I need a little help a bit confused, do the liberals like Comey now?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Was just watching MSNBC..You need a score card on how the left flip flops on Comey...

First they loved him for saying the investigation on Hillary was over..

Then they hated him for saying Hillary was still under criminal investigation..

Then they loved him for saying Hillary didn't do any criminal "intent "

Now do they still love him for investigating Trumps campaign?

Just curious..
Don't worry, when he concludes there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump, they'll be rioting again.
The op's source of confusion is actually that the left expects honesty and integrity. Why don't RWNJs expect the same? bear513 - that's not what he said. theHawk - too late. Deal with it. Or, wth, keep on lying to yourself.

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How could anybody trust this Comey pathetic creature, baffles the mind.:mad-61:

The op's source of confusion is actually that the left expects honesty and integrity. Why don't RWNJs expect the same? bear513 - that's not what he said. theHawk - too late. Deal with it. Or, wth, keep on lying to yourself.

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Why would you stalinists expect what you are incapable of?

Show me ANY leftist with so much as shred of integrity?

I have yet to meet one.
How could can anybody trust this Comey pathetic creature, baffles the mind.:mad-61:

Agree I have a $100 bucks riding on he will say the Trump administration had no "intent" of conclusion with Russia.

And another thing it took me awhile to realise why the left hates Russia now when they were so aghast When Reagan called them the evil empire...

In 1984 Russia was so communist and anti freedom which the left loves..

Today Russia moved towards capitalism and freedom which the left hates.

So obvious..

Don't worry, when he concludes there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump, they'll be rioting again.
The op's source of confusion is actually that the left expects honesty and integrity. Why don't RWNJs expect the same? bear513 - that's not what he said. theHawk - too late. Deal with it. Or, wth, keep on lying to yourself.

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Trump is already cleared. Obama abused FISA wiretaps and his cronies illegally unmasked Trump staff in order to discredit Trump.
Don't worry, when he concludes there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump, they'll be rioting again.
The op's source of confusion is actually that the left expects honesty and integrity. Why don't RWNJs expect the same? bear513 - that's not what he said. theHawk - too late. Deal with it. Or, wth, keep on lying to yourself.

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Trump is already cleared. Obama abused FISA wiretaps and his cronies illegally unmasked Trump staff in order to discredit Trump.

That's another thing MSNBC and the left wants us to think no way in hell a wire tap could take place, while words scroll down below them saying breaking news "beware of your cell phones and smart televisions people could be listening to you"

My head spins the way the left tries to down play this.....

Like do you think anyone would believe the government telling us they were not spying?

Hell Obama and company sicked the I.R.S. on his political foes and refused to indict Louis...

Weren't they just bitching about him last week?

I guess they love him again.

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