I think I will stop paying my mortgage


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.
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Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

If it's such a great option then go for it. Until then, you're just looking for shit to complain about and talking a big game. Put up or shut up.

How many more people are going to complain about how "good" the poor and broke people have it. Pathetic.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

If it's such a great option then go for it. Until then, you're just looking for shit to complain about and talking a big game. Put up or shut up.

How many more people are going to complain about how "good" the poor and broke people have it. Pathetic.

Just tired of people who think everything is owed to them . .Why should they get rewarded for being dead beats.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

I've stopped paying home insurance.

Fuck, it the place gets blown away in a tornado, then let the bank find it.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

If it's such a great option then go for it. Until then, you're just looking for shit to complain about and talking a big game. Put up or shut up.

How many more people are going to complain about how "good" the poor and broke people have it. Pathetic.

Just tired of people who think everything is owed to them . .Why should they get rewarded for being dead beats.

Now everyone struggling to pay their mortgage is a deadbeat. Very deep analysis on your part. Well done.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

The new help isn't for people who aren't paying their mortgage.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

That's why they do the shit that they do, to encourage people to be turds. They would love nothing more than for you to not pay your mortgage, they have a nanny state waiting for you. The only problem with it is, if you stop paying and they help you out, then they in fact will own your house, just like they did GM, and just like they will do in the future, if you except a bailout, then they in fact will own your ass. The communist know that true liberty is the right to property, and they will take it the first chance they get from you.
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How many more people are going to complain about how "good" the poor and broke people have it.

Actually the "poor" in America have it great compared to the rest of the world:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

As to why someone might complain, I don't know, maybe it has to do with the forcible redistribution of wealth? You know, what we used to call theft.

Like I said...if the poor in this country have it better than you, please feel free to stop paying your mortgage, stop paying your taxes, do anything else that you feel is such a privilege that the poor get to "enjoy".

And you people complain because you're idiots, not all of you, but most of the people on this site are. You think rewarding the rich will somehow help you, while cutting aid for the poor, disabled and elderly will somehow make your life better. You're right about one thing, redistribution of wealth is a big problem. Only problem is that the wealth is being redistributed towards the top.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

If it's such a great option then go for it. Until then, you're just looking for shit to complain about and talking a big game. Put up or shut up.

How many more people are going to complain about how "good" the poor and broke people have it. Pathetic.

If there where actually poor people in America it would be one thing, but when people that the government seem to think is poor have cars and cell phones, I dont buy that they are poor at all.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.

If it's such a great option then go for it. Until then, you're just looking for shit to complain about and talking a big game. Put up or shut up.

How many more people are going to complain about how "good" the poor and broke people have it. Pathetic.

If there where actually poor people in America it would be one thing, but when people that the government seem to think is poor have cars and cell phones, I dont buy that they are poor at all.

Would you switch places with them?

Of course not.

Guess it's not all that great, now is it?
Clues for the idiots here in the short bus thread:

If you have a decision to make? Then you better be thanking God every day that you're not in the dire straits that so much of our country is.

Google "Stress kills" and find out why poverty in America is a much bigger deal than you're willing to face.

Cowards, the lot of you.
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So far the entitlements that Obama has given people. The mortgage thing. Student loans ,Student Loan Relief. ( we pay for our kids college by cash no loan debt) Unemployment benefits are at 99 weeks and Obama wants to make it longer. Why would anyone look for a job when they can sit on their ass for a year and half plus some if Obama makes it longer Obama: Extend Payroll Credits And Unemployment Benefits - Yahoo! News
Now they get free cell phones if you on food stamps or other assistance.. Why doesnt the government pay for our cell phones. Free long distance is another entitlement.

I am tired of my tax dollars for people who do not want to help themselves!!! My husband and I would work 3 or 4 jobs not to take a handout..
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Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.
How is allowing people to refinance their mortgages a bad thing, exactly?
So far the entitlements that Obama has given people. The mortgage thing. Student loans ,Student Loan Relief. ( we pay for our kids college by cash no loan debt) Unemployment benefits are at 99 weeks and Obama wants to make it longer. Why would anyone look for a job when they can sit on their ass for a year and half plus some if Obama makes it longer Obama: Extend Payroll Credits And Unemployment Benefits - Yahoo! News
Now they get free cell phones if you on food stamps or other assistance.. Why doesnt the government pay for our cell phones. Free long distance is another entitlement.

I am tired of my tax dollars for people who do not want to help themselves!!! My husband and I would work 3 or 4 jobs not to take a handout..

Apparently you're the idiot for working 4 jobs since those on unemployment are living the high life with their big fat government checks. If you were smart you'd realize that unemployment checks are $2500 a week at least and if you work you actually make less than what people are taking home through unemployment.
Actually the "poor" in America have it great compared to the rest of the world:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Perhaps you missed it, or perhaps you simply don't care enough about facts and knowledge to let them stand in the way of your prejudices, but poverty is relative to culture. There are "rich" people in primitive African tribes who couldn't afford the shoes I'm wearing. Money and wealth are not immediately translatable across cultural lines, because different cultures have different needs and availability of material possessions. For example, many poor people in rented rooms that often come with free cable or satellite, or they may live in large houses with several house mates which allows them to each contribute a very small amount of money to afford themselves cable for the house. Also, in some places, it's not possible to have ANY kind of television reception for even local channels without having a $5/month cable plan. In some states AC is considered a necessity for the sake of renting out a home. And used video game systems can be obtained very cheaply, or could be given as a gift from a wealthier friend or family member. Trying to use one culture's standard of poverty to define another culture's is me saying that I live a happier life than you do, because I go kayaking almost every weekend and you go far less frequently. Comparative happiness in our respective lives is not translatable in such terms.

As to why someone might complain, I don't know, maybe it has to do with the forcible redistribution of wealth?

Wealth is ALWAYS forcibly redistributed, every single day, under any economic model, since the beginning of history. This is a fact of human existence. You're complaint is that you prefer on method over the other, and you seem to have no concern for how it affects, builds, or degrades society.

You know, what we used to call theft.

No we didn't. Theft is when you take something that belongs to me without my permission, against social norms or rules. You seem to be complaining about taxation and expenditures, which are enacted in accordance WITH the rules (laws) of our society. I guess you don't understand the difference. Maybe you're a little schizotypal, I dunno.
Because in this adminitration if you are a dead beat you get rewarded. More help for people who are behind or under water on their mortgage.

People like us who pay our mortgage on time and never been late gets no help of course.
How is allowing people to refinance their mortgages a bad thing, exactly?

It's not a bad thing... the problem is we have in some instances, people who simply cannot afford to own a home... in other instances perhaps they cannot afford a home dues to other circumstances.

I think when the Government gets involved in these issues, well, we see what happens when the government gets involved.... we end up with people who simply cannot afford to own a home, owning a home the simply cannot afford.

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