I think we'll be surprised to see who's in heaven


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
After all, one just needs to believe in Christ to make it into heaven..

Christ's own words: "... that whosoever believes Him should not perish, but have everlasting life"....

Doesn't say you need to recite any "sinners prayer" or go to church to have "everlasting life"..
-Cp said:
After all, one just needs to believe in Christ to make it into heaven..

Christ's own words: "... that whosoever believes Him should not perish, but have everlasting life"....

Doesn't say you need to recite any "sinners prayer" or go to church to have "everlasting life"..

anyone that asks for forgiveness and accepts jesus as their savior will be there....no?
manu1959 said:
anyone that asks for forgiveness and accepts jesus as their savior will be there....no?

Jesus says in John 3:16 that one one needs to "believe in Him...".....
-Cp said:
Jesus says in John 3:16 that one one needs to "believe in Him...".....

Satan believed in Christ, I don't necessarily think he would go to Heaven. I think the acceptance of the gift is an important part, at least from my understanding.
no1tovote4 said:
Satan believed in Christ, I don't necessarily think he would go to Heaven. I think the acceptance of the gift is an important part, at least from my understanding.

Sure he did and he continues to belive in him...

But unlike Human's - he has no soul - therefore cannot be redeemed by his belief...
-Cp said:
Sure he did and he continues to belive in him...

But unlike Human's - he has no soul - therefore cannot be redeemed by his belief...

Many Satanists would necessarily believe in Christ as well, are they going to heaven?
no1tovote4 said:
Many Satanists would necessarily believe in Christ as well, are they going to heaven?

No, actually "true satanists" don't believe in God - for that matter they don't believe in a literal satan either..
Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Faith is only the foundation for the ultimate change of heart. Faith in Christ brings repentence. Repentance invites baptism for the remission of sins and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. Even after that faith must continue to be exercised. believing isn't merely a one time event. its a life long adventure to become Christ like.
One can believe in Christ yet still reject him. It doesn't say that you just have to believe that he existed, you also have to believe why he existed. You must believe what he preached, not just that he lived.
I think some of you are confusing belief in Christ's 'existance' as surely satan does...and 'belief IN Him" as in...I believe you exist, but more importantly, I believe in who you are and what you say and just and stuff.


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