I Love those Republicans...

Just 0.7 miles long, Crow Creek Road isn't a road to nowhere. It runs straight to the Double Musky Inn, a Cajun bistro owned by a Bob Persons, a close friend of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

It cost taxpayers $2.7 million to widen and pave that road, and Alaska had higher priorities. But an Associated Press examination of government e-mails and interviews with state transportation officials found that Stevens moved the project to the front of the line.
Obama "may" have received a sweetheart deal for his home loan, but at least he didn't screw taxpayers out of almost $3 mil. You guys are screaming about his little home loan, why not cry about taxpayers getting screwed? What is that saying? "Me thinks you doth protest too much?" lol
I grew up in a small mining town (no more mines though) in a Republican family, 5th or 6th generation military/veterans all the way back to the Revolutionary war (Jacob Bates-MA). I had to go to church/sunday school until I was 18, like and use guns, so I am not the GOP stereotype of a "Liberal Democrat". But I could see pretty early in my life that the GOP differed from my views in life. But to your question...

Well, I am in the Army Signal Corps, and suprisingly...half of my platoon is either Democratic or they call themselves Independent. What is more suprising is that while the Army has a high percentage of black guys, who usually vote Democratic, my platoon only has 3 black guys, the majority is white, so this is a big deal, saying half are non-GOP. We have one hard-core McCain guy, but I feel it is only because he hates Obama so much (no reason given). He is a total redneck a-hole; thinks women should be "bar-foot n' in tha kitchun", makes rude ethnic jokes (macaca, anyone?)

We have one guy from Kentucky, a real backwoods Republican, nice guy, but he is resigned to the fact that the GOP messed up the country and just keeps quiet when others talk politics, as if he is embarassed. Another guy from San Diego still says he is Republican but is totally for Obama, doesn't like McCain and he is the most vocal about how negative McCain has been, he doesn't like it.

Yes, we have many hardcore Republicans in the Army, here is a little breakdown, as I see it: Almost every white officer is the usual white, protestant, conservative. They don't care so much about politics as they do their religion. The seem to have had it drilled into their heads that "democrats=satan". These guys are always gettign in trouble because they are trying to get junior members of the Army to go to their church, read the bible, etc. One Captain gave me a list of "required reading" at a professional training session, and the number one book was the bible. One time, at the MWR tent, a bunch of soldiers who liked to say they were pagan/wiccan/alternative wanted to have a meeting in the mess hall, like the christians do, and it was approved. However, this one Major couldn't accept it, so he went there and yelled at them, tried taking names, wanted to revoke their security clearances. Such is Army life.

All the black guys seem to be Democrats, although they really don't get into politics too much, they just know they aren't Republicans. The Hispanics seem to be Republican (probably due to their upbringing/catholic church, etc). Most of the usual Joes like me (Joe the Soldier?), white middle-class soldiers are usually mixed, just like in the states. You can throw out that GOP nonsense about the Military being all Conservative. It is all mixed, like any slice of america is.

About Bush...I will admit I never like the guy and was physically sick on election night because I knew he would win and didn't want to think of what he would do to our once proud nation. I knew right off he was a con-man and a crook and would surround himself with neo-con-men and right wingers, and I was right.

If there are any soldiers who admire him or respect him as a man/leader, I don't know any. If there is anything a (thinking) soldier hates, it is to be sent to a crap-hole of a country like Iraq and see your buddies get killed, all for false reasons (lies). Don't get me wrong, I am all for going into Afghanistan, Iran and even Pakistan. I am no war-monger like George, Inc., but I know where we need to go and what needs to be done. Iraq? Please. He totally used the military for his own selfish reasons and killed over 4000 soldiers. I hold Bush personally responsible for all the deaths in Iraq, as HE sent us there when we didn't have to go.

What would happen to a prankster who called the cops, sent them to the wrong place and they ended up getting killed? HE would be sentenced and jailed.

Thank you for the glimpse into your life and your job in Iraq... As far as I am concerned, this is one of the most important posts I have ever read, and I appreciate your candor.

Keep your head up and your profile low brother. I absolutely hate the fact that you have to be there, but I so appreciate the job you guys are doing, especially given the almost no-win mission and circumstances. Please keep us informed of what is really happening on your end, as time allows.

Thanks again for your service. I am proud to be your countryman.


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