I thought discussion boards were dead

This is actually a porn site disguised as a discussion board. Didn't you know...?

Beware of the clowns

Down here, we aaalll float.

And now that you've joined us, YOU'LL FLOAT TOO!!!

But not here. I just signed up. Maybe I'll dive in soon!

Several good boards have died, and many of the genuinely informed and educated posters or yore have indeed moved on, mostly to blogging, but a few real discussions occasionally break out here, yes.

But not here. I just signed up. Maybe I'll dive in soon!

Message boards are the oldest form of Social Media. What gets created FIRST often is the longest lasting. Because it's out of NEED to connect in a "natural" way. Not having a page in an encyclopedia of Human Beings like the Macy's catalog or an old phone book. Or tweeting like some psycho on the street corner.

I'm still a believer. Welcome to USMB.
I'm still a believer too. There's something about message boards that no other social media platform can provide. It's a place where you can express your opinions, share your joys and sorrows, and everything else, and you don't have to worry about all of your "friends" reading it. It's a place where you can have anonymity and freedom to express at the same time. At least I hope it is. I miss discussion boards.
I'm still a believer too. There's something about message boards that no other social media platform can provide. It's a place where you can express your opinions, share your joys and sorrows, and everything else, and you don't have to worry about all of your "friends" reading it. It's a place where you can have anonymity and freedom to express at the same time. At least I hope it is. I miss discussion boards.

Sounds like you're home! :D
Welcome to USMB. I hope you've had all of your shots.

imho, FB, Twitter etc. are just badly modded MBs with NSA sanctioned spying capabilities. It's better to stay on an obscure message board at the dregs of the interwebs. Everything you do is still tracked, but you're not getting Zuckered.

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