I never thought I would say this - but man I love this guy!


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Representative Jim Jordon COME ON DOWN!
Wow! Glad to see you can see that he is in fact trying. You see so many that are such rabid Trump supporters that they don't even stop to think. Then you see the exact opposite. The main thing that I am seeing with the rabid never Trump is that they are becoming more and more irrational.

Very well reasoned and adult post. Thank you.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Waiting tables at the reservation?
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Waiting tables at the reservation?

God you guys are stupid.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.
This is sarcasm, right?

I never thought I would say this - but man I love this guy!

I don't think this surprises a single person.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Oh please was Warren on her reservation?
Pruitt was great, he got his wife a job using his connections, yeah he's the only one in Washington to have done that.
and you are poorly educated, you like socialism......it doesn't get any dumber.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

Waiting tables at the reservation?

God you guys are stupid.

As long as we're not as stupid as you guys, I'm good with it.
He brought the swamp to Washington including himself
Well we just came off of the most corrupt administration in U.S. history (the MaObama Administration), so the "swamp" was clearly there long before President Trump arrived.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

Wrong, Warren was waiting tables at the age of 13 while he in a private school.

He brought the swamp to Washington including himself, I see Pruitt just resigned, but he only hires the best.

You like him because you are like him, a disgusting fool, but he likes the "poorly educated".

PS: trump inherited his start in life and swindled many out of money.

I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

I for one will vouch for Patriot, I had to talk to him in a thread after Trump was elected, he really was worried. I was in the same boat, I wanted Carson, but he dropped out right around the TN primary, so I voted for Cruz. But I couldn't believe Trump was winning so I watched his rallies on youtube and was amazed at how good they were and his passion and his command. The guys has loads of charisma. But he had great ideas, not tons of specifics, but I was reassured after watching him. And he was very honest about the process, and he attacked the media and democrats (establishment republicans do not do that) and he called people out (another thing establishment doenst do) and he had the mentality of a middle class guy, not a billionaire. And all I can say, is he is the best vote I have ever cast and there is no close second (I was too young to vote for the legend, Ronnie Reagan)
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
I was the ultimate conservative "never Trump". And I still keep waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep expecting him to be like MaObama and shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate ALL power to the Oval Office, and use the White House for his own personal agenda.

Instead, President Trump has been the quintessential constitutional president. He has rejected power to the Oval Office and restored it to the states where it belongs. He has cut taxes to allow people to keep the money they earned (which in turn has increased incomes, decreased unemployment, and allowed businesses to invest and expand). He has put the American people first - above party, politics, his personal agenda, and other nations. And, as a bonus, he's not afraid to tell it like it is.

They can't deal with him. Establishment Republicans hate him more that the Liberals because he's exposed them as quislings, cowards and traitors
Donald Trump can go fuck himself
Nah, he's fucking Melania and porn stars........it's great to be DJT.
It's nice to see you pseudocons reject everything that used to be holy to the Right.

I hope Melania has taken an AIDS test.
I'm sure she has, and no, we just love to rub it in, because it irks the left so much. Watching them suffer and complain and get violent is hilarious. Like Dennis Green said, they are who we thought they were, their mask is off. As for Trump's personal conduct, I think it's horrible, if true, and I'd much rather have a righteous man, but God works in mysterious ways and often uses really imperfect people to do his bidding.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
Well, you must've not seen him right after the election.....he really was worried.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
Well, you must've not seen him right after the election.....he really was worried.
Yeah, George Micheal used to dance and sing to pretty girls, too. He was only lying to himself about what was obvious to everyone else.
I for one will vouch for Patriot, I had to talk to him in a thread after Trump was elected, he really was worried.
True story! With one small correction. It wasn't after he was elected - it was after he won the Republican Party nomination. I was absolutely disgusted. I was certain that we were getting MaObama II.

To Buckeyes credit - everything he told me about Trump has come to fruition. He said Trump would act like a conservative. I found that absolutely impossible to believe. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Now, would it shock me if he ended his time in office exponentially more liberal (like George W. Bush or worse)? Nope. But so far, President Trump has been a true conservative and he has had the most successful first year and a half of any president in the modern era.
P@triot announcing his love for Trump is about as surprising as George Micheal outing himself after being caught giving blowjobs in a public park.
Well, you must've not seen him right after the election.....he really was worried.
Yeah, George Micheal used to dance and sing to pretty girls, too. He was only lying to himself about what was obvious to everyone else.
Well some people trusted the national media and the establishment republicans and didn't know what the deal with Trump was. I went from ignoring him to dismissing him to being a huge fan. I finally had a President to tell people to fuck off and call out people like Liz Warren for being a phoney.

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