I recall one of you stated that this investigation into Trump was going to backfire


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
Not a chance. Trump is dirty and Mueller has the goods. As long as the Grand Jury goes along Trump is fucked. They hold the noose not Mueller and his team.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.

Lemme guess. You believe that the Mueller team is corrupt and that Trump has been honest with the American people.

That's it?
So far, the only one colluding with the Russians was team Hillary who bought the fake dossier and sold 20% of our uranium to Russia for $150,000,000
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.

Lemme guess. You believe that the Mueller team is corrupt and that Trump has been honest with the American people.

That's it?

Why do you put words in my mouth?

The investigation into Trump began even before he took office. This included a massive direction by Obama to target Russia and get to the bottom of things before the transition. We are now seeing a particular agent being exposed and conveniently in the middle of anything Clinton (for which she always received a pass), while at the same time he is on the team trying to take down Trump.

This simply cannot end well, it is far too tarnished. I would expect there to be a discussion about replacing Mueller and his team with a more balanced and less controversial team of agents. This never passed the smell test to me from the beginning and it hasn't smelled like roses since. If there is impropriety, focus on it and go forward as one legally should, if this is purely political, this needs to end or find a different path.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.

Lemme guess. You believe that the Mueller team is corrupt and that Trump has been honest with the American people.

That's it?

Why do you put words in my mouth?

The investigation into Trump began even before he took office. This included a massive direction by Obama to target Russia and get to the bottom of things before the transition. We are now seeing a particular agent being exposed and conveniently in the middle of anything Clinton (for which she always received a pass), while at the same time he is on the team trying to take down Trump.

This simply cannot end well, it is far too tarnished. I would expect there to be a discussion about replacing Mueller and his team with a more balanced and less controversial team of agents. This never passed the smell test to me from the beginning and it hasn't smelled like roses since. If there is impropriety, focus on it and go forward as one legally should, if this is purely political, this needs to end or find a different path.
The Republican special prosecutor is playing politics? Care to take another stab at that one?
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.

Lemme guess. You believe that the Mueller team is corrupt and that Trump has been honest with the American people.

That's it?

Why do you put words in my mouth?

The investigation into Trump began even before he took office. This included a massive direction by Obama to target Russia and get to the bottom of things before the transition. We are now seeing a particular agent being exposed and conveniently in the middle of anything Clinton (for which she always received a pass), while at the same time he is on the team trying to take down Trump.

This simply cannot end well, it is far too tarnished. I would expect there to be a discussion about replacing Mueller and his team with a more balanced and less controversial team of agents. This never passed the smell test to me from the beginning and it hasn't smelled like roses since. If there is impropriety, focus on it and go forward as one legally should, if this is purely political, this needs to end or find a different path.
The Republican special prosecutor is playing politics? Care to take another stab at that one?

First, Trump is not a Republican in the traditional sense, he is an outsider.

Second, Mueller is good friends with Comey

Third, this isn't specifically about Mueller, this is about his broad team of lawyer, for which, the vast majority were Hillary supporters. There is no balance on this team, and objectivity might not even be remotely possible with this current group.

God Bless America!
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
Not a chance. Trump is dirty and Mueller has the goods. As long as the Grand Jury goes along Trump is fucked. They hold the noose not Mueller and his team.

lol..........in todays REALCLEARPOLITICS..........and from the Washington Post of all places..............


after a year of being suckered 4 billion times on Kushner, Flynn, Clapper, Comey, Manifort, the unicorn chasers are still out there!:up:


Who's not winning??!!:bye1::bye1:

Oh.............and will be even funnier when this bozo Mueller gets fired!!:spinner:
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
It hasn't run like a well-oiled machine, and it's good when bad apples can be found and flicked away, but none of that means that they're not finding things that will hurt Trump.

Even if the collusion story fades away - and that would be my guess - there's still the matters of obstruction, finances, family involvement, etc. We just don't know.

A little early to spike the football.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
Not a chance. Trump is dirty and Mueller has the goods. As long as the Grand Jury goes along Trump is fucked. They hold the noose not Mueller and his team.

lol..........in todays REALCLEARPOLITICS..........and from the Washington Post of all places..............


after a year of being suckered 4 billion times on Kushner, Flynn, Clapper, Comey, Manifort, the unicorn chasers are still out there!:up:


Who's not winning??!!:bye1::bye1:

Oh.............and will be even funnier when this bozo Mueller gets fired!!:spinner:
The faith of a child, which makes perfect sense since Trump voters are children. Some of us adults have been down this road before and the car is moving much faster this time, dragging Trump and his criminal administration behind it on a chain.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
It hasn't run like a well-oiled machine, and it's good when bad apples can be found and flicked away, but none of that means that they're not finding things that will hurt Trump.

Even if the collusion story fades away - and that would be my guess - there's still the matters of obstruction, finances, family involvement, etc. We just don't know.

A little early to spike the football.

