Clinton, Mueller, Rosenstein, Oher, Brennan, Clapper, Steele, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok. ALL OF THEM had their hands on the Russian-authored false report at one time or another, using it to author the ICR and ICA, using it to deceive the FISA court judges to illegally acquire warrants, and successfully using it to deceive Congress into starting an investigation that included appointing the 'insurance policy', Mueller, as the Special Counsel.

Since Mueller hasn't presented the results of his investigation yet, how do you know what he can or can't prove? Sorry, but I prefer to wait to see what he has before I accept the word of some anonymous guy on a discussion board. I just don't think you are as credible as you want to be.
Oh great...more 'wait and see' bullcrap from the snowflake bullpen. :p

You forgot that there has NEVER been any evidence showing any crime was perpetrated warranting an investigation or, especially, a Special Counsel. The only crimes / indictment / convictions have been the results of a 'blank-check' investigation of a NON-Crime.

Of course evidence warranting a Special Investigation was presented. I suppose you are free to spout your own theories, but quit lying about the facts.
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
but it's ok if you fabricate a boat out of thin air in order to obtain one.
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


There must be something in republic water that causes brain dysfunction. The campaign hired an American company to do opposition research on an orange jesus. The orange jesus took meeting with Russians, called on Russian intel or the mafia to find dirt on his Democratic opponent. He also used back channels to any Russian with any of his boys to creat a path to Putin so he could lick his boots.

Any more stupid ass questions?
Of course evidence warranting a Special Investigation was presented. I suppose you are free to spout your own theories, but quit lying about the facts.
The evidence shows it was all BS, based on the Dossier - The ICR, the ICA, Brennan's briefing Congress, intentionally presenting the Dossier information as Legitimate Intel to get them to open the investigation and appoint proven conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel....it has all been exposed, documented, recorded, reported....
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


There must be something in republic water that causes brain dysfunction. The campaign hired an American company to do opposition research on an orange jesus. The orange jesus took meeting with Russians, called on Russian intel or the mafia to find dirt on his Democratic opponent. He also used back channels to any Russian with any of his boys to creat a path to Putin so he could lick his boots.

Any more stupid ass questions?
Nice opinionated rant but you completely ignored / skipped right over all the documented / presented facts. Serious intentional deception, false narrative, and FAIL!
Since Mueller hasn't presented the results of his investigation yet, how do you know what he can or can't prove? Sorry, but I prefer to wait to see what he has before I accept the word of some anonymous guy on a discussion board. I just don't think you are as credible as you want to be.
Because Mueller hasn't produced results yet, we can guarantee that he has JACK SHIT!!! We all knew that anyway. We didn't need to spend millions of dollars to do that. What actually happened is Mueller covering for his swamp buddies.

That's just silly. Too many guilty pleas to say he hasn't produced results yet. The investigation isn't finished.
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
but it's ok if you fabricate a boat out of thin air in order to obtain one.

I'm sorry. I assumed you would understand the concept of an analogy. I guess I was wrong.
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
What exactly do you think Trump stole?
One of the biggest claims Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes make against Trump is that attempts to obtain Opposition Research by members of Trump's team was 'Illegal' (....despite the fact that NO OPPOSITION RESEARCH WAS EVER OBTAINED BY TRUMP OR HIS TEAM / NO OPPOSTION RESEARCH WAS EVER PASSED TO TRUMP OR HIS TEAM).

If ACQUIRING Opposition Research on an opponent is 'illegal', then the only ones getting investigated right now should be Hillary, Steele, Oher, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok....as the only Opposition Research obtained by a candidate on their opponent was Hillary and her 'team' of Obama Cabinet Members / Agency Directors who acquired and illegally / unethically used the Dossier / Opposition Research.

"Steele was hired by a firm that in turn had been tapped by Democrats to produce opposition research on Trump, a fact that Republicans have argued discredits Steele's findings and suggests the FBI relied on a partisan document".

Trump orders declassification of surveillance application, release of Comey texts


You seem to be confused. Obtaining opposition research isn't illegal. The way he went about it was. Think of it as obtaining a boat. Obtaining a boat is perfectly legal, but doing it by stealing your neighbor's boat is not. I hope that helps you understand.
but it's ok if you fabricate a boat out of thin air in order to obtain one.

I'm sorry. I assumed you would understand the concept of an analogy. I guess I was wrong.
You stupid fool! He just used an analogy and it went right over your head. :21:

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