This entire investigation was about collusion with the Russians because apparently this won him the election over the over qualified and unbeatable Hillary Clinton. He is a sitting president who won a democratically run election, this cannot be a perpetual investigation which would only serve to undermine his authority.

People don't like it, and most will never get over this loss, but he won on policies and fighting the progressive/socialist agenda. He is the president. Make the case or shut down the investigation.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
It hasn't run like a well-oiled machine, and it's good when bad apples can be found and flicked away, but none of that means that they're not finding things that will hurt Trump.

Even if the collusion story fades away - and that would be my guess - there's still the matters of obstruction, finances, family involvement, etc. We just don't know.

A little early to spike the football.

This entire investigation was about collusion with the Russians because apparently this won him the election over the over qualified and unbeatable Hillary Clinton. He is a sitting president who won a democratically run election, this cannot be a perpetual investigation which would only serve to undermine his authority.

People don't like it, and most will never get over this loss, but he won on policies and fighting the progressive/socialist agenda. He is the president. Make the case or shut down the investigation.
The political motivations behind this - and there is no one here more cynical about that than me - are irrelevant now. Plus it's an open investigation, so it can go anywhere freely.

I'm just saying we have no idea what they have, or what they could still find. And, depending on what they find, it doesn't necessarily have to involve Trump directly to hurt him.

Yeah, I'd like to see this wrap up, either up or down. But I don't think we're near the light at the end of the tunnel.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
Not a chance. Trump is dirty and Mueller has the goods. As long as the Grand Jury goes along Trump is fucked. They hold the noose not Mueller and his team.

Trump is dirty?

Seems that after months and months of hunting witches no evidence has come to light.

If you have such evidence you should contact Mueller. Just think of what a star you will become.
You could knock Kaepernick off the cover of Time.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
It hasn't run like a well-oiled machine, and it's good when bad apples can be found and flicked away, but none of that means that they're not finding things that will hurt Trump.

Even if the collusion story fades away - and that would be my guess - there's still the matters of obstruction, finances, family involvement, etc. We just don't know.

A little early to spike the football.

This entire investigation was about collusion with the Russians because apparently this won him the election over the over qualified and unbeatable Hillary Clinton. He is a sitting president who won a democratically run election, this cannot be a perpetual investigation which would only serve to undermine his authority.

People don't like it, and most will never get over this loss, but he won on policies and fighting the progressive/socialist agenda. He is the president. Make the case or shut down the investigation.

How long do you think an investigation should last? Ken Starr went for more than 4 years.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.

I agree with your post, and I believe the Mueller Investigation is a complete Witch Hunt organized by the Butt-Hurt Liberals, that is: The Clinton Crime Family and the Obama Deep State.

One thing only is troubling. The National Media will barely touch the story.

To really clean out the Cancer in our Government...a product of Obama first corrupting the Justice Department through Eric Holder, then Loretta Lynch...which left him free to corrupt every other branch of Government (See IRS for clearest example)...corrupt even the Military to some extent, and certainly the spy agencies...to really clean up this very dangerous infection in the body politic---the Media needs to pound it every day, as they did Watergate...and it is just not going to happen with the New York Media--which is a part of the whole corrupt Scam...literally the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

They have already moved on to cussing Trump for moving the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem....hoping the story of the destruction of integrity in the FBI will just go away.

It seems to me, it is headed for a Constitutional crisis. What a grave disappointment Jeff Sessions is.

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I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.
Not a chance. Trump is dirty and Mueller has the goods. As long as the Grand Jury goes along Trump is fucked. They hold the noose not Mueller and his team.

Welcome. We don't have enough very young children on this board.
I'm not sure who it was, but I do recall at the time thinking to myself "that's some serious faith and/or delusion", considering the situation was purely a one sided onslaught against an ever defiant President Trump.

With the recent revelations of Muellers legal team, which from the outset hardly seemed objective, coupled with the broader investigations by right wing media, politicians and the Justice Department, this Special Counsel could end up being the worst thing to ever happen to those against Trumps agenda.

I agree with your post, and I believe the Mueller Investigation is a complete Witch Hunt organized by the Butt-Hurt Liberals, that is: The Clinton Crime Family and the Obama Deep State.

One thing only is troubling. The National Media will barely touch the story.

To really clean out the Cancer in our Government...a product of Obama first corrupting the Justice Department through Eric Holder, then Loretta Lynch...which left him free to corrupt every other branch of Government (See IRS for clearest example)...corrupt even the Military to some extent, and certainly the spy agencies...to really clean up this very dangerous infection in the body politic---the Media needs to pound it every day, as they did Watergate...and it is just not going to happen with the New York Media--which is a part of the whole corrupt Scam...literally the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

They have already moved on to cussing Trump for moving the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem....hoping the story of the destruction of integrity in the FBI will just go away.

It seems to me, it is headed for a Constitutional crisis. What a grave disappointment Jeff Sessions is.


Is there a single source, other than fox or the usual right wing radio cheering sections, that agree with you?

